January is a great time to take a look at what insurance you have, what you are paying for it, and what changes to consider to get the protections that you need!
What happened in 2022? If you got married, started college, moved to a new home, welcomed a new child, bought a new car, got engaged, or started planning this year's vacation - those life changes (big or small) impact your insurance needs. This is the time to think about whether your policy covers all your risks, whether you need to change the limits of your insurance, whether to add valuable new property to your scheduled coverage, and compare premium costs. Make time to call your agent or visit our website for assistance.
Remember, the Maryland Insurance Administration does not sell insurance and we cannot recommend a particular policy or insurance company. We can help you learn what types of coverage are available, at what cost, and assist you if you have a complaint about how your insurance company responds when you file a claim.
Don't Skimp on Insurance!
If you are looking to cut expenses in the new year, visit us for tips on how to reduce your insurance premiums while still making sure that you have the coverage that you need. Click here.
Heading back to campus?
College students living on or off campus should consider renters insurance.
Check out this resource - click here.
January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month
The best way to protect your sight from glaucoma is to get a comprehensive eye examination. Visit your insurer’s website or review any information you receive in the mail to find out what your plan covers. To learn more, visit NIH National Eye Institute.
Did you get a new ride?
If you own an ATV or UTV, make sure you're covered. Read these FAQs: click here.
 Holiday travel has been stressful for many folks. The Maryland Insurance Administration has produced a Consumer Advisory on Travel Insurance to help answer any questions you may have. Read it here: https://bit.ly/miatravel
A New Year's resolution that all renters and homeowners should keep is to update their home inventory. Watch this video for important information about how to create an inventory. Click here. |
A great tool is the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Home Inventory app to log your items. You can take pictures and scan barcodes in the app, making it easier to file a claim with your insurance company should the need arise. Click here to learn more and download the free app. |
 Data Privacy Week is January 22 - 28. Make sure you safeguard your data. Make a resolution to manage your privacy settings on your online accounts. For more tips, click here.
For more cybersecurity tips, visit our website:
Maryland Health Connection open enrollment ends January 15th.
You still have time to get health coverage for 2023. Marylanders have until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 15, to enroll in a health or dental plan for 2023. Consumers who enroll by Jan. 15 will have coverage starting Feb. 1, 2023.
Visit MarylandHealthConnection.gov to find a plan that’s right for you: MarylandHealthConnection.gov.