DHS Mission Overcomes COVID-19 Challenges


Dear DHS Family,

This week’s all-remote launch of MD THINK’s Child, Juvenile and Adult Management System (CJAMS) in four Western Maryland jurisdictions marks an extraordinary achievement for our Department. Our determination to implement CJAMS amid social distancing measures mandated during this pandemic emphasizes my ongoing commitment to provide child welfare staff with this state-of-the-art technology. Furthermore, the remote launch positions DHS as a national model on the cutting edge of modernized service delivery for vulnerable children and their families.

This past Monday, 226 Child Welfare workers from Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, and Garrett counties logged into CJAMS live for the very first time – some on laptops from their homes and others from iPads while working in the field. Those of us monitoring the remote “Go-Live” from our own safe spaces observed as staff confidently navigated through CJAMS to complete work, gather for virtual “huddles” via WebEx, and receive online help from MD THINK and SSA support teams.

Our success, undoubtedly, springs from the dedication and hard work of so many who came together online to remotely launch CJAMS as well as prepare for the virtual rollout of other programs on MD THINK’s cloud-based platform. I offer my deepest appreciation and gratitude for a job well done by Executive Director Michelle L. Farr, Vonetta Martin, and the Social Services Administration’s team; DSS Directors Courtney Thomas Winterberg of Allegany DSS, Vicky Keller of Carroll DSS, Debbie Marini of Frederick DSS, Rick Dewitt of Garrett DSS, and their management teams; as well as MD THINK’s management and support teams. Most of all, I thank our frontline Child Welfare staff who have so willingly embraced the challenge of remotely implementing CJAMS’ innovative technology during this unprecedented time.



Full Signature

Secretary Padilla