Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Last week, I joined the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce at the BlackRock Center for the Arts for its Coffee with a Cop event. We had a fantastic turnout and had some great conversations with our first responder partners. Thank you to all of those who attended the event!
 Thanks to everyone who made Coffee with a Cop a success!
On Sunday, January 28th, I participated in the 44th annual Women’s Legislative Briefing. This fabulous event which is sponsored by the Montgomery County Commission for Women brings together movers and shakers from Maryland to discuss issues affecting women locally and nationally. I had the privilege of moderating a great panel about the Future of Women in the Workplace. We were joined on this panel by some amazing leaders and had a fantastic discussion about the strides we've made and what else we have to work for.
Thank you to the Commission for all of your hard work to bring this event to fruition each year!
 It was great to moderate a panel with such fabulous women!
This semester, Team Balcombe was joined by intern Eliot Shulman. Here's what he had to say about his experience as a Council intern.
"When I first started my internship in Councilmember Balcombe’s office, I had a very basic understanding of how county government functions. While I might not have known much at the beginning, I can honestly say that I have learned a great deal from everyone around me.
From getting locked in the stairwell to one of my first tasks of getting the popcorn to accompany watching an Economic Development committee meeting, I have come a long way. During my time with the County Council, I have learned the importance of local government and how it plays into our everyday lives. Our County Council is possibly the most effective means for citizens to have a meaningful impact on the area in which they live. Whether it’s emergency services, law enforcement, trash and utility service, our Council exists to make our lives better."
 Thanks for your contributions these past few months, Eliot. Wishing you the best of luck!
On January 29th, the zoning text amendment I introduced was brought before the Planning, Housing, and Parks committee. ZTA 23-08 will allow an existing cemetery in the Agricultural Reserve to expand to an abutting lot or parcel that is encumbered by Transferable Development Rights (TDR). After hearing from the community, the proposed ZTA was limited to a one-time expansion, on abutting property, with a maximum expansion of 10 acres.
I was pleased that the committee agreed unanimously to move the ZTA forward to the full Council for review and a vote. I will continue to keep the community posted.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The next Economic Development committee session is scheduled for Thursday, February 8th. We will be meeting jointly with the Education and Culture committee to discuss economic opportunities in the sports and sports tourism industry. We'll also be having two meetings on Monday, February 12th. The first is a joint session with the Planning, Housing, and Parks committee where we will received a briefing from Montgomery Planning about the Life Science Land Use and Real Estate Compatibility Study. Later in the day, we will receive a briefing from the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) about the county's 4th quarter 2023 economic indicators.
As always, you can watch our committee sessions on the Council YouTube page and can find a full list of committee meetings on our website.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment committee met on Wednesday, January 24th to discuss the county's building energy performance standards and to receive an update on the Washington Grove Connector project. You can find a recording of our meeting on the Council YouTube page.
Our next committee meeting will be held on Monday, February 5th. We're going to receive a briefing on the impact our state budget has had on transportation, as well as the MARC's growth and transportation plan. Affordable, accessible, and safe transit is a need in our community, and I am looking forward to discussing these important topics next week.
Upcoming Public Hearings
The Council has a number of public hearings coming up in the next few weeks. You can find a full list on the Council website, where you can also learn how to sign up to testify.
February 6th at 1:30PM
- FY25 Capital Budget and FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program
- Expedited Bill 1-24, Bond Authorization
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-44 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Increase Somatic Services at Montgomery County Public School, $1,168,672
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-17 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Behavioral Health and Crisis Services’ Trauma Services, $500,000
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-49 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government, Dept. of Health and Human Services, Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America Grant, $1,251,979
- Amendment to the FY23-28 Capital Improvements Program and Supplemental Appropriation #24-52 to the FY24 Capital Budget, Montgomery County Public Schools, Northwood HS Addition/Facility Upgrades, $9,560,000
February 6th at 7PM
February 7th at 1:30PM:
February 13th at 1:30PM:
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-43 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government, Dept. of Environmental Protection, Implementation of Bill 18-22, Noise Control- Leaf Removal Equipment Amendments, $295,000
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-50 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Government Non-Departmental Account, Payment to Municipalities Gaithersburg and Rockville, Patrol Officer Costs, $1,076,584
- Montgomery Parks will be renovating Gunner's Local Park in Germantown, and is requesting feedback from the community. If you have thoughts to share, fill out the agency's survey.
- Tax season is here, but don't stress. Montgomery County has partnered with Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) to provide support to residents who need help filing their taxes. Visit the county's cashback website for more information and to get assistance.
- The Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy's annual Professional Development Conference is coming up on Friday, March 15th. The event will be held from 9:30AM t0 3:30PM at the BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown. Learn more and register at MCAEL's website.
- The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will hold its 11th annual Montgomery County Energy Summit at the Silver Spring Civic Building on Monday, April 15th and Tuesday, April 16th. Learn more and register at the event website.
- There are several vacancies that the county is seeking to fill for Boards, Commissions, and Committees. Visit the website for more information and to apply.
- The Department of Health and Human Services is partnering with the Maryland Living Well Center of Excellence to offer a free community-based Diabetes Self-Management Program beginning Thursday, February 22nd. The six-week program will be held virtually from 5:30PM to 7:30PM each Thursday. To register, submit this completed Google Form or call Kiera Abdul at 443-750-4267 or T'Kia Pearson at 240-777-1244.
- In partnership with the Offices of the County Sheriff and the State's Attorney, Interfaith GVP is sponsoring a gun buyback event on April 20th from 9AM to 1PM in Germantown. I will share more information as I receive it, but you can reach out to Steve Klitzman from the Interfaith GVP Network at steve.klitzman@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Black History Month begins on February 1st. In recognition of the month, Montgomery County will be hosting a series of events and partnering with local organizations for commemorations and celebrations. You can find a list of upcoming events on the county website, which also includes book recommendations and academic resources for those who want to learn more about the history and significance of Black History Month.
Lunar New Year is coming up on Saturday, February 10th! I wish everyone celebrating the Year of the Dragon a joyous holiday. If you're looking for ways to celebrate Lunar New Year in the region, check out the National Museum of Asian Art's website, which includes a history of the event and a list of local events in the DC area! The Chinese Culture and Community Service Center is also hosting its annual Lunar New Year celebration on February 10th from 12:30 to 4:30PM at the Westfield Montgomery Mall. I hope to see you there!
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
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