Wednesday, February 14, 2024
As you all know, there are several budget items this year that I will be paying particularly close attention to. As a district councilmember, I am very concerned about projects that will have a direct impact in my community, especially those that have been delayed in the past.
In a previous newsletter, I discussed the three projects I am concerned about: Clarksburg Library, Western County Community Center, and Montgomery College's Germantown campus.
Over the last few weeks, I've received hundreds of emails in support of the construction of a community center in Poolesville, and I am so excited to see this level of advocacy from the community. Thank you to everyone who has been writing in about this project and to the Poolesville residents who participated in public hearings to voice their support of this project!
Councilmember Balcombe and Council President Friedson with Poolesville community members.
Clarksburg residents have also been vocal in their support for a library in their community. This project has been repeatedly delayed and I am glad to see that it is moving forward. There have been lots of questions about this project, and my hope is that these questions will be answered in the next few weeks. The Education and Culture committee will be holding a committee session about the project on March 7th, and I encourage you to tune in. I am also working on putting together a community meeting where residents will have the opportunity to pose their questions about the Clarksburg Library to the Department of General Services. Stay tuned for more information about this event in the coming weeks.
If you have any questions about these projects, or the budget procedure itself, please reach out.
I had such a great time last week reading to a kindergarten class at Cabin Branch Elementary School for World Read Aloud Day! Cabin Branch is the newest school in District 2 and I was so excited to spend my morning with such an imaginative and engaged group of kindergartners. We read If You Ever Want to Bring a Circus to the Library, Don't, and I got to hear some fantastic suggestions of what our youngest learners want to bring with them to the library. Fire-breathing dragons, a piano, and a monster truck were among some of the suggestions.
Our county is striving to increase childhood literacy rates, and events like World Read Aloud Day and guest readers help foster a love of reading and learning amongst our students. Thank you to the team at Cabin Branch ES for inviting me to take part in this great event!
A collage of photos in which Councilmember Balcombe is reading a book to a classroom of students.
This weekend, I attended the Chinese Culture and Community Service Center's annual Lunar New Year celebration at Westfield Montgomery Mall. CCACC puts on a fantastic event every year for Lunar New Year, with spectacular performances and a festive atmosphere. If you missed the event this year, make sure to mark your calendars for 2025 so that you can be a part of the celebration!
 Councilmember Balcombe with fellow councilmembers, the County Executive, and CCACC Executive Director Rita Lewi.
On February 6th, the Council presented a proclamation in commemoration of Black History Month. The Council hearing room was jam-packed with local leaders and changemakers as we celebrated the rich and diverse contributions made by African Americans here in Montgomery County and across the country. Check out a full video of our commemoration on the Council's YouTube page.
With my Council colleagues and local leaders, celebrating Black History Month.
The Council's Public Information Office has also put together an amazing video highlighting three local African American artists. Click the video below to watch.
A screenshot of a video, with text reading "African Americans and the Arts."
If you're looking for ways to celebrate Black History Month around the area, Visit Montgomery has compiled a helpful guide. Find an event near you by visiting their website.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development committee held two meetings this past Monday, February 12th. First, we met jointly with the Planning, Housing, and Parks committee to receive a briefing about the Planning Department's Life Science Land Use and Real Estate Compatibility Study. This study provides information on the real estate needs of the life science industry, evaluates the compatibility of integrating life sciences with housing and small-scale commercial development to create mixed use districts, and provides recommendations supporting continued growth of the life science industry.
We then met as a committee to receive a briefing from the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation about the county's 3rd quarter economic indicators. The quarterly report by MCEDC focused on employment, real estate and development, and venture capital - all important issues for us to be aware of as a county.
The next ECON committee session will be on February 26th at 9:30AM.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment committee had a busy session on Monday, February 12th. We undertook several budget items and received a briefing from the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) about its 2023 Travel Monitoring Report. This report provides insight into the county's transportation system and analyzes how well the county is meeting its transportation goals as outlined in Thrive Montgomery 2050, the Pedestrian Master Plan, and the Bicycle Master Plan.
