Wednesday, July 26, 2023
The Montgomery County Planning Department is hosting a Community Kick-Off meeting and open house TONIGHT from 6:30-8PM. The meeting will begin with a brief presentation about the Clarksburg Gateway Sector plan.
Feel free to drop by anytime to discuss your thoughts and share your concerns with the Planning Department. The event will be held in the community building in the Clarksburg Neighborhood Park at 22501 Wims Road, across from Clarksburg High School. You can learn more here.
The Clarksburg Gateway Sector plan affects all residents of the region. Therefore, I encourage you to attend this event and ask any questions you may have. See you there!
We have seen an unfortunate and unprecedented rise in violence across our community. This trend is not isolated to District 2 or Montgomery County. Crime rates have been rising across the nation and we have to do all that we can to keep ourselves and our neighbors safe.
On July 12th, I attended a community town hall hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Street Outreach Network. Last week, I sat down with Captain Ed Pallas, Commander of MCPD's 5th District, to talk about the issues we are facing in District 2. We discussed the need for programs that would keep our youth from engaging in harmful behavior and the current challenges facing the MCPD as they respond to a rise in criminal activities. The County is currently hiring 911 call takers and dispatchers through a fast track hiring process. If you are interested in learning more, click here.
Spotlight on Public Safety in the Community is a series of videos that I will be posting in the coming weeks to share helpful tips and information. You can watch the first two videos by clicking the links below.
If you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Yesterday, August 25th, the Council approved an update to the Rustic Roads Master Plan which increased the number of Rustic Roads to 112. The Council also passed Bill 30-23, which expanded the Rustic Roads Advisory Committee from 7 to 9 members. Throughout the review of the Master Plan, we had significant input from the community through the Rustic Roads Advisory Committee as well as other agricultural groups, farmers, residents, and users of our rustic roads.
With the Agricultural Reserve and the Rustic Roads program, Montgomery County is committed to maintaining our agricultural heritage. One of the great parts of my job representing the Upcounty is traveling these beautiful roads on a regular basis. It is our responsibility to protect the rural nature of these rustic roads for many generations to come.
I want to particularly thank the Rustic Roads Advisory Committee for their work in protecting this important program. You can review Bill 30-23 here and the Rustic Roads Master Plan here.
I had a great Friday morning chatting with MCPD Chief Marcus Jones and attending the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce's Public Safety Awards breakfast. Congratulations to all of the awardees and their work to keep our community safe.
 It is always pleasure to chat with MCPD Chief Marcus Jones.
 Congratulations to the awardees of the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce Public Safety Awards!
That afternoon, I visited the Islamic Center of Maryland's Cares Clinic, which provides free and/or low cost primary care medical services to the community. The clinic is open on Fridays and Sundays and is a great resource for those in need. You can learn more about the clinic here.
 Make sure to visit Landmade Farm Brewery the next time you are in Poolesville!
This past weekend, I celebrated the Annual Farm Tour and Harvest Sale! The Agricultural Reserve is a vibrant part of our District 2 community. Home to hundreds of farms, trails, and historic sites, the Ag Reserve should be celebrated, and this weekend did just that. I visited the Mooseum, Windridge Vineyards, Button Farm Living History Center, Lewis Orchards, Kingsbury's Orchard, Madison Fields, and Landmade Brewery during my jam packed weekend.
I encourage you to add all the aforementioned locations to your summer travel bucket list!
- The County is seeking applicants for the Dickerson Area Facilities Implementation Group. Learn more and apply here. The deadline to apply is TONIGHT.
WSSC Water has extended its Get Current amnesty program until August 31st. Learn more and apply online here.
- The BlackRock Center for the Arts is continuing its outdoor concert and movie series throughout July! Find a full list of upcoming events and performances here!
Montgomery County Tastemakers is hosting a self-guided craft beverage tour. Visit its website here to learn more and to download a trail map.
Montgomery Parks has a great lineup of fun events planned at Black Hill Regional Park. Click here to learn more.
Montgomery Parks will be building five new skate parks in the region, and wants to hear from you! Click here to participate in the skate park study. Two of these proposed parks will be located in District 2. The survey will close on September 30, 2023.
- In August, MCDOT will begin a permanent patching project in the Pioneer Hills/Brookmead neighborhoods in Darnestown. The project will take 4-6 weeks. Learn more here.
Team Balcombe's Summer RISE student Ameya is wrapping up her last week with the Council. Ameya was with Team Balcombe for almost a month, and had the below to share about her experience at the County Council.
"Throughout my time here at the County Council, I’ve not only learned an immense amount about the responsibilities of the Councilmember but about the responsibilities of the staff as well. Prior to this opportunity, I had no idea how well-oiled a machine & how big of a group effort upholding the County Council is. This is my first time in an office, & I have learned so much about professionalism, teamwork, & the inner workings of the Council. I think it's amazing how everyone works together & how well-researched every topic seems to be. It shows that this isn't just a job, but something that staff cares about. As a resident of District 2, I have never felt more loved & cared for!" - Ameya C.
We'll miss you, Ameya! If you are, or know of, a high school student who is interested in gaining hands on work experience during summer break, look into Summer RISE.
If you would like to get in touch with me regarding anything mentioned in this newsletter or any other concerns you may have, please email me at Councilmember.Balcombe@montgomerycountymd.gov or call my office at 240-777-7960.
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