Wednesday, October 23, 2024
On October 3rd, the Planning Board voted to consider removing the unbuilt northern and southern extensions of Midcounty Highway Extended (M-83), including the adjacent bikeway, from the Master Plan of Highways and Transitways (MPOHT). This Planning Board vote caught many people in Clarksburg community by surprise as the draft of the MPOHT left the roadway intact. You can read more about the issue on MPOHT’s 2024 technical update website.
To provide more time for comment, Planning staff is hosting a community meeting tonight from 6-8PM at Neelsville Middle School (11700 Neelsville Church Road, Germantown, MD 20876) to receive community feedback about whether to keep or remove these unbuilt sections of M-83 from the MPOHT. I encourage you to attend to share your thoughts. You can RSVP for the event here.
The Planning Board will also hold an MPOHT public hearing on November 14th at 6:30PM to receive additional formal testimony about the unbuilt sections of M-83. Community members can sign up to testify live at the hearing either in-person or online via Microsoft Teams. Written comments can also be shared with the Planning Board via email by noon on Thursday, November 28, 2024. Written comments must reference the hearing date, the item, and a mailing address. Please note that while it is important to share feedback at the community meeting, your formal testimony is necessary to included in the record.
For the last few weeks, the Planning, Housing, and Parks (PHP) committee has been combing through the 2024-2028 Growth and Infrastructure (GIP), which implements the provisions of the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. The Montgomery County Planning Board only approves new development after determining that the surrounding infrastructure can meet new and changing needs. Therefore, the GIP guides how the Planning Board makes that determination by setting standards for evaluating public infrastructure and the impact an individual development may have on it. To learn more about the Growth and Infrastructure Policy, visit the Planning Board's website. You can also reach out to me with any questions you may have.
The Planning Board transmitted the GIP to the Council on July 25, 2024 and the County Council has until November 15, 2024 to make a final decision about the resolution. During yesterday's Council session, we took preliminary straw votes on the recommendations from the PHP committee and will be taking final votes in the coming weeks. You can view the staff report about our discussion yesterday on the Council website.
I continued my "Spotlight on Public Safety in the Community" series with a conversation with Montgomery County Police Department Chief Marc Yamada. We discussed how important it is for our police officers to attend community events to get to know the people they protect and serve. Chief Yamada is committed to continuing this policy of having his police officers visible and involved.
We also chatted about the new Drone as First Responder program which is being expanded to parts of the Upcounty and will help support officers as they respond to calls. Under this program, a dispatched drone has the ability to reach the scene prior to an officer, at which point the drone can provide details to the officer to help prepare them – or even negate the need for an officer to respond.
Click the video below to watch our full discussion! If you have any questions or concerns you'd like to hear addressed in my next installment in this series, let me know!
[ALT ID] A screenshot from Councilmember Balcombe's "Spotlight on Public Safety in the Community" video series. Councilmember Balcombe and Chief Yamada are sitting at a table conversing. If you click the screenshot, you will be directed to the video.
I was delighted to host the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) at the County Council yesterday for a celebration of its 75th anniversary. Alongside Councilmembers Katz and Luedtke, I presented the GGCC with a proclamation and hosted its members for a networking breakfast! The GGCC has been active in Montgomery County since the 1940s and currently serves over 50,000 employees and 450 business members through its legislative advocacy to ensure the most favorable business climate for our businesses. Throughout the year, the chamber promotes Shop Local initiatives that support our local business community.
Congratulations to the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce for 75 phenomenal years of service, and here's to many more!
[ALT ID] A group photo from the proclamation presentation celebrating the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce's 75th anniversary.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development (ECON) committee met last week on October 14th to receive a briefing about Montgomery County's quarterly economic indicators for the second quarter of 2024. You can review the staff packet for our meeting on the Council website and can watch the session on demand on the Council YouTube channel.