The next TE committee session will be a joint meeting with the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy committee on February 22nd at 1:30PM.
Council Legislation
Two bills were introduced during yesterday's Council session. Read more about them below.
Bill 3-24, Late Night Establishments - Hours of Operation
- This bill would: define a "hookah lounge," set restrictions on the operating hours for certain late night establishments - including hookah lounges, tobacco shops, and vape shops - and establish penalties for violations.
- A public hearing for this legislation is currently scheduled for March 5th at 1:30PM. A joint ECON and Public Safety committee session will be scheduled at a later date.
- Council Vice-President Stewart and Councilmembers Albornoz and Glass are the lead sponsors of this legislation. I joined Councilmembers Luedtke, Katz, and Fani-González as a cosponsor.
Bill 4-24, Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission -
- This bill would: establish a Montgomery County Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund Commission, prescribe the members and duties of the Commission, provide for the staffing of the Commission and specify the purposes for which funds received from the State Community Reinvestment and Repair Fund may be used.
- A public hearing for this legislation is currently scheduled for March 5th at 1:30PM. A Government Operations and Fiscal Policy committee session will be scheduled at a later date.
- Councilmembers Mink, Sayles, and Jawando are the lead sponsors of this legislation. Councilmember President Friedson, Council Vice-President Stewart, and Councilmembers Katz, Fani-González, and Albornoz are cosponsors.
Upcoming Public Hearings
Yesterday, the Council held 11 public hearings on a variety of topics. Thank you to everyone who participated and to everyone who submitted written testimony to the Council.
Public hearings are incredibly important, as they are a way for the public to personally voice their thoughts, concerns, and opinions to their elected officials about issues that matter most to them. I encourage everyone to review the Council's upcoming public hearings periodically and sign up to testify or submit written testimony.
Our next public hearing is on Tuesday, February 27th at 7PM, and we will be hearing from constituents about the legislation below. The deadline to sign up to speak is February 26th at 5PM. Visit the Council website to sign up or to submit written testimony.
Bill 2-24, Police - Traffic Stops - Consent Search of Motor Vehicle and Data Collection ("Freedom to Leave Act") would prohibit consent search of a motor vehicle or person by a police officer during a traffic stop, require the collection of certain data and information related to traffic stops, require annual reporting of traffic stop data in the County, exclude the prohibitions on traffic stops from collective bargaining, and generally amend the County law regarding the policing of motor vehicles.
A full list of upcoming public hearings is available on the Council Calendar.
- The County is seeking applicants to serve on several Boards, Committees, and Commissions. Deadlines are fast approaching, so visit the County's website to learn more and apply now.
- The Office of Grants Management is seeking qualified individuals with relevant experience to review and evaluate applications for various competitive grant programs. Reviewers will be compensated for their time. If you are interested, you may apply through the OGM grants portal.
- Calling all high school students! The Department of Transportation's annual Heads Up, Phones Down video contest is accepting submissions through February 29th. Last year's winners were District 2 students! This is your chance to create an informative video and potentially win some big prizes. If you want to learn more and apply, visit the MCDOT website.
- Montgomery County Recreation is helping high school students attend prom in style this year! The Department is collecting new and gently used dresses, suits, and other accessories that students can pick from during Project Prom Dress. Donation information can be found below:
- Marilyn J. Praisner Community Recreation Center: February 12th through February 29th. Monday-Thursday: 9AM-9PM, Friday: 9AM-6PM, Saturday: 10AM-3PM
- Jane E. Lawton Community Recreation Center: March 2nd from 11AM-2PM
- Germantown Community Recreation Center: March 9th from 11AM-2PM
- On February 18th, artists Miles Spicer and Franklyn Johnson-Williams will be performing at the Plum Gar Community Recreation Center in Germantown as a part of Montgomery County Recreation's free concert series celebrating Black History Month. The concert is from 1-2PM. I hope to see some of you there!
Flyer advertisting Montgomery County Recreation's free concert series in celebration of Black History Month. Visit the agency's website or click the link to download a copy of the flyer.
Happy Valentine's Day!
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your councilmember.