Wednesday, February 12, 2025
There is a dire need in Montgomery County for more housing that is accessible to all members of our community. While there is no one size fits all solution to the housing crisis, I am looking forward to being a part of one possible solution - the More Housing N.O.W. (New Options for Workers) housing package. This housing proposal helps build more homes that are affordable to the middle class, expands pathways to home ownership, and incentivizes conversion of vacant office space to housing.
The package was introduced on last Tuesday, and you can read about the specific legislation and zoning text amendments it includes in the Council Legislation section of the newsletter below. A public hearing on this package will be held on March 11th.
More Housing N.O.W. has five prongs:
Building More Workforce Housing
- Workforce Housing ZTA: Allow more residential building types along corridors with a workforce housing requirement.
- Workforce Housing Opportunity Fund: New countywide fund to incentivize the construction of workforce units.
Converting Highly Vacant Office to Housing
- Office to Housing ZTA: Create an expedited approval process for projects that convert high-vacancy commercial properties to residential use.
- Office to Housing PILOT Bill: Establish a payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for conversion of high-vacancy commercial properties to residential use.
Pathways to Homeownership
- Budget: Double the County’s investment in the Homeowner Assistance Program from $4 million to $8 million in the FY26 Housing Initiative Fund (HIF)
 Councilmembers Stewart, Luedtke, Balcombe, Fani-González, and Friedson at a press conference announcing the More Housing N.O.W housing policy package.
There are several important community meetings coming up, so mark your calendar!
Germantown Town Center Visioning Session
DATE CHANGE: Wednesday, February 19th from 6-8PM at the BlackRock Center for the Arts (12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown, MD 20874)
Hosted by the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC), this community meeting is a chance for Germantown residents to help craft the vision, mission, and core values that will guide us into the future of the Germantown Town Center. Constituent voices are critical throughout this process, and I encourage you to attend.
Clarksburg Library Community Meeting
Thursday, February 13th from 6:30-8PM at Rocky Hill Middle School (22401 Brick Haven Way, Clarksburg, MD 20871)
- Hosted by the Department of General Services (DGS), this meeting is an opportunity for the community to share their feedback with the agency and review the current library design. DGS wants to hear from you about what you would like to see in the new library.
Breakfast with Balcombe, Darnestown and North Potomac
Friday, February 21st from 9-11AM at Bageltowne Deli (9749 Traville Gateway Drive, Rockville, MD 20850)
- Join me for an informal community meet and greet! I will be at Bageltowne Deli between 9AM and 11AM and welcome you to stop by any time to chat in a casual group setting. Registration is not required, but I encourage you to reply to this email to let me know if you will be attending.
On Tuesday, February 4th, the County Council commemorated Black History Month with a proclamation presentation and luncheon. We were joined by local labor leaders to celebrate this year's theme, "African Americans and Labor." African Americans have contributed heavily to the progression of the labor movement in the United States in the past, present, and future. Leaders in our local labor unions reinforce the contributions of African Americans in building the foundations of our nation.
In celebration of Black History Month, the County Council's award winning video team put together the video segment below highlighting Montgomery County residents and their incredible work. Click the photo below to watch the video. You can also visit the Council YouTube channel to watch a full recording of our Council commemoration, including the proclamation presentation.
Happy Black History Month!
 A screenshot of a video by the Montgomery County Council, entitled "Black History Month: African Americans and Labor."
In recent weeks, I've heard from many constituents about the high utility bills they've received. According to Pepco, colder than average temperatures and changes in rates and the cost of electricity have led to fluctuations in recent electric bills. Additionally, there have been cost adjustments implemented in January 2025 that have led to changing rates. To assist customers who are unable to afford their new, higher bills, Pepco is not charging late payment fees for January and February, is suspending disconnections for nonpayment in February, and waiving deposits for disconnected customers seeking to restore service.
If you need support with bill payment options, financial assistance, or energy savings, visit Pepco's new bill support website. You may also call 202-833-7500 to reach the Customer Care team.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you may have. I will continue to closely monitor this situation and communicate with utility companies on behalf of the community.
Joint TE and ECON Committee
The Transportation and Environment and Economic Development committees met together on Monday, February 10th to receive an update on construction of the Purple Line and its impact on local businesses. We have heard from businesses across the County that construction projects have a detrimental effect on their stability, and the businesses in the vicinity of Purple Line construction are no exception. While we move vital transportation projects forward, we must also be sure to provide support to our local, small businesses.
You can watch a recording of our discussion on the County Council YouTube channel and can review our staff packet on the County Council website.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development (ECON) committee will meet next Thursday, February 20th to begin work on the FY26 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program. We discussed the White Oak Science Gateway Redevelopment Project and Life Sciences and Technology Centers. We also received an update about Alcohol and Beverage Services (ABS).
You can watch a recording of our discussion on the County Council YouTube channel and can review our staff packet on the County Council website.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment (TE) committee met on Monday, February 10th to discuss a Department of Transportation amendment to the FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program. We also received an update on the Purple Line construction project.
You can watch a recording of our discussion on the County Council YouTube channel and can review our staff packet on the County Council website.
Council Legislation
Yesterday, the Council passed Bill 24-24, Taxation - Paper Carryout Bags and Prohibition on Plastic Carryout Bags ("Bring Your Own Bag"), which prohibits plastic carryout bags provided by a retail establishment, with certain exceptions. I received hundreds of emails about this legislation, and I encourage you to review the staff packet to learn more about the discussions we held before passing this bill.
The Council introduced a number of bills and zoning text amendments (ZTAs) during our sessions on February 4th and February 11th. Learn about them below:
Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 25-01, Self-Storage - Civic and Institutional (Street Activation and Vacancy Elimination (S.A.V.E.))
