For Immediate Release
June 4, 2020
ROCKVILLE, MD -- Councilmember Evan Glass (At-Large) today announced a series of LGBTQ+ Pride Month events that will be hosted virtually throughout the month of June. From a family singalong and a panel conversation evaluating LGBTQ+ rights, to storytelling and a youth poetry slam, there will be events for residents of all ages.
“The civil rights struggles taking place across the country today are battles for fairness, equality and the ability to live one’s life without fear or harm,” said Councilmember Evan Glass. “It was only 51 years ago that the Stonewall Riots took place –– a clash with the New York Police Department that involved an overwhelming number of gay men of color –– which served as a catalyst for the modern day LGBTQ+ rights movement and the reason we celebrate Pride Month.”
“Fast forward to today and it's black and brown lives, particularly black and brown transgender lives, that are disproportionately impacted by hate crimes and the structural injustices that exacerbate fear of the police and fear for their lives,” Glass added. “The LGBTQ+ rights movement has made tremendous strides over the past few decades, and while there remains much more work to do, I believe that bringing us all together can help in this moment and offer some healing.”
Councilmember Glass has organized a series of virtual Pride events scheduled throughout Montgomery County during June.
You can RSVP for the events at

- Second Annual Pride Flag Raising: Monday, June 8
- Recognition of Local LGBTQ+ Hero: Tuesday, June 9, 9:30 am
- Marriage Equality and the Supreme Court: Five Years Later. Panel discussion with Doug Hallward-Driemeier, who argued before the Supreme Court in the landmark marriage equality case Obergefell v. Hodges: Wednesday, June 10, 2:30 pm
- Broadway and Disney Singalong Fun for All Ages: Friday, June 19, 7:00 pm
- Contemporary Conversations with Nonbinary Trans Author, Claire Rudy Foster and Lambda Rising Founder, Deacon Maccubbin: Wednesday, June 24, 7:00 pm
- Youth Poetry Slam: Friday, June 26, 6:00 pm
Please RSVP for the events at
For press inquiries, please email or call her at (240) 257- 6198.
Councilmember Evan Glass was elected to the Montgomery County Council in 2018 as an At-Large Member. He serves on the Transportation and Environment (T&E) Committee and the Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee, where he is the Council’s lead on Homelessness and Vulnerable Communities. Councilmember Glass also serves as the Montgomery County Council’s representative on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ (COG) National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board and the National Association of Counties’ (NACo) Transportation Committee and its Large Urban County Caucus. Councilmember Glass is the first LGBTQ+ member of the Montgomery County Council.