Montgomery County Maryland sent this bulletin at 12/02/2021 03:42 PM EST
December 2021
Season's Greetings: A Message from the Director
As we wrap up 2021 and celebrate the holidays this month, I am excited to share some important news from the Department of Permitting Services (DPS). We are preparing to launch a new permitting system that will be a gamechanger for Montgomery County!
When it launches next summer, this enterprise cloud-based system will transform the permitting process for our stakeholders and DPS staff. For the first time in the history of DPS, all permits will be online. This will improve our business processes and service delivery to our customers. Currently, we are moving data from multiple legacy systems to the new state-of-the-art comprehensive system. In addition to streamlining the permitting process, we are expecting to save millions of dollars in operational costs within five years of rolling out the new system.
Watch this video to learn more about the new permitting system, and my vision for DPS. Follow me on Twitter @mitrapedoeem for more DPS updates.
In case you haven’t stopped by, please note our new customer service office is open Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at our new location on the 7th floor of the Wheaton Office Building at 2425 Reedie Drive. Our offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 24 and Friday, Dec. 31 in observance of the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Please remember, you may always apply for permits and submit construction plans online even when our offices are closed.
From everyone at DPS, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!
Mitra Pedoeem
DPS Updates County Council Committee
Montgomery County Permitting Services Director Mitra Pedoeem and the DPS leadership team recently provided a budget overview to the Montgomery County Council PHED (Planning, Housing and Economic Development) Committee. In addition to the budget, DPS staff provided updates about:
The new enterprise permitting system that is coming next year;
COVID-19 effects on revenue, operations, and staff;
The department’s recent move to Wheaton and impacts on teleworking and training;
The newly created Customer Support and Outreach division; and
Shared the latest from other DPS divisions, including Commercial Building Construction; Land Development; Residential Construction and Fire Code Compliance; and Zoning, Well and Septic, and Code Compliance.
Submit Permit Applications and Construction Plans Online
The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services (DPS) requires permit applications and construction plans for residential and commercial buildings to be submitted online.
Applications for residential and commercial building permits should be submitted via the DPS website by selecting the “Apply and ePay link.” The DPS website provides information on requirements and fees associated with all permit types.
“Residential Fast Track” service is available for many projects with total gross floor area or work area of 400 square feet or less. In many cases, permits for projects approved for Residential Fast Track consideration can be approved in two business days or less. When applying, applicants can answer several questions about their residential project. If the project qualifies for Fast Track, the applicant should click “Yes” and select the type of project. This will put the project in the Online Fast Track process to get a permit to begin work.
Residential projects that could qualify for Fast Track consideration include single-level deck; accessibility ramps; alterations to conditioned attics without structural changes; carports; detached one-story garages; finishing basements without structural changes and without a kitchen; interior renovations without structural changes; pavilions; pool sheds (for equipment only); restoring/repairing fire-damaged buildings or accessory structures without structural damage; sheds; and gazebos.
The “Commercial Fast Track” permit process is a quick plan review service for small-scale interior alterations of existing commercial buildings. In most cases, a complete and compliant Commercial Fast Track application will receive comments and/or be ready for permit issuance in three business days. The Commercial Fast Track process is available for projects in the following International Building Code (IBC) use groups: Business Occupancies (IBC “B” Use), Mercantile Occupancies (IBC “M” Use) and Fire Damage Repair (All IBC use groups, up to 25 percent of the value of the structure). Some exceptions do apply.
DPS staff is always available to answer questions and provide assistance in the application process. To contact DPS, call 311 from within the County or 240-777-0311 from outside of the County or send an email to
Maryland Electricians Act
The Maryland Electricians Act, Chapter 708 went into effect on July 1, and there are significant changes to the existing licensure schematic for electricians. The State is now the authority over electrical licenses in Maryland. The local authority to issue master, journeyperson and apprentice electrical licenses has been repealed.
The Maryland Electricians Act does not prevent local jurisdictions from issuing a license to perform low voltage electrical work; however, there is no license in Montgomery County’s licensure schematic that is limited to low voltage electrical work. In Montgomery County, low voltage electrical work was permitted under a limited master license, which had allowed electrical services that are now regulated by the State.
In order to remedy this licensure gap, Montgomery County is doing what it is empowered to do, including expediting the amendment of Chapter 17 (Electricity) of the County Code, and creating a new license for low voltage electrical work.
Until Chapter 17 (Electricity) is amended locally, Montgomery County is allowing low voltage permits to be issued to electricians with a valid limited master electrician license issued by Montgomery County. Additionally, the limited master electrician licenses that expired between July 1 and Nov. 1 were extended by 90 days.
The Department of Permitting Services Commercial Construction program is responsible for ensuring public safety through the effective application of commercial building, structural, electrical, mechanical, fire-safety, accessibility and sustainability conservation codes and standards. As “first preventers,” this is accomplished through plan review and construction site inspections to facilitate compliance with approved plans and regulations.
Did you know a Use and Occupancy (U & O) certificate is required for the sale of Christmas trees at pop-up locations in Montgomery County? Examples of pop-up sites include church parking lots and roadside stands.
Please see the DPS Fee Schedule for the current U & O certificate fee. You may pay this fee online using the DPS ePay program. The application packet must include a completed U & O application along with a site plan showing all existing structures and where the Christmas tree lot will be located on the site. The site plan must be drawn in accordance with an accurate boundary line survey. You may submit your application package electronically at
If you are hardwiring lights or temporarily tapping into an existing electrical circuit, you will also need an electrical permit for your tree lot. The electrical permit application must be submitted online and should indicate whether a generator (and its size) or hardwire installation is used as means of primary power source.
Evergreen tree sales are permitted in almost every zone of the County, and may only be sold from now through Dec. 24. Please note the U & O certificate and the electrical permit are temporary permits. You must reapply each year. For more information about Christmas tree sales, call 311 or email
Firepit Checklist
Outdoor fireplaces are popular, especially when the temperature drops at this time of year.
Did you know the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services provides guidance about the use of fire pits, fire bowls and chimineas? Check out the DPS website for details.
Please note that the Department of Permitting Services offices, located at 2425 Reedie Drive in Wheaton, will open at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 8 because of an employee appreciation event. You may apply for permits and submit construction plans online at any time.
And the Survey Says
The Department of Permitting Services is committed to providing you the best customer service possible. Please take this quick survey to let us know how we are doing and what we can do to improve.