Happy New Year!
I’m Evan Glass - one of your newly elected Montgomery County Councilmembers. Being one of four At-Large Councilmembers means I have the unique privilege of representing every resident in the County. Whether you live in Poolesville, Burtonsville, Wheaton, Bethesda, Germantown, Silver Spring and anywhere in between, I’m your Councilmember.
What are the issues that matter to you? Are they transportation, health care, housing, protecting the environment, education, expanding opportunities for youth, jobs? I want to know.
You can email me, call my office, or simply fill out this form.

You can also send a note through my website to request services from my office for issues that come up in your neighborhood, opinions or thoughts you have about legislation that is being considered by the Council, or to invite me to a community event and to request a meeting.
Walking the Walk on Day One
On my first morning as your Councilmember I rode the bus to the Council offices in Rockville, fulfilling a campaign promise to voters that I will use public transportation as often as possible. Watch my interview with County Cable Montgomery as they follow my 80 minute bus commute from Silver Spring to Rockville as we discuss the need for safe pedestrian infrastructure and the benefits of public transportation. I am eager to get to work on these issues and more as a member of the Transportation, Energy, Infrastructure and Environment Committee.

Homeless and Vulnerable Communities
As a member of the Health and Human Services Committee, I have been named Lead for Homeless and Vulnerable Communities and was appointed to Montgomery County’s Commission on Homelessness. The County has made strides in this space and I look forward to expanding upon this important work.
Regional and National Leadership
In addition to my committee and commission appointments within the County, I have also been appointed as the Montgomery County Council’s representative on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments’ (COG) National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, as well as our representative to the National Association of Counties’ (NACo) Transportation Committee and its Large Urban County Caucus. These are incredible opportunities and I will ensure that Montgomery County’s transportation and other needs are represented at the regional and national levels.
Working with my Council colleagues

I look forward to serving with my Council colleagues and I am excited to be led by Council President Nancy Navarro. Her wealth of knowledge will serve the Council well and as I was recently quoted on the Washington Post, “Personally, I was raised by a strong female, a strong woman, and I look forward to being led by one on the council over the next year.”
To keep up with my work on the County Council,
follow me on social media!
