DPS Constructive Comments


Montgomery County's Department of Permitting Services  

July 2018

NACo Awards DPS for County Resiliency & Health

NACo Awards

DPS received two achievement awards from the National Association of Counties. DPS was recognized for their Residential Rooftop Solar Installation Program in the category of County Resiliency: Infrastructure, Energy & Sustainability.  And, also for Design for Life Property Tax Credit Incentive Program in the category of Health.
Permitting Services continues to bring innovation and new technologies to county residents and businesses.

DPS Launches New Design Consultation APP

DPS Design Consultation Scheduling

DPS has made scheduling commercial design consultations a lot easier.  Formerly called a Preliminary Design Consultation, DPS has launched a new online app for scheduling Commercial Design Consultations.

The new app offers customer a chance to schedule or cancel a meeting.  Meetings need to be scheduled 48 hours in advance and the customers will get an immediate email  confirmation.

For the application and to schedule or cancel online just use the App for Commercial Design Consultations .  

DPS FY19 Fee Quick Charts


Effective July 1, 2018, the Council approved the Enterprise Stabilization Rate of 3 percent. 

Below are links to quick charts to the new fees: 

Building Construction FY19 Quick Fee Chart

 Land Development FY19 Quick Fee Chart

 Zoning FY19 Quick Fee Chart

Department of Permitting Services
255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor
Rockville, MD  20850
For more information, call 311 or 240-777-0311