Wednesday, March 13, 2024
As we continue through the budget process, I want to provide everyone with updates on projects in and around District 2 that will be impacting our community. In the last few weeks, Council committees have worked on four projects in our area. While three very important projects are moving forward to the full Council for final approval, one project has been delayed.
Clarksburg Library
Last week, the Education and Culture (EC) committee took on the topic of the Clarksburg Library. Hundreds of you have written to me to express your support of the Clarksburg Library, along with your thoughts about where the library should be built. The EC committee unanimously approved the FY25-30 capital budget proposal for the new library and also approved the proposed supplemental appropriation to the FY24 Capital Budget. The supplemental appropriation would fund the evaluation and potential purchase of a site located at the corner of MD 355 and Stringtown Road and would provide some planning money which would allow the project to start prior to July 1st. Should the County decide to build the Clarksburg Library on this alternate site, the original site in Clarksburg Town Center would remain available to community use.
The final vote will be taken up at full Council at a later date. Stay tuned.
You can watch my remarks at the EC committee session by clicking the video below. You can view the staff report on the Council website.
 A screenshot of an Education and Culture committee work session. Click the screenshot to be directed to the full video.
Western County Recreation Center
On February 29th, a joint committee of the Health and Human Services (HHS) committee and the Planning, Housing and Parks (PHP) committee met to review the Western County Recreation Center CIP. This project would provide for the design and construction of new community facility in Poolesville. This is intended to be a multi-purpose facility that includes a recreation center, a gymnasium, a medical suite, and a public gathering space. You can watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube page and view the staff packet on the website.
The inclusion of this project in County Executive’s FY25-FY30 CIP is a direct result of residents in Poolesville and the surrounding area being tireless advocates for a facility of this nature in this part of the County. The committee voted unanimously in support of the project and the full Council will be voting on the CIP for this project at a later date.
The current schedule for the project would have it begin in FY28 with completion expected by FY30. I wrote a memo with Councilmember Sayles and attended the joint committee’s work session to urge their support for keeping the project on the County Executive’s proposed timeline.
I urge you all to reach out to my colleagues to express your support for this exciting new project.
Germantown Student Services Center
The Education and Culture committee also discussed funding for Montgomery College's Germantown Student Services Center project during its March 7th work session. You can watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube page and view the staff packet on the website.
This project provides funds for the design and construction of a new student services center of approximately 153,000 gross square feet. The project would bring together the bookstore, mailroom, admissions, student life, and security together in one building. The building will also house the Provost's Office, media and academic computing support functions, a library, and a bookstore. Over the next six years, the project would be funded by $65.2 million in GO bonds and $65.2 million in state aid.
I have been long supportive of this project and was glad to see the EC committee unanimously vote in support of it.
Observation Drive Extended
Observation Drive Extended provides for the design and construction of a 2.2-mile-long roadway from Germantown to Clarksburg. While this has been a long standing project that is critical to the transportation infrastructure of Clarksburg, the project has been delayed. The Transportation and Environment committee agreed with the Department of Transportation to postpone the project until the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan has been completed. Through the planning process, the route of Observation Drive could change and it would not be prudent to plan and design a road that may be rerouted.
I have been advocating for the completion of Observation Drive for many years and will continue to support funding once the final route is established.
On Thursday, March 21st, I will be hosting an information session about the Clarksburg Library. If you have questions about the project and its next steps, come to Rocky Hill Middle School from 6:30-8PM. We will be joined by staff from the Department of General Services and Montgomery County Public Libraries, who will present information about the project. There has been a lot of confusion (and many rumors) surrounding the Clarksburg Library, so I highly encourage you to attend this event. Spread the word!
 A flyer advertising the Clarksburg Library Information Session, which will be held on March 21st from 6:30-8PM at Rocky Hill Middle School in Clarksburg.
International Women's Day at the Council and MCPS Girls' Summit
We've been celebrating Women's History Month at the Council all month long, and held a proclamation presentation on March 5th. This is the most diverse Council in the County's history, and I am honored to serve alongside six fantastic female councilmembers. We have come a long way when it comes to representation, and I look forward to the strides we will continue to make.
 Thank you to all who came out to celebrate International Women's Day at the Council!
This past Saturday, I participated in the 2nd annual MCPS Girls' Summit. The Girls' Summit is an amazing event that brings together middle and high school students for workshops and activities. This year, I walked the runway as a part of the Girls' Summit fashion show! My office also held a workshop for students about [touch base with Holly about what the workshop was about.]
Thank you to MCPS for putting on such a fantastic event for our students!
Yesterday, Council President Andrew Friedson introduced the Jobs, Opportunities and Business Support (JOBS) Initiative, which would introduce a $20 million appropriation for the County's Economic Development Fund to spur economic development and create high-paying jobs in Montgomery County. There are three pillars of this initiative: a job Creation Fund, an Innovation Fund, and an Equity Fund.
