Special Edition: Pride Month 2021


June 2021


For Immediate Release

June 1, 2021


ROCKVILLE, MD -- Councilmember Evan Glass (At-Large) announces a series of LGBTQ+ Pride events throughout the month of June. Events include a Pride flag raising with the County Executive, a conversation with New York Times bestselling author Chasten Buttigieg, a puppy pride parade at Bark Social and a stroll down Takoma Park’s new rainbow crosswalk for the city’s “Show Your Pride” weekend.

"For this year’s flag raising we will be flying the Progress flag, which includes stripes to highlight trans individuals and communities of color –– for whom much progress remains to be made. There are a wide range of identities within the LGBTQ+ community, and as we have witnessed racial violence across the country, it’s more important than ever to create positive change for all of us, not some of us. The LGBTQ+ rights movement has made tremendous strides over the past few decades, but there remains much more work to do. I believe that by bringing us all together, we can continue marching toward progress and healing," said Councilmember Evan Glass.

This is the third year that Montgomery County has formally recognized June as Pride Month — an effort spearheaded by Councilmember Glass, the first LGBTQ+ member of the Montgomery County Council. Since his election to the County Council in 2018, Councilmember Glass has advocated for issues that particularly affect communities of color, including pay equity, affordable housing and transit equity. In 2020, he led the passage of the LGBTQ+ Bill of Rights which strengthens legal protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer residents by expanding Montgomery County’s anti-discrimination code to include gender expression and HIV status.

Councilmember Glass is hosting a series of virtual and in-person Pride events scheduled throughout the month of June in Montgomery County.

Pride flier

You can RSVP for the events at bit.ly/mocopride-2021