Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The Drone as First Responder Program community meeting will be held TONIGHT from 6:30-8PM at Gaithersburg High School and virtually on Zoom. Click the image for more information.
The Montgomery County Drone as First Responder Program is being expanded to the Upcounty, and I am co-hosting a community meeting to hear your thoughts and concerns! The DFR program provides air support to 911 or police generated calls for service in a safe, responsible, and transparent manner. You can learn more about the program on the Montgomery County Police Department website.
Our community meeting will be held TONIGHT from 6:30-8PM both virtually and in-person at Gaithersburg High School (101 Education Boulevard, Gaithersburg, MD 20877.) If you would like to attend the meeting virtually, you must register online beforehand.
If you are unable to attend the meeting but still have questions or concerns, please email me.
Congratulations to everyone at Clarks Lodge on your official ribbon cutting!
Clarksburg's newest restaurant held its official ribbon cutting on June 18th. I had stopped by Clarks Lodge the Friday before the ribbon cutting, and was delighted to see a menu that reflected the diversity of Clarksburg and the friendly faces of each member of the restaurant staff. I've heard from Clarksburg residents frequently about the need for more amenities, including restaurants, and I am so excited that Clarks Lodge will be meeting this much requested community need.
Congratulations to the amazing proprietors of Clarks Lodge, and I wish you continued success. Next time you're in Clarksburg - perhaps when you're visiting the outlets or heading up to the Ag Reserve, make sure to make a stop for some delicious food. I know I will!
Click the video to watch a recap of my June 17th town hall with the State's District 15 delegation.
Thank you to everyone who attended my town hall last Monday! We had a fabulous discussion with residents, and I appreciated the insight provided by the colleagues in the Maryland General Assembly. We addressed the expansion of I-270, the possibility of ranked choice voting, stronger bicyclist friendly infrastructure in Germantown, and updates to MARC service in Upcounty.
If you missed the town hall, you can watch a highlight video on the Council YouTube page. A full recording of the event will be published online soon.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development Committee met on Monday, June 24th for a joint session with the Health and Human Services Committee, where we discussed Executive Regulation #18-23. This regulation makes changes to the County's procedures related to food service facility licensing. You can review the staff packet about this regulation on the Council website, and watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube channel.
Our next ECON Committee session is scheduled for Monday, July 8th. We will be diving into Bill 11-24, also known as the MOVE Grant Program. You can read about this legislation on the Council website, and I encourage you to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The next Transportation and Environment Committee session is scheduled for Monday, July 8th. Both items on our agenda are District 2 related, and I hope many of you will tune in to the session live or watch it on demand. We will receive a briefing about the Germantown Multimodal Improvements Study and will be discussing the MD 355 Clarksburg Shared Use Path. As always, you can watch committee sessions on the Council YouTube page and review staff packets on the Council website.
Council Legislation
Executive Regulation #2-24, Rent Stabilization, was introduced during our Council session yesterday. This regulation would implement the requirements of the Rent Stabilization Law (Sections 29-58 – 29-62 of the Montgomery County Code. It would implement the limitation of rent increases for new lease renewals and previously vacant units, regulatory processes for allowable exemptions for capital improvements, fair return, and substantial renovations, and guidelines for rental fees. The Planning, Housing, and Parks Committee will be reviewing this regulation during its session on June 27th, after which it will come to the full Council for a vote.
Upcoming Public Hearings
Our next public hearings will take place on July 9th and July 16th. A full list of public hearings can be found on the Council website. The deadline to sign up for a 1:30PM public hearing is 2PM the day before the hearing. You can also submit written, audio, or video testimony if you are unable to testify live. Visit the Council website for more information.
July 9th:
1:30PM: Bill 12-24, Police - Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee - Compensation
1:30PM: Bill 13-24, Elected Officials - Compensation Review Committee
July 16th:
1:30PM: Zoning Text Amendment 24-02, Agricultural Reserve (AR) Zone - Campground
1:30PM: Zoning Text Amendment 24-03, Great Seneca Life Sciences (GSLS) Overlay Zone
The following County boards, commissions, and committees are seeking applicants:
The Germantown Glory Independence Day celebration will be held on July 4th at the South Germantown Recreation Park (18041 Central Park Circle, Boyds, MD 20841). Live music will begin at 7PM and the fireworks are scheduled for approximately 9:15PM. On-site parking is available and the event is free. As a reminder, no alcohol or pets are permitted.
I hope many of you will celebrate Independence Day in the Upcounty at Germantown Glory! Fireworks start at approximately 9:15PM and live music starts at 7PM. See you at the SoccerPlex!
MCDOT will be working on sidewalk and curb/gutter repairs in July in Waters Landing. Click the photo for information.
MCDOT will be working on sidewalk and curb/gutter repainrs in July in Milestone. Click the photo for information.
Montgomery College is hosting American Red Cross blood drives this summer at the Bioscience Education Center on the Germantown Campus. Blood drives will be held on July 2nd and 31st and August 20th and 22nd. Schedule an appointment online today.
- Montgomery County Public Libraries has launched a new digital library card registration system. If you don't have a library card and can't get to an MCPL branch to get one, you can now register online! Visit the MCPL website to apply now!
- We are two weeks away from Pride in the Plaza, and are still looking for volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering at Pride in the Plaza in Downtown Silver Spring on Sunday, June 30th, register here.
- Montgomery Planning's final community meeting about the Germantown Employment Area Study is tonight at 6:30PM. The department is seeking feedback from Germantown residents, employers, and those who work there. Register for the meeting here.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.