The Council held a press event ahead of the JOBS Initiative announcement. Click the video below to watch my remarks. If we expect our businesses to invest in Montgomery County, we need to invest in our businesses.
 A screenshot of a YouTube video about the JOBS Initiative. Click the screenshot to be directed to the full video.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The ECON committee met on February 29th with the Health and Human Services (HHS) committee to discuss Bill 42-23. Health and Sanitation - Menstrual Products in Public Restrooms - Required and Bill 44-23, Human Rights and Civil Liberties - Prospective Employees - Health Care Privacy. You can watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube page and view the staff packet on the website.
Regarding Bill 42-23 - the ECON/HHS joint committee will be meeting again in April for a second work session about this legislation. We had a spirited discussion that led to multiple follow up questions, so we will be regrouping next month to continue our conversation. The joint committee unanimously voted in support of Bill 44-23, which will advance to the full Council for a final vote.
The ECON committee also met on March 11th for a follow up discussion about the office market and restaurant sector. You can watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube page and view the staff packet on the website.
As we all know, COVID-19 fundamentally changed the demand for office space as employers moved to a remote work model. This shift has permanently diminished the demand for office spaces as hybrid and telework opportunities remain in place for employees across the county. During this session, we discussed how Montgomery County should grapple with these changes. The restaurant sector has also been facing a variety of hardships, including but not limited to difficulties with the permitting process. As a county, we need to create incentives for businesses, not roadblocks. This conversation is important to me as I have heard from several restaurant owners in District 2 about the hardships they continue to face to stay afloat. As a Council, we will continue to look at solutions for our restaurants to remain successful.
Transportation and Environment Committee
On March 4th, the TE committee met to discuss several CIP items. We discussed highway maintenance, traffic improvements, parking, storm water management, and recycling. You can watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube page and view the staff packet on the website. The committee unanimously approved each item and sent it to the full Council for a vote at a later date.
We also met on March 11th to discuss transportation projects in the CIP along with amendments to the Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan. You can watch a recording of the session on the Council YouTube page and view the staff packet on the website.
Council Legislation
Yesterday afternoon, the full Council continued its work about the FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program. Below is a quick snapshot of each CIP we discussed.
General Government - Economic Development
- The recommended CIP includes three new projects and two ongoing projects. The new projects include the Glenmont Redevelopment Program ($452,000), HJF Innovation Labs at Montgomery County ($300,000), and Wheaton M-NCPPC Headquarters Retail ($4,000,000). The two ongoing projects are the $16 million North Bethesda Metro Station Area Redevelopment Infrastructure (funded by State Aid) and the $39 for the construction portion of the White Oak Science Gateway Redevelopment Project.
- The Council voted unanimously in support of this project.
Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA)
- The Community Development CIP is recommended for a total six-year funding level of $4.3 million. The Housing CIP category is recommended for a total six-year funding level of $242 million.
- The Council voted unanimously in support of this project.
Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC)
- The Housing Opportunities Commission CIP is recommended for a total six-year funding level of $7.5 million.
- The Council voted unanimously in support of this project.
Police Department (MCPD)
- There are three major projects that will be funded by the MCPD CIP. These include the new Sixth District Police Station, the PSCC Phase II HVAC update, and the expansion and upgrade of the Outdoor Firearms Training Center. Together, the three projects will cost $31.4 million over the next six years.
- The Council voted unanimously in support of this project.
Public Safety Technology projects
- There are multiple projects that fall under this category: IJIS-CRIMS, County radio replacement, Dickerson radio tower, public safety server hardware, and public safety system modernization.
- The Council voted unanimously in support of this project.
Department of Correction and Rehabilitation (DOCR)
- The Department of Correction and Rehabilitation's CIP is recommended for a total six-year funding level of $92.9 million. It would fund the following projects: Justice Center, MCCF CC Wi-Fi, and MCCF refresh.
- The Council voted unanimously in support of this project.
Upcoming Public Hearings
We have two public hearings coming up on March 19th.
The deadline to sign up to testify for these public hearings is 2PM on March 18th. You can also submit written testimony if you are unable to join the public hearing in person or virtually.
- Montgomery Parks is inviting the public to select one of two design options proposed for the new skate park at Ovid Hazen Wells Recreational Park in Clarksburg. Cast your vote between now and April 5th.
- Two Council appointed Boards, Committees, and Commissions are seeking applicants. If you are interested in applying for the Planning Board or the Public Election Fund Committee, I strongly encourage you to do so. Visit our website to learn more. There are also numerous openings on Boards, Committees, and Commissions that are not Council appointed. Learn more by clicking this link.
 A flyer advertising the 2024 Girl Power Contest. The contest is open to all Montgomery County residents ages 5+ and runs until March 31st. Click the image to visit the Commission for Women website for more information.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
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