Friday, May 17, 2024
Yesterday was Reconciliation Day, when the County Council goes through the operating budget line by line to ensure everything is in order before final action is taken next week. We took straw votes last week on the FY25 budgets for each agency, department, and non-departmental account. During our session on May 16th, we had to make difficult decisions regarding which reconciliation list items can be funded based on available resources. It is impossible for the Council to fund every project we voted on, which means that the final list we voted on yesterday looked significantly different than what we started with.
As I stated in my remarks yesterday, I am thrilled that we are finally moving forward with multiple capital projects in my district, including the Clarksburg Library, the Montgomery College Germantown Campus Student Services Center, the Western Montgomery Community Center, a new bus depot and route in Boyds, and a the new organic waste facility. We were unable to fund everything we wanted to and had to address the looming structural deficit that we are still grappling with, but I am proud to have worked with my colleagues on a budget that did not result in increased taxes for our residents.
You can read my full remarks from yesterday's Council session on the Council website. Click the video below to watch a video of my remarks.
 In the end, the Council confirmed all of the preliminary votes taken by the Council so far, including $2,017,219 million in resource reductions, $11,230,668 in technical adjustments, $14,160,023 in reductions to the County Executive's budget, and changes in non-tax supported spending. The Council's reconciliation list totaled $64,685,202 and resulted in an FY25 total tax supported budget of $6.47 billion.
You can watch a recording of our Council session on our YouTube channel. I encourage you to review the staff packet for more information.
Final action on the budget is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, May 23rd. You can watch the Council session on the Council's website, YouTube channel, or can tune in live in-person.
If you have any questions about the budget, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.
Upcoming Community Conversation
In partnership with Councilmember Luedtke, I am hosting a community meeting to discuss the possibility of incidental outdoor stays in agricultural/rural zones. The conversation will be held on Wednesday, May 29th from 7-8:30PM at the Office of Agriculture (18410 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD 20855).
As you know, there is a zoning text amendment (ZTA) that is currently being considered, and while there has been some support for this ZTA, I have also received considerable feedback in opposition to the parameters included in the proposal. As a compromise, Councilmember Luedtke and I are considering a separate zoning text amendment based on the correspondence that we have received from the community.
We are in the process of finalizing the new ZTA, but before we introduce it, we want to hear from you. Your input and engagement is critical as we navigate this important issue together, and we hope that you will join us for this community meeting.
Join me and my District 15 colleagues from the House of Delegates for a community town hall on Monday, June 17th from 7PM-8:30PM at Quince Orchard High School. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
If you require interpretation services, please reach out to me by June 1st.
May 21, 2024 at 1:30PM
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-80 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Office of Human Resources, Employee Health Benefit Self Insurance Fund, $5,200,000
- Department of Housing and Community Affairs, County Report on Community Development Block Grant - Coronavirus (CDBG-CV2-12) Funds for Rental Assistance to COVID-impacted, low-income tenants
The deadline to sign up to testify is 2PM on May 20th. You can sign up online at the Council's website. Testimony can be provided live in-person or virtually, or submitted online.
Montgomery Planning will be holding four workshops in May and June about the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan. Phase One meetings will be open group discussions to gather community preferences and ideas and Phase Two will feature opportunities for the community to react to specific plan concepts and recommendations.
Additional information about the workshops along with RSVP information is below. All meetings will take place at Rocky Hill Middle School (22401 Brick Haven Way, Clarksburg, MD 20871), from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Phase One – Community Preferences and Ideas RSVP for Tuesday, May 21 RSVP for Thursday, May 23
Phase Two – Reactions to Potential Solutions and Plan Recommendations RSVP for Monday, June 10 RSVP for Wednesday, June 12
The following County Council appointed boards, committees, and commissions are seeking applicants.
The following County boards, commissions, and committees are seeking applicants.
The Clarksburg Yard (22820 Frederick Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871) invites you to Friday movie night! Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and snacks to enjoy dinner and a film! Movies begin at 8PM, and the Yard opens at 6PM.
Montgomery Commission on Veterans Affairs honors fallen hometown heroes from military action dating to World War I with online tributes as Memorial Day approaches. To share the story of a friend or family member who was killed in action, complete a Google form or a PDF form.
- Montgomery County is seeking nominations for the African American Living Legends Awards, which will be presented during the 27th annual Juneteenth celebration at the BlackRock Center for the Arts on June 14th. Nominations can be emailed to james.stowe@montgomerycountymd.gov.
- The annual Montgomery County "Give and Ride Food Drive" to run from May 26th until June 1st. MCDOT is asking for donations of non-perishable food items on any MCDOT Ride On bus or at designated drop off sites. County bus riders who make a donation will have their bus fare waived.
- The following items are in high need: instant oatmeal, brown rice, whole grain pasta, canned tuna, beans, shelf-stable milk boxes, cooking oils and spices.
- The Montgomery County Commission for Women and Montgomery County Public Libraries will offer a series of free financial seminars in May on the ins and outs of "all things money." They will take place via Zoom from 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays. Check out a full list below:
May 7: Financial Planning 101. Learn the basics of financial planning along with terms and tools to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to succeed financially.
May 14: Retirement Planning. This session will focus on retirement planning. Not running out of money before running out of time is most people’s biggest concern. The seminar's goal is to maximize your resources and autonomy.
May 21: Social Security and Medicare. Learn how to utilize and maximize the government programs you have invested in for your working lifetime.
May 28: Divorce and Money. Divorce is a strain on finances as well as nerves. This seminar will address financial health when it is over and what role people must play to make sure of that.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.