Montgomery County Maryland sent this bulletin at 01/16/2025 02:56 PM EST
Jan. 2025
A Message from the Director: Looking Forward to Year Ahead
Happy New Year! There’s a lot to be excited about at the Department of Permitting Services (DPS) this year from updating our codes to our Stakeholders Forum to unveiling new technologies and upgrading the permitting system. At the center of it all is our commitment to providing you with excellent customer service!
Over the past 12 months, DPS introduced a Customer Bill of Rights, a new Permitting Dashboard, GIS maps, the eSolar Program, expanded the increasingly popular DPS podcast to include video, and took big final steps to truly becoming a 100-percent paperless permitting operation by moving several key permits, including well and septic, online. The goal is to increase accountability and transparency while streamlining the permitting process to be more efficient for you.
Wishing you a happy, healthy, and successful New Year and hoping to see you at our Stakeholders Forum on Feb. 12 where you will get key DPS updates and where we want to hear all of your questions, feedback and suggestions. As partners your input is key, and we are listening!
Robbie Sabbakhan DPS Director
Stakeholders Forum: RSVP Today
Save the date! The 2025 DPS Stakeholders Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 12 from 9 a.m. to noon (doors open at 8:30 a.m.) at 2425 Reedie Drive (second floor auditorium) in Wheaton. The meeting will include breakout sessions, permitting updates, and key opportunities for stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback. The formal agenda will be posted on the DPS website soon. RSVP today as space is limited!
Guidance for Opening a Restaurant: 'Recipe for Success'
DPS Land Development Division Chief Linda Kobylski (left) and Customers Support and Outreach Division Chief Gail Lucas (right) recently taped a 15-minute podcast episode about the "Recipe for Success" guidance document and new Restaurant Interior Alteration webpage. Look for the Dept. of Permitting Services Podcast on your favorite podcast platform.
Have you heard? The DPS podcast episode, “Recipe for Success: Guidance for Opening a Restaurant,” is now available on your favorite podcast platform and to view on YouTube. This episode features Land Development Division Chief Linda Kobylski and Customer Support and Outreach Division Chief Gail Lucas in conversation about navigating the permitting process for opening a restaurant in Montgomery County. This 15-minute episode will help restaurant owners plan ahead and learn what to expect during the permitting process.
An updated “Recipe for Success” guidance document with links to key resources is posted on the DPS website. The guide promotes and supplements the Restaurant Interior Alteration webpage and online process guide that was launched last fall. The updated guidance document outlines seven steps to opening a restaurant in Montgomery County and includes a link to the Montgomery County Business Center and provides an overview of what to expect when it comes to permitting a restaurant. Both the brochure and webpage are intended to complement each other, and they are designed for customers who want to renovate an existing commercial space for a restaurant (or food service establishment) use. For more information, visit the DPS website or visit the DPS customer service lobby at 2425 Reedie Drive, 7th Floor, in Wheaton.
2021 Codes Adoption
The Montgomery County Council approved Executive Regulation 13-24 (adoption of the 2021 ICC International Building, Energy Conservation, Green Construction, Mechanical, Fuel Gas, Residential, Swimming Pool and Spa, and International Existing Building Codes) and Executive Regulation 14-24 Fire Safety Code (adoption of the 2021 NFPA 1 Fire Code, 2021 NFPA 101 Life Safety Code and other NFPA standards) on Dec. 10 of last year.
DPS is providing a grace period before mandating that applicants comply with the new codes. What that means is that applications must be submitted prior to Monday, March 31 to use previously adopted codes. Permitting applications submitted prior to March 31 will have the option to remain under the previously adopted 2018 Building Codes with local amendments and the 2015 edition of NFPA 1 and NFPA 101 with local amendments. On Monday, March 31, the new 2021 codes are mandatory at DPS.
These national model codes are published by the International Code Council (ICC) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and then are adopted by the State. Montgomery County then reviews, sometimes modifies, and then adopts these standards.
Building codes are a set of rules and regulations that specify the minimum standards to which buildings and other structures must conform to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, by ensuring the structural stability, fire safety, sustainability, energy efficiency, and other aspects of buildings and structures.
The DPS Staff Directory is posted on the DPS website if you have any questions for staff about the new codes. Also, you can call MC 311 or 240-777-0311 or stop by DPS offices for more information.
New Residential Inspections Manager
Meet DPS Residential Inspections Manager Dave Burch, who previously worked as a DPS field supervisor. In his new management role, Manager Burch works with a staff of 17 inspectors and two field supervisors. These DPS employees are responsible for residential inspections, including new homes, accessory structures, decks, swimming pools and more.
Patsy Warnick Named County Fire Marshal at DPS
DPS Director Rabbiah Sabbakhan has appointed Fire Code Compliance (FCC) Manager Patsy Warnick as the new County Fire Marshal at DPS. In her new dual role, she will oversee fire prevention efforts, fire safety codes and coordinate DPS emergency response efforts as she continues with her current FCC responsibilities.
New Septic System Policy Goes Into Effect
Beginning this month, all septic system tanks (installed or upgraded) must be retrofitted with a universal manhole safety screen.
“This new policy is designed to protect people and animals from injury in the event a manhole lid on a septic system becomes damaged or unsafe,” said DPS Well and Septic Manager Heidi Benham.
Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 Montgomery County water table testing season. The wet season will open when groundwater levels have reached appropriate levels. For more information, read Well and Septic Manager Heidi Benham’s memo addressing the 2025 Water Table Season.
Flood Maps and FEMA
FEMA has announced the appeal period (Jan. 17-April 17) for new preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs). Visit the DPS website for more information.
DPS Committee Meets Jan. 16
The DPS Advisory Committee meets virtually on Microsoft Teams at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 16. These meetings are open to the public. Visit the Committee’s webpage to view the meeting agenda and learn more about the Committee’s work.
DPS in the Community
DPS is partnering with the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service to provide monthly outreach about DPS programs and services at the Wheaton Community and Recreation Center.
Be sure and check the DPS calendar on the front page of the DPS website for details about upcoming DPS outreach events at this location and others.
If you want to schedule outreach at your organization’s next meeting or event, email DPS Community Outreach Manager Sonya Burke at or call 240.777.6272.
DPS Career Opportunities
The Department of Permitting Services is hiring a commercial building division chief, inspectors and more! Consider a rewarding career as a building code official.
Check out the County’s website for more information about current DPS job opportunities.
Holiday Closing Reminder
DPS offices will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The office will reopen at 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 21. Regular office hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday-Friday.
DPS is located on the 7th Floor at 2425 Reedie Drive in Wheaton. No appointment is necessary to get in-person assistance. For more information, visit the DPS website at or call MC 311 (240-777-0311).