Happy 4th of July!


Reflections on Juneteenth


Interfaith Service Supporting the Scotland AME Zion Church

Hope you and your families had a lovely 4th of July! In addition to this eventful week, last month, I joined multiple Juneteenth celebrations around the County, the largest of which was in Scotland. Glen Echo also had a week-long festival highlighting local African American history concluding with the Festival of Freedom that commemorated the desegregation of the former Glen Echo Amusement Park in 1960. I am glad I was able to join these events as well as the County’s Juneteenth Celebration at BlackRock Center for the Arts in Germantown and the Kensington Juneteenth celebration. For those interested in visiting our County’s African American heritage sites, such as those whom I met participating in the Washington Informer 11th Annual African American Heritage Tour, here is our County’s list of sites.

The County also continued its efforts over the Juneteenth weekend to honor distinguished individuals who are living legends in the County and who have helped shape the cultural heritage of the African American community. This year’s awardees can be found here.

As Frederick Douglas said, “We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and to the future...Your fathers have lived, died, and you must do your work." Whether it is through events connected to historic days like Juneteenth, visiting our local heritage sites, or in reading materials that help illuminate this serious topic, we can absorb the lessons from the past to better face our challenges today and in the future.