Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Last Thursday, the Montgomery County Council voted to approve the County’s $7.1 billion Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget and the $5.84 billion FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program, which funds school construction, infrastructure improvements, and community projects.
The operating budget provides funding for education, public safety, health and human services, and affordable housing. The Council also invested resources to combat climate change and to encourage economic growth. This year, we were determined not to raise taxes and reinforce the County’s financial stewardship by funding the County’s reserves at 10.8%.
We approved $5.94 billion in capital funding to address urgent building needs, including more than $1.85 billion for MCPS infrastructure projects. In an unprecedented move, we added $165 million in systemic projects to support critical infrastructure and extend the life of and improve conditions in schools. The money we approved will fund 18 individual school projects and sets a schedule and sequence for school construction that can be maintained to avoid delays in the future. The CIP also provides $398.2 million for Montgomery College and sets aside $60.5 million for the new East County Campus. I am also glad to report that we moved forward with multiple capital projects in District 2:
The Clarksburg Library will finally be built for a community that has waited far too long.
The Western Montgomery Community Center in Poolesville will also include medical clinic space, which may be the first of its kind. Both the community center and the clinic space are desperately needed and having them in the same facility is really a dream come true for the community.
Montgomery College Germantown Campus will be getting a much-needed Student Services Center.
We will also be adding a new bus depot and route in Boyds to service the Boyds Marc Station.
And finally, the new organic waste facility to begin the process of pulling food waste from the waste stream. This is a critical step for meeting our climate goals and really tackling a significant environmental concern.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have about the specifics of the budget. Below are some links that provide more detailed information about the FY25 Operating Budget and the FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program.
On Monday, I was proud to join my colleagues this weekend at the annual Flags for Our Heroes event at Bohrer Park in Gaithersburg. Over 700 American flags were displayed, each honoring a specific individual for their service. Thank you to the City of Gaithersburg and the Rotary Club for putting on an amazing event. And thank you to all who have devoted their lives in service of our country. Learn more about the Flags for Our Heroes event here, and make sure to mark your calendar for next year's commemoration!
I was joined by my Council colleagues Councilmembers Evan Glass and Sidney Katz at this weekend's Memorial Day commemoration. Thank you to everyone who made the event a great success.
Councilmember Luedtke and I are hosting a community meeting TONIGHT at 7PM at the Office of Agriculture to discuss the possibility of incidental outdoor stays in agricultural and rural zones. I hope that you will join us for this important discussion.
As you know, there is a zoning text amendment (ZTA) that is currently being considered, and while there has been some support for this ZTA, I have also received considerable feedback in opposition to the parameters included in the proposal. As a compromise, Councilmember Luedtke and I are considering a separate zoning text amendment but want to hear from you before we introduce it. Your input and engagement is critical as we navigate this important issue together, and we hope that you will join us for this community meeting.
Mark your calendars! Join me and my colleagues from the Maryland General Assembly for a town hall on June 17th. This is a great opportunity to discuss County and State matters that are important to you, and I hope to see you there.
Join Montgomery Planning's Upcoming "Envisioning Clarksburg's Future Workshop"
Montgomery Planning will be holding four workshops in May and June about the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan. While Phase One meetings have concluded, Phase Two meetings are scheduled for June and will feature opportunities for the community to react to specific plan concepts and recommendations. You only need to attend one of the meetings below, as they are duplicate sessions to accommodate everyone's busy schedules!
Phase Two – Reactions to Potential Solutions and Plan Recommendations RSVP for Monday, June 10 RSVP for Wednesday, June 12
All meetings will take place at Rocky Hill Middle School (22401 Brick Haven Way, Clarksburg, MD 20871), from 6:30PM-8:30PM.
The following County boards, commissions, and committees are seeking applicants. You can find a full list online here.
- Montgomery County is seeking nominations for the African American Living Legends Awards, which will be presented during the 27th annual Juneteenth celebration at the BlackRock Center for the Arts on June 14th. Nominations can be emailed to james.stowe@montgomerycountymd.gov.
- The annual Montgomery County "Give and Ride Food Drive" to run from May 26th until June 1st. MCDOT is asking for donations of non-perishable food items on any MCDOT Ride On bus or at designated drop off sites. County bus riders who make a donation will have their bus fare waived.
- The following items are in high need: instant oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain pasta, canned tuna, beans, shelf-stable milk boxes, cooking oils and spices.
- The County is continuing to distribute computers to those who cannot afford one. Everyone who cannot afford a Chromebook can get one through the Montgomery Connects program. You can make an appointment to receive a computer online by clicking this link. You will need a Montgomery County library card number to make an appointment. You can sign up for a card here. Upcoming distribution events in District 2 are listed below.
Tuesday, June 4th from 4-8PM: Germantown Community Recreation Center, 18905 Kingsview Road, Germantown, MD 20874
Wednesday, June 12th from 4-8PM: Germantown Community Recreation Center, 18905 Kingsview Road, Germantown, MD 20874
Thursday, June 20th from 4-8PM: Germantown Community Recreation Center, 18905 Kingsview Road, Germantown, MD 20874
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
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