Our next session will be held tomorrow, October 24th. We will be touring a number of incubators in Montgomery County. Montgomery County has three innovation centers that we will be visiting, which provide businesses with affordable office space and support services available during their start up phase.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment (TE) committee met on Monday, October 21st to discuss three items: Bill 19-24, Taxicab Licenses - Amended Requirements; the Safe Streets Act; and WSSCWater Spending Control Limits. You can watch the session on demand on the Council YouTube channel.
Council Legislation
The Council introduced a series of bills during our session on Tuesday, October 15th. Learn more about them below.
Bill 21-24 - General Provisions - Naming of County Facilities
- Lead sponsor: Council President Friedson
- This legislation would establish a process for the naming of County-owned facilities.
Expedited Bill 22-24, Taxation - Collection of Development Impact Taxes
- Lead sponsor: Councilmember Glass
- This legislation would require collection of development impact taxes at final inspection of the building.
Expedited Bill 23-24, Contracts and Procurement - Minority Owned Business Purchasing Program - Extension of Sunset Date
- Lead sponsors: Councilmembers Jawando and Sayles
- This legislation would extend the sunset date for the County's minority owned business purchasing program and would require an evaluation and report regarding the need to extend the program.
Bill 24-24, Taxation - Paper Carryout Bags and Prohibition on Plastic Carryout Bags ("Bring Your Own Bag")
- Lead sponsor: Council Vice President Stewart
- Co-Sponsors: Councilmembers Sayles, Glass, Fani-González, and Jawando
Upcoming Public Hearings
The County Council will be holding public hearings on October 29th and November 12th.
To testify at a Council public hearing or to submit written, audio, or video testimony, please visit the Council website or call 240-777-7803. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 1:30PM public hearing is 2PM the day prior. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 7PM public hearing is 5PM the day prior.
October 29, 2024
1:30PM: Declaration of No Further Need - Long Term-Lease of a portion of 9701 Main Street, located in Damascus, Maryland, to Damascus Heritage Society Museum
1:30PM: Supplemental Appropriation #25-25 to the FY25 Operating Budget, MCPS, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant, $500,000
1:30PM: Supplemental Appropriation #25-24 to the FY25 Operating Budget, MCPS, Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Grant, $367,500
November 12, 2024
1:30PM: Amendment to the Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan: Water and Sewer Category Change Requests
1:30PM: Expedited Bill 23-24, Contracts and Procurement - Minority Owned Business Purchasing Program - Extension of Sunset Date
1:30PM: Bill 21-24, General Provisions - Naming of County Facilities
The following County boards, committees, and commissions are seeking applicants:
- Want to learn more about the Montgomery County Agricultural Reserve? Check out PLENTY Magazine! The fall edition is out now, and includes some great stories! Click here to read the fall issue online on the PLENTY Magazine website!
- The Montgomery County Commission for Women and Montgomery County Public Libraries is offering free financial seminars in October and November about all things money! Click the links below to register for a seminar; all seminars will be held virtually via Zoom between 7-8:30PM on Tuesday evenings.
- Early voting begins tomorrow and will run until October 31st. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation's Ride On bus service has several routes available to transport voters to early voting centers. Below is a list of early voting centers in and around District 2.
Activity Center at Bohrer: Ride On route 59
Germantown Community Recreation Center: Ride On route 98
Nancy H. Dacek North Potomac Community Recreation Center: Ride On route 301
- The Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice (ORESJ) is conducting a survey seeking input from BIPOC in Montgomery County. Click the links below to fill out the survey, which is available in 7 different languages. The deadline for this survey is October 30th.
- Aix La Chapelle Farm in Poolesville will be hosting two fantastic festivals in the coming weeks. Mark your calendars for the Mid Atlantic Antique & Garden Festival and the Old Line Market! Check out the graphic below for more information!
[ALT ID] A graphic advertising upcoming events at Aix La Chapelle Farm in Poolesville. There are two events: Mid Atlantic Antique & Garden Festival (October 26th and 27th) and Old Line Market (November 2nd and 3rd). If you click the image, you will be directed to the farm's website.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.