Maryland Port Administration (MPA) Sustainability Report

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July 8, 2024

Dear Subscriber,


The Maryland Port Administration (MPA) has produced its first annual Sustainability Report, which summarizes the sustainability programs, projects, and initiatives that MPA implemented in 2023.  The report organizes MPA’s efforts into six focus areas: Economic Vitality, Infrastructure, Health, Safety and Security, Environmental Stewardship, Climate and Energy, and Community Building.  These six focus areas will serve as the pillars of a long-term sustainability strategy that is currently in development.

The sustainability strategy will support MPA’s mission to increase waterborne commerce through Maryland’s ports while ensuring the responsible stewardship of the state’s natural resources.  It operates under the fundamental principle that stewardship, environmental and economic sustainability, and the protection of employees and public health are essential components of our mission.

The report can be viewed here.  We’re happy to share our progress with you and look forward to future opportunities to support Maryland’s people and communities.