Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Mark your calendar for my upcoming Transportation Town Hall on October 12th from 6:30-8PM at the BlackRock Center for the Arts. I put together this event with Delegate David Fraser-Hidalgo, because we recognize that transportation is a major concern for our community. We will be joined by representatives from the State and County Department of Transportation.
If you have questions, concerns, or comments about transportation needs in our community, this is the time and place to share them. Check out the flyer below for more information, and reach out to me with any questions you may have. I am looking forward to a robust and timely discussion!
Poolesville Day is coming up this SATURDAY, September 23rd, from 8AM to 4PM! This event is FREE and will feature a town parade, 5K run/walk, classic and electric car show, and live entertainment by local musicians. Hundreds of local vendors will be participating - come out and show your support for local artisans, organizations, and restaurateurs.
My team and I will be set up at booth 57; stop by and say hello! I would love to have you walk in the parade with me. If you are interested. respond to this email!
Learn more about Poolesville Day here!
I had an absolutely wonderful Friday in the community on September 15th. I started my day bright and early in Dickerson for a tour of One Acre Farm's composting program, which is run by Compost Crew Inc. Thank you to Farmer Mike and Kristie Blumer for dispelling prevailing myths about composting, and getting us up close and personal with the process! If you want to start composting at home or work, or would simply like to learn more, check out Compost Crew's site!
 It was great to visit One Acre Farm last Friday!
Following my visit to One Acre Farm, I stopped by The Comus Inn, which is always a delight. The Comus Inn has something for everyone - from rustic indoor dining, an outdoor beer garden equipped with games and live music, and an ice cream window - all with a beautiful view of Sugarloaf Mountain. Take a visit to Upcounty to grab a bite at The Comus Inn.
Starting today, The Comus Inn will be celebrating Oktoberfest with live German folk music, German food, and fun activities for the entire family! Click here to learn more!
My last meeting of the day was a fantastic community conversation with the Potomac chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. We discussed a myriad of important topics, including affordable housing, support for small businesses, civic engagement and involvement, and education.
 Thank you to the Deltas for putting together a fabulous discussion!
I am always looking for places to visit on my Fridays - if you have suggestions, please share!
Calling all Clarksburg residents! The Montgomery County Planning Department has scheduled four listening sessions in October to hear from residents about the Clarksburg Gateway Sector Plan. Below is a schedule. I encourage you to attend all of these conversations and share your concerns with the Planning Department. The sector plan impacts everyone in Clarksburg, and it is incredibly important for the community to show up to these discussions!
- Tuesday, October 3rd from 7-8:30PM (VIRTUAL)
- Topics: Transportation, environment
- Wednesday, October 11th from 7-8:30PM (Rocky Hill Middle School)
- Topics: Land use, housing, economic development, employment
- Thursday, October 19th from 7-8:30PM (Rocky Hill Middle School)
- Topics: Parks and trails, historic resources, community facilities, community identity, urban design
- Saturday, October 28th from 10AM-2PM (Rocky Hill Middle School)
Visit the Planning Department's website for more information.
Yesterday, I was joined by my colleagues Council Vice President Andrew Friedson and Councilmember Dawn Luedtke to present Jeremy Criss with a proclamation recognizing his retirement. Jeremy has been serving as the Director of the Office of Agriculture since 2016, but his service to the County and its agriculture community has spanned over 30 years.
District 2 is home to the county's Ag Reserve, and Jeremy's work within the Office of Agriculture has directly affected our community in District 2. Jeremy's tireless support of the agricultural community was evidenced by the number of people who came out to celebrate his achievements.
  Congratulations on your retirement, Jeremy!
Economic Development (ECON) Committee
The Economic Development committee held its first meeting post-recess on September 11th to receive an update on the office market and to discuss the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation's business attraction strategies. Click here to watch a recording of the committee session.
Transportation and Environment Committee
The Transportation and Environment committee met on September 11th and September 18th to receive a briefing about the Purple Line and to work on the Pedestrian Master Plan. We also held a joint work session with the Public Safety committee on September 18th to discuss safety while traveling by transit.
Click here to watch recordings from each of the committee sessions.
Council Legislation
Yesterday, the Council voted unanimously to pass the Safe Streets Act of 2023. This new law will create safer streets for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers on our County roadways. I was proud to cosponsor this legislation, especially after receiving hundreds of messages from constituents who were concerned about road safety.
You can read the text of the legislation here.
Upcoming Public Hearings
There are a number of public hearings coming up at the Council. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 1:30PM hearing is 2PM the day prior. The deadline to sign up to testify for a 7PM hearing is 5PM the day prior. To testify, please click here.
- County Executive Marc Elrich is hosting a community conversation focused on the FY25 operating budget on September 26th from 7-8:30PM at the BlackRock Center for the Arts. Learn more here.
- Montgomery County Health and Human Services is opening a new Sexual Health and Wellness Clinic located at the UpCounty Regional Services Center in Germantown. An open house is scheduled for October 5th from 1-4PM. RSVP here to attend.
- There are a number of vacancies on County boards, including the Commission on Health and the Early Care and Education Coordinating Entity Board of Directors. Learn more about these vacancies and apply by visiting this link.
- Montgomery County students can ride County busses for free with a Youth Cruiser Card. Sign up here.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
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