Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Yesterday, I presented a proclamation in celebration of Small Business Saturday. I was joined by representatives from our chambers of commerce and local business owners from Locally Crafted and Nothing Bundt Cakes. There are thousands of small, local businesses that are located throughout Montgomery County. They all have their own unique history and impact on our community, and contribute to the rich tapestry that is Montgomery County.
Small Business Saturday is formally celebrated on November 25th, but I encourage us all to shop small and shop local all the time. Check out this website to find small stores and retailers near you!
If you're a small business owner and would like to welcome me for a visit to your location, please reach out to me via email at councilmember.balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or by giving me a call at 240-777-7960.
Thank you to our chambers of commerce and small businesses like Locally Crafted and Nothing Bundt Cakes for bolstering our Montgomery County economy!
On November 3rd, I held a community conversation with Delegate Linda Foley at Woodside Deli. Thank you to everyone who came out to chat with us, and thank you to the staff at Woodside Deli for letting us host at your wonderful spot! Being visible in the community is incredibly important to me and I hope to hold additional meetings similar to this one. As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns that you'd like to share with me, I encourage you to send me an email (councilmember.balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov) or give me a call (240-777-7960).
 I also visited Neelsville Middle School recently to chat with staff, tour the school, and check out the construction happening on campus. My school visits are always exciting, but this one was especially interesting as I got to witness a dance battle between students!
Last week, I visited the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center with Councilmember Kristin Mink to present a proclamation in celebration of Animal Shelter and Rescue Appreciation Week. It's a miracle that we did not leave with a kitten in tow! Check out the video below for a recap of our visit. If you are looking for a pet, take a trip to the Animal Services and Adoption Center in Gaithersburg to meet the pets you might be able to add to your family.
If you know of a local gem that I should visit during my weekly "Breakfasts with Balcombe", please let me know! I am always looking for places to visit and community leaders to meet.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
Our last Economic Development committee meeting was held offsite at the Agricultural History Farm Park in Derwood. You can review the staff packet for the meeting here and watch a recording of the session here.
The topic of our committee meeting was agritourism, which is the idea of linking agriculture to tourism to attract visitors onto farms, ranches, or other agricultural businesses for entertainment or educational purposes. Leaders from the Agricultural Reserve, a large swath of which is in District 2, have been advocated for more agritourism options to grow the economy of their community.
The ECON committee will be meeting again tomorrow in a joint session with the Education and Culture committee, Public Safety committee, and Health and Human Services committee. We will be discussing workforce development and economic opportunities in the sports industry.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment committee met this past Monday for a worksession about electric vehicle charging infrastructure and electric vehicle preparedness. You can review the staff packet for the meeting here and watch a recording of the session here. I've heard from many of you about issues installing EV charging stations in your neighborhoods. If you reached out to me about this matter, you will find our conversation interesting. The County recognizes that more people are turning towards EVs; this conversation was part of a larger countywide discussion.
The TE committee will be meeting again on November 27th for a joint session with the Government Operations committee to review a supplemental appropriation for the MCDOT. We will be meeting later that same day for a worksession about the Climate Action Plan.
Council Legislation
Last week, I introduced a Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) that would allow an existing cemetery in the Agricultural Reserve zone to expand onto land that currently has a transferable development right (TDR). You can read more about ZTA 23-08 here. A public hearing on this ZTA is tentatively scheduled for January 16th. I will keep you posted on this item's progress, and encourage you to reach out to me with any questions you might have.
Upcoming Public Hearings
The Council will be holding public hearings on November 28th at 1:30PM. The deadline to sign up to speak is November 27th at 2PM.
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-27 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Public Schools, Reducing Overidentification in Special Education Grant, $1,000,000 (Source of Funds: State Grant)
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-28 to the FY24 Operating Budget, Montgomery County Public Schools, Stronger Connections Grant, $3,000,000 (Source of Funds: State Grant)
- Supplemental Appropriation # 24-32 to the FY24 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government State’s Attorney’s Office, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant FY23 Body-worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program to Support Law Enforcement Agencies - Competitive Grant Award, $948,103 (Source of Funds: Federal Grant)
- Special Appropriation #24-39 to the FY24 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government, Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Respite Center for Arriving Migrants Grant Program, SAMU Foundation (d.b.a. SAMU First Response), $2,261,663 (Source of Funds: General Fund Undesignated Reserves)
- Supplemental Appropriation #24-9 to the FY24 Operating Budget Montgomery County Government, Department of Health and Human Services, 988 Crisis Hotline Services, $960,000 (Source of Funds: State Grant)
- Bill 40-23, Tree Canopy and Roadside Tree Requirements - Fee Revisions, would amend fees payable to the Tree Canopy Conservation Account; amend fees payable to the Street Tree Planting Fund; and generally, amend the laws regarding tree canopy requirements and roadside tree work.
Upcounty Community Town Hall
Join me and my colleagues at Damascus High School on Tuesday, November 28th from 7-8:30PM for a community town hall. No RSVP required. If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to my office at councilmember.balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or 240-777-7960.
Flyer advertising an upcoming town hall, which will be held at Damascus High School on November 28th from 7-8:30PM.
Youth Town Hall
Calling all students! If you are a parent reading this newsletter, I encourage you to share the information below with your child(ren).
On November 29th, the Council will be hosting a town hall for the youth in our community. The town hall will be held at the Council Office Building (100 Maryland Avenue) in Rockville at 7PM. More information can be found here. This meeting is a great time for students to engage in community and public policy issues. It is also incredibly important for me and my colleagues to hear directly from young people about their concerns and views.
We will also be hosting a pizza reception for students attending the town hall at 6:15PM on the fourth floor of the Council Office Building. All attendees must register in advance for the town hall. A Zoom link will be shared with those who are unable to attend in person. The link will be provided after registration.
The annual Montgomery County Thanksgiving Parade will be held on Saturday, November 18th in Downtown Silver Spring! The parade is scheduled to be held rain or shine, and you can click here to learn more on volunteer opportunities if you are interested. There will be a number of road closures to accommodate the parade, so make sure you plan your day in advance.
Check out this press release for more information.
- Local partners are offering two changes to get home electric vehicle (EV) charging at no cost. Local Tesla drivers are organizing to try to give away 1,000 Tesla EV chargers before the end of the year. Click here for more information. Curbside Electric has received a grant from the Maryland Energy Administration to install curbside charging at select homes and common-ownership-communities in Montgomery County. Learn more here.
The Upcounty Hub just celebrated its third birthday! If you want to get involved in your community, check out volunteer openings at The Upcounty Hub.
- MCDOT has begun its annual leaf vacuuming program. The program will run through December. To check if your neighborhood is included in the program, check out this site.
- MCDOT is planning on doing work on Wisteria Drive and Middlebrook Road between Routes 118 and 119. The department is currently in its outreach phase and is accepting comments until December 8th. Click here to learn more and to share your questions and concerns.
- The County is currently seeking applicants for several Boards and Commissions. Click here to see current openings and to apply.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
If you were forwarded this email and would like to subscribe to my newsletter, click the button below. I look forward to remaining in touch with you and serving you as your Councilmember.