Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Last week, I was joined by Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo to welcome representatives from the Maryland Department of Transportation and the Montgomery County Department of Transportation to the BlackRock Center for the Arts, where they answered YOUR questions about transportation in Montgomery County. A spontaneous bout of laryngitis was not enough to keep me down, and the event went off without a hitch, even without my voice!
Thank you to Delegate Fraser-Hidalgo for his partnership in this town hall!
It was great to hear from so many of you about the issues you care most about, especially when it came to White's Ferry, I-270, MARC rail, and pedestrian safety in the Upcounty region. White's Ferry is a huge asset to our community, and its closure has had a resounding negative impact on the Upcounty. I was glad that the Poolesville community came out in full force to voice their concerns to both County and State representatives. Pedestrian safety is also a major concern in our community. We are seeing a rise in pedestrian related collisions, many of which are occurring in school zones. The County's passage of the Safe Streets Act and the Pedestrian Master Plan aim to create safer roads for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. However, there is still much work to be done, and I will continue to prioritize this issue as a member of the Transportation and Environment Committee.
White's Ferry must be reopened for the benefit of our community.
A number of you also brought up your concerns about I-270. The Maryland Department of Transportation is hosting three public meetings to discuss the American Legion Bridge and 270 Corridor Program. Click here to learn more about these public meetings, which are listed below.
Monday, November 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School, 4301 East-West Highway, Bethesda. Transit Accessible: WMATA Red Line, Bethesda Station; Metrobus J2; Ride On routes 29, 32, 34, 47, 70.
Wednesday, November 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m., DoubleTree Hotel, 620 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg. Transit Accessible: Ride On routes 54, 55, 56, 59, 61.
Thursday, November 16, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Frederick High School, 650 Carroll Parkway, Frederick. Transit Accessible: Connector routes 40, 50, 51.
If you were unable to make it to the town hall, you can watch a highlight video by clicking the link below. A full recording of the event will be up in the coming days, and can be accessed by visiting the County Council's YouTube page.
Thank you to everyone who attended the town hall. A special shoutout to our guest speakers from the MDOT and the MCDOT!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
On October 3rd, I joined my colleague Councilmember Kate Stewart for a proclamation recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I am a breast cancer survivor, and shared my story during the proclamation presentation. Early detection saves lives; it is incredibly important to educate yourself about breast cancer. Click here to access educational guides that contain helpful information.
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development Committee met on October 9th to discuss Business Retention with the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) and to receive a briefing from the Planning Department and MCEDC on the County’s 2nd quarter Economic Indicators. This is the latest in a series of the discussions the Economic Development committee has been having a series of work sessions devoted to examining the strengths and weaknesses of the County’s economy. You can watch the committee session here.
Last Thursday, October 12th, we met with the Planning, Housing, and Parks and Health and Human Services committees for a joint work session. You can watch the committee session here. We discussed Bill 22-23, Transient Lodging Facilities - Short-Term Residential Rentals and ZTA 23-04, Residential Uses - Short-Term Residential Rentals. Bill 22-23 would amend previous legislation regarding short term rentals and bed and breakfasts. It would adjust the application process, increase the maximum penalty, reassign enforcement responsibility to the Department of Housing and Community Affairs, and clarify the procedure for challenges, suspensions, revocations, and appeals. The accompanying ZTA would limit the number of overnight guests allowed in a rental and remove language for owner-authorized agents.
This work session was one of several discussions we will have on this important legislation, and I will keep you posted as the conversation continues.
The next ECON Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 23rd at 9:30AM. We will be discussing the Office of Legislative Oversight's report evaluating the Bethesda Urban Partnerships and the current state of the retail market. You can watch the committee session on the Council webpage or the Council YouTube channel.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment Committee met for a work session on October 9th about WSSC's Water Spending Control Limits. You can watch the committee session here.
This past Monday, October 16th, we met to receive a briefing on the closure of White's Ferry and to discuss parking lot districts and Executive Regulation 13-23, Residential Permit Parking. You can watch a recording of the committee meeting here.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 23rd at 1:30PM. We will be discussing amendments to the FY24 Capital Budget and the FY23-28 Capital Improvements Program. You can watch the committee session on the Council webpage or the Council YouTube channel.
Public Hearings
The Council held public hearings yesterday, and we heard from many constituents about their concerns regarding Bills 34-23 and 35-23. Below is a brief summary of both pieces of legislation.
Bill 34-23, County Minimum Wage - Wage Commission - Established would:
- establish an advisory wage commission to make recommendations to the County Executive and the County Council regarding minimum wages and working conditions by industry in the County;
- specify the membership and duties of the wage commission
Bill 35-23, County Minimum Wage - Tipped Employees would:
- adjust the calculation of the base rate for tipped workers;
- phase out the tip credit amount under the County minimum wage law
I have great concerns about both of these bills. Our restaurant industry has been hard hit in the past several years and adding significant cost to the industry that is still in economic recovery is untenable. I have also heard concerns from many of you regarding these two pieces of legislation. Please let me know if you have any questions about either bills. They will be coming to the ECON Committee in January.
- The BlackRock Center for the Arts' Lil' Pumpkins Festival has been rescheduled to this Saturday, October 21st from 12-4PM! If you're looking for a fun, family friendly activity, Lil' Pumpkins is the perfect event for you - see you there! Learn more here.
- The County is seeking applicants for the Merit System Protection Board and the County Board of Appeals. The deadline to apply for both opportunities if 5PM on October 30th. Click the links to learn about each board and to apply.
- Montgomery Connects is distributing Chromebook laptop computers through the Maryland Connected Devices program. Learn more and see if you are eligible here.
- The Office of Grants Management is now accepting applications from qualified nonprofit organizations providing direct services to or advocacy for County community members. The application deadline is October 31st. Click here to learn more and see if your organization is eligible for a grant.
- Contact Olga Kravets in the Office of Grants Management by calling 240-773-3344 or by email at grants@montgomerycountymd.gov if you have questions.
Congratulations to Sandy Wright and David Therriault for receiving an historic preservation award from Montgomery Preservation, Inc. for their beautiful preservation of the Franklin Viers house in Poolesville. Just like the house itself, Locals has become a standard in the community and will withstand the test of time.
Congratulations, Sandy and David!
Check your garage! If you have a bike you can donate, come by the Council Office Building this Friday from 7AM to 2PM.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
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