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Stewart, Fani-González, Friedson, Mink, Jawando, Sayles, and Katz
- This ZTA would allow Self-Storage above the ground floor in the CR zone with a Charitable, Philanthropic Institution or a Cultural Institution on the ground floor.
- Public hearings are scheduled for March 11th at 1:30PM and 7PM
*Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 25-02, Workforce Housing - Development Standards*
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Friedson, Fani-González, Luedtke, Stewart, Balcombe, and Sayles
- This ZTA will allow additional residential building types in the R-40, R-60, R-90, and R-200 zones along certain corridors with a minimum percentage of workforce housing units.
- Public hearings are scheduled for March 11th at 1:30PM and 7PM
*Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 25-03, Expedited Approvals - Commercial to Residential Reconstruction*
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Friedson, Fani-González, Luedtke, Stewart, Balcombe, and Sayles
- This ZTA will create a Commercial to Residential Reconstruction use, provide an expedited approval process for that use, and allow relocation of FAR in certain employment zones.
- Public hearings are scheduled for March 11th at 1:30PM and 7PM
*Subdivision Regulation Amendment (SRA) 25-01, Administrative Subdivision - Expedited Approval Plan*
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Friedson, Fani-González, Luedtke, Stewart, Balcombe, and Sayles
- This SRA will create an administrative subdivision process for a Commercial to Residential Reconstruction expedited approval plan.
- Public hearings are scheduled for March 11th at 1:30PM and 7PM
*Expedited Bill 2-25, Taxation - Payments in Lieu of Taxes - Affordable Housing Amendments*
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Friedson, Fani-González, Luedtke, Stewart, Balcombe, and Sayles
- This bill would require the Director of Finance to offer a payment in lieu of taxes for a residential development resulting from the conversion of a property that was designated for commercial use but had at least a 50% vacancy rate at the time of the development application.
- Public hearings are scheduled for March 11th at 1:30PM and 7PM
Bill 3-25, Homeowners' Tax Credit - County Supplement - Amendments
- Sponsors: Government Operations and Fiscal Policy committee
- This bill would alter eligibility requirements to receive the County's supplement to the Homeowners' Tax Credit and alter the amounts of the County's supplement to the Homeowners' Tax Credit.
- Public hearing is scheduled for March 4th at 1:30PM
Bill 4-25, Administration - Surveillance Technology - Acquisition and use by the County
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Mink, Stewart, Balcombe, and Luedtke
- This bill would require the submission of impact reports, and the adoption of regulations, prior to the acquisition, funding, or use by the County of certain surveillance technology. It would also limit the acquisition and use of facial recognition technology by the County consistent with state law and require annual reports and public hearings regarding surveillance technology.
- Public hearing is scheduled for March 18th at 1:30PM
Bill 5-25, Demolition Tax for Affordable Housing Production
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Mink and Jawando
- This bill would establish an excise tax on certain demolitions and renovations of single-family homes and specify the uses of tax revenues for affordable housing initiatives.
- Public hearing is scheduled for March 18th at 1:30PM
Bill 6-25, Consumer Protection - Defective Tenancies as Deceptive Trade Practices
- Sponsors: Councilmembers Mink, Stewart, Jawando, and Luedtke
- This bill would expand the Office of Consumer Protection's authority to investigate and enforce consumer protection laws in landlord-tenant matters that may include unfair or deceptive trade practices.
- Public hearing is scheduled for March 4th at 1:30PM
*: Denotates items from the More Housing N.O.W. housing package.
Upcoming Public Hearings
To testify at a Council public hearing or to submit written, audio, or video testimony, please visit the Council website or call 240-777-7803. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 1:30PM public hearing is 2PM the day prior. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 7PM public hearing is 5PM the day prior.
February 25, 2025
February 26, 2025
The following County Council appointed boards, committees, and commissions are seeking applicants:
The following County boards, committees, and commissions are seeking applicants:
Tonight at 7:30PM, Senators Chris Van Hollen and Angela Alsobrooks are hosting a Telephone Town Hall to answer your questions and provide an update on the Senators’ efforts to fight back and protect our federal employees – both in Congress and in the courts. While the deadline to sign up to dial into the call has passed, you can join a livestream of the town hall by clicking here.
- Have you been concerned about the information your homeowner's association has collected about you and your family? Consider signing up to share your experience by testifying about Bill HB755 (Common Ownership Communities - Recreational Common Areas - Sensitive Information as Condition for Access) in the Maryland General Assembly.
- The Nepal Education and Cultural Center (NECC) will be hosting a community meet and greet on Saturday, March 1st at 11AM. I will be at the NECC to chat with community members and I encourage you to attend. More information below!
- When: Saturday, March 1st at 11AM
- Where: Nepal Education and Cultural Center (11650 Snowden Farm Parkway, Germantown, MD 20876)
- The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is asking area high school students to spread the message to put their phones away when on the road with the annual “Heads Up, Phones Down” contest. Students can win prizes worth up to $800 and earn up to five Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for their efforts.
- The Office of Grants Management (OGM) is transitioning from SM Apply to Euna Grants (formerly eCivis) as its grant application and award management platform. If you have applied for County grants in the past and are planning to do so in the future, please take a moment to complete two urgent action items.
- Download and archive all past applications from SM Apply at https://mcmdgrants.smapply.org/. Downloading an application will also download all awards, reports, and other information tied to that application. This task is urgent as the Montgomery County SM Apply page and data will no longer be accessible on Tuesday, February 25, 2025.
- Set up a new Euna Grants profile.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.