Wednesday, March 12, 2025
On Friday, the County Executive will present the Fiscal Year 2026 Operating Budget to the County Council and the public. In addition to the operating budget, I am focusing my attention on a number of major capital projects in and around District 2. You can read more about the projects below.
The Council will deliberate the budget during its individual committee sessions. As a member of the Transportation and Environment committee and the Economic Development committee, I will directly review budgets related to those topics. My staff will monitor conversations in other committees about all other topics, and provide me with all the necessary information I need to head into full Council deliberations.
As I have done in prior years, I will keep the community updated on our conversations through my newsletter. I also encourage you to reach out to me directly should you have any questions about any part of the budget.
In response to recent happenings at the federal government, the Montgomery County Council will be hosting a series of virtual information sessions to support the federal workforce and community members impacted by the ongoing challenges we are facing. This series will highlight a range of topics, featuring subject matter experts who can provide insight and assistance in navigating challenges and accessing supports.
We have hosted two sessions to date, with our third session scheduled for Wednesday, March 19th. If you would like to watch recordings of our previous sessions, want to learn more about the sessions, or submit questions for us to address, please visit the Montgomery County Council website and search "United in Service and Support."
 You may anonymously submit a question to the Council. The form asks that community members provide their questions in writing and select a category that best fits the question. Click the image above to be directed to the form.
I was absolutely delighted to join the Children's Opportunity Alliance (COA) for Read Across America last week! I spent my morning reading to daycare students at Kenia's Family Childcare, a nursery in Clarksburg where students receive care in a home-based environment. It is so important to read to our youngest learners and to foster a love of literacy early.
Thank you to the COA for putting together Read Across America events all over the county, and thank you Kenia Reinoso for welcoming me to your wonderful childcare facility!
 Councilmember Balcombe and Kenia Reinoso with students at Kenia's Family Childcare in Clarksburg.
Much to my disappointment, the Planning Board has voted to remove the unbuilt section of Midcounty Highway from the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways. Despite an outpouring of support from community members for an extension of the roadway (M-83), the Planning Board decided that the project was inconsistent with Thrive Montgomery 2050 and the Climate Action Plan. The Planning Board will however, be conducting a comprehensive study of travel needs along the Clarksburg to Germantown corridor to determine if there is sufficient master-planned transportation capacity to accommodate planning development in Clarksburg.
If you would like to watch the Planning Board's work sessions about M-83, please visit the links below that will direct you to the Planning Board's website.
The County Council will receive the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways later this spring, and will make a final decision on the master plan by the summer. I have made it clear that as a longstanding advocate for M-83, I believe that removing it from the plan will be detrimental to the needs of the entire Upcounty.
If you have any questions, please reach out to my office. Thank you to all the residents who made their voice heard about this important project.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development (ECON) committee met on March 6th for a follow up conversations on the Incubators NDA from the FY25 budget. We met again on March 10th to discuss Montgomery County's quarterly economic indicators and the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) strategic plan. We also held a follow up conversation about MCEDC's FY25 budget and the Economic Development Fund's FY25 budget.
As always, you can find our committee staff packets on the Council website and can watch our sessions on demand on the Council YouTube channel.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment (TE) committee has began looking at the FY26 capital budget. During our March 3rd work session, we discussed mass transit, roads, bridges, and rehabilitation and resurfacing of our rustic roads. You can review our staff packet on the Council website and can watch a recording of our session on the Council YouTube channel.
Council Legislation
The County Council took action on multiple pieces of legislation during our last two Council sessions. On Tuesday, March 4th, we overrode the County Executive's veto on Expedited Bill 22-24, Taxation - Collection of Development Impact Taxes. On behalf of the County Executive, Council President Stewart introduced two housing related bills: Expedited Bill 7-25, Common Ownership Communities - Registration Fees and Expedited Bill 8-25, Landlord-Tenant Relations - Fees.
Our March 11th work session was largely focused on public hearings. We heard from the community on zoning text amendments (ZTAs) that were introduced as a part of the More Housing NOW legislative package. We also heard from the public about various supplemental appropriation requests. Thank you to everyone who came out to testify. If you are interested in signing up to testify at upcoming public hearings, please review the section below.
Upcoming Public Hearings
To testify at a Council public hearing or to submit written, audio, or video testimony, please visit the Council website or call 240-777-7803. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 1:30PM public hearing is 2PM the day prior. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 7PM public hearing is 5PM the day prior.
March 18, 2025
March 25, 2025
The following County Council appointed boards, committees, and commissions are seeking applicants:
The following County boards, committees, and commissions are seeking applicants:
 If you're behind on your water bill, WSSC has options. Visit wsscwater.com/getcurrent, or click the flyer above to see if you qualify for the Get Current program.
- The Montgomery County Charter Review Commission is soliciting public comments on what matters the Commission should consider for possible revisions to the County’s Charter. To learn more, visit the Council's press release website. Comments can be submitted via email to charterreview.commission@montgomerycountymd.gov.
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will offer low-cost adult bike classes in April, May and June. The classes will include nine Learn to Ride and one Basic Skills class. MCDOT also will offer four free, walk-up e-scooter classes following select bike classes. Online registration for April classes is now open on the WABA website under the Classes tab.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.