Motion To: approve conclude the public hearing and keep the record open forten calendar days.
RESULT ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas Gordon III AYES: Kenneth Kiler, Joseph Vigliotti, Thomas Gordon III, MichaelGuerin, Ed Rothstein
Motion To: approve the submission of the Hub grant application, and accept the award, including hiring of recommended staff.
RESULT ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas Gordon III AYES: Kenneth Kiler, Joseph Vigliotti, Thomas Gordon III, MichaelGuerin, Ed Rothstein
Motion To: approve the spending authority for on-site medical services forCarroll County Detention Center Inmates for January 2025 to PrimeCareMedical Inc. in the amount of $109,771.24.
RESULT ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas Gordon III AYES: Kenneth Kiler, Joseph Vigliotti, Thomas Gordon III, MichaelGuerin, Ed Rothstein
Motion To: approve the purchase of one LIFEPAK-35 CardiacMonitor/Defibrillator and accessories from Stryker in the amount of $53,706.40.
RESULT ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas Gordon III AYES: Kenneth Kiler, Joseph Vigliotti, Thomas Gordon III, Michael Guerin, Ed Rothstein
Motion To: approve the encumbrance of funds for energy management control services to Johnson Controls per term contract #12143, in the amount of$76,122.00.
RESULT ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas Gordon III AYES: Kenneth Kiler, Joseph Vigliotti, Thomas Gordon III, MichaelGuerin, Ed Rothstein
Motion To: approve the purchase of furniture for the Public Safety office at the Library Headquarters, to Douron, Inc. in the amount of $47,496.96.
RESULT ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas Gordon III AYES: Joseph Vigliotti, Thomas Gordon III, Kenneth Kiler, MichaelGuerin, Ed Rothstein
All agenda items provide a link to the meeting video for further information by clicking the link. The voting record above has not been adopted.