DPS Constructive Comments


Montgomery County's Department of Permitting Services           December 2017

DPS Rings in 2018 with New Codes and Programs

Sealed Smoke Detector

Maryland Updates Smoke Alarm Law in 2018

Maryland's new smoke alarm law requires the replacement of all BATTERY-ONLY operated smoke alarm with units powered by sealed-in 10-year long-life batteries. 
Homeowners have until January 1, 2018 to comply with the new law.  Any resident requiring information or assistance can call 3-1-1 .
For more information or to learn about our FREE Home Safety Program, visit: www.mcfrs/mcsafe . 

Save the Date Design for Life

Call for Exhibitors for 2018 Design for Life Showcase

This year's exhibit promises to be even bigger.  There is no charge for exhibitors, but must provide services for accessible homes.  To register contact: Jessica Fusillo at Jessica.Fusillo@montgomerycountymd.gov or call 240-777-0311 (311).

Model Home

Model House Program Updated

 As of January 3, 2018, the updated model house program  is in effect. This program enables a site-specific building permit application process valid for an unlimited number of permits in the current building code cycle. 


Wall Bracing Requirements for New Home Construction

The IRC requires that walls in residential construction be designed to withstand wind loads.  This information is often missing from application submissions resulting in avoidable delay in the ability to approve submitted plans.  Please be certain to include this information with plans submittals. As of January 3, 2018, DPS will require that construction documents for new homes and townhouses applications include wind bracing information for wood-framed walls. Applications missing the required information may be rejected.

Wind/Wall Bracing Presentation now available online!  


New IgCC Green Building Code

The newly adopted International Green Construction Code (IgCC) 2012 is scheduled to go into effect on December 27, 2017.  

Contact: Mark Nauman at Mark.Nauman@montogmerycountymd.gov with any questions. 


Bannockburn Students Get in the Zone with DPS 


The students in the 4th grade class at Bannockburn Elementary School were working on creating businesses in the Downtown Bethesda area and invited the DPS Zoning and Site Plan Enforcement (Z&SPE) to give them a presentation on zoning laws.  Mark Beall (pictured left) and Melissa Goutos visited the 4th grade class earlier this month to talk about what to look for when the students are looking for locations to open their new businesses. 
"We talked with them about what uses are allowed in certain zones, building height, setbacks, FAR, site lighting, landscaping, parking and sign requirements", says Mark, "The students enjoyed the presentation and had a lot of questions about how zoning works and how it will affect their businesses."  Future entrepreneurs in the making!

Happy New Year

Seasons Greeting and 

Happy New Year from DPS!

Department of Permitting Services
255 Rockville Pike, 2nd Floor
Rockville, MD  20850
For more information, call 311 or 240-777-0311