Wednesday, April 17, 2024
This past Monday, I joined my ECON committee colleagues at a press conference announcing the introduction of Bill 11-24 - the MOVE Act. I am so excited about this legislation and the innovative ways we are looking to revitalize our business community in Montgomery County.
The MOVE program was initially established in 2014 as a pilot program by then County Executive Ike Leggett. Since then, the MOVE program has awarded $5.6 million in funding to support businesses and reduce office vacancies for Class A and B office space in the County. The MOVE Act, co-sponsored by all 4 members of the Economic Development Committee, will codify the MOVE program into County law and expand the program’s scope to include business in the County that want to expand their office space. It would also increase the maximum award from $80,000 to $150,000.
The bill was introduced on April 16th, and a public hearing and committee work session will be scheduled at a later date. You can read more about the legislation on our website.
The MOVE Act is an exciting initative that will help us sustain businesses in Montgomery County and I am looking forward to seeing all the good it will continue to do for our business community.
Fridays are my designated "Breakfast with Balcombe" days; days in which visits in the community replace my typical meetings. During budget season, however, Fridays get co-opted for committee work sessions. Despite this change in my schedule, I have still been making time to get out of the Council Office Building and into the community.
Over the last few weeks, I stopped by Darnestown Elementary School to meet with residents to discuss their transportation safety concerns, delivered the keynote at the Sugarloaf Citizens Association's annual meeting, stopped by Pleasants Construction's 60th anniversary celebration, and gave remarks at the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce's annual Upcounty Business Briefing.
On Saturday, I spent the day in Germantown - starting at Northwest High School to cheer on the runners participating in the PTSA's 5K race and ending at Black Hill Regional Park for the annual (and incredibly fun!) Nepali New Year and Holi Celebration.
While budget is top of mind right now, I am still taking advantage of any chance I can get to be in the community and connecting with my constituents. As always, if you want to invite me to an event, please reach out and I'll try my best to be there!
I had a great (but windy) weekend out and about in District 2!
We are officially in week two of committee work sessions about the operating budget. While I sit on the TE and ECON committees, I have been following the work being done by each committee, especially when it comes to matters concerning District 2.
During work sessions, the committee can either make a recommendation on an item or return to it for further discussion. After all committee work sessions have taken place, the Council will come together as a body to deliberate the recommendations and make final decisions as a collective. We do not have an infinite supply of funds, so some projects will inevitably be cut from the budget. This is always a difficult decision to make and we have some incredibly tough conversations ahead of us as a Council.
I will continue to keep you posted as we parse through the budget. I have included a list of my committee sessions below. Note that schedules are always subject to change and that the most up to date information about all committee sessions can always be found on the Council's website.
Public Hearings
Last week, the Council heard from hundreds of constituents as a part of our budget public hearings. I want to extend a thank you to everyone who took time out of their schedules to testify in person or virtually, as well as to those who submitted written testimony to the Council. Recordings of the public hearings can be found on the Council YouTube channel and written testimony can be found on the Council website.
We will be hosting our next public hearings on April 23rd and April 30th. The deadline to sign up for 1:30PM public hearings is 2PM the prior day. The deadline to sign up for 7PM public hearings is 5PM the prior day. Written, audio, or video testimony can be submitted online through the website.
Tuesday, April 23rd at 1:30PM
- Amendment to the FY23-28 CIP and Supplemental Appropriation #24-64 to the Capital Budget, MCPS, Planning Life Cycle Asset Replacement: MCPS (P896586), $392,083
- Bill 7-24, Landlord-Tenant Relations - Tenant Protection and Notification
- Bill 9-24, Group G Pension - Social Security Integration
Tuesday, April 30th at 1:30PM
- Sectional Map Amendment H-150 to implement the approved and adopted Fairland and Briggs Chaney Master Plan
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
Thursday, April 25th at 10AM
- Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS)
- CIP Amendments - General Government - Other General Government - Alcohol and Beverage Services (ABS) Retail Store Refresh, ABS Conveyor System Upgrade and Delivery Trucks Purchase
- Conference and Visitor's Bureau NDA
- Business Center Team (CEX)
- Small Business Support Services NDA
- BioHub Maryland
Thursday, April 18th at 9:30AM
- Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings
- Board of Appeals
- Executive Regulation 11-23, Townhouse Rent Rates for Moderately Priced Housing and HIF Payments for Developments of 11-19 Units
- Department of Housing and Community Affairs
- Housing Initiative Fund
- Community Development & Housing - Affordable Housing Acquisition and Preservation, Revitalization for Troubled and Distressed Common Ownership Communities Countywide Façade Easement Program and White Oak Commercial Area Improvements and Revitalization (FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program)
Wednesday, April 24th at 1:30PM (JOINT SESSION WITH PS)
Wednesday, April 24th at 2:30PM
- Office of the People's Counsel
- Maryland-National Park and Planning Commission - Administration Fund
- Maryland-National Park and Planning Commission - Central Administrative Services
- Maryland-National Park and Planning Commission - Parks Fund
Transportation and Environment (TE) Committee
Monday, April 22nd at 1:30PM
- WSSCWater
- WSSCWater Mid-Cycle Update (FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program)
Thursday, April 25th at 9AM (JOINT SESSION WITH GO)
- Montgomery County Green Bank NDA
Thursday, April 25th at 1:30PM
- Climate Response NDA
- Homeowners Association Roads Reimbursement NDA
- Parking Lot Districts
- FY25-30 CIP Revisions - Parking Lot Districts
- Rockville Parking District NDA
- FY25 Transportation, Fees, Fines, and Fares
Monday, April 29th at 1:30PM
- General Services - Fleet
- Motor Pool NDA
- Utilities NDA
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-77 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government, Utilities Non-Departmental Account, $11,348,928 (Source of Funds: General Fund: Undesignated Reserves)
The following boards, committees, and committees are seeking applicants. Click the links to learn more and to apply.
- Wednesday, May 1st is the opening day to request use of school facilities through CUPF for dates of use during the upcoming Montgomery County Public Schools' 2024 Spring Break. Visit the Community Use of Public Facilities website for reservations.
- The Montgomery County Department of Transportation is seeking community input about the expansion of microtransit service in the County. Ride On's Flex service currently operates in Wheaton/Glenmont and Downtown Rockville, and MCDOT is evaluating whether the service should be expanded. Fill out this survey to provide your thoughts and feedback.
- Street sweeping is now active until June! You can find the County's street sweeping schedule online and check to see when MCDOT will be in your neighborhood by entering in your address.
I hope you can join me at the BlackRock Center for the Arts between 7:30-9:30AM for Bike to Work Day on May 17th!
Countryside Artisans' studios and galleries are now open! Explore the beauty of our countryside today!
The Plum Gar Recreation Center in Germantown has some fantastic events scheduled for teens.
I hope to see you all in Poolesville later this spring for the Mid Atlantic Antiques Festival and the Old Line Market.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.