Board of Carroll County Commissioners Voting Record for April 27, 2023

Board of Carroll County Commissioners

62nd Board of County Commissioners

Board of Carroll County Commissioners Voting Record for April 27, 2023

Click on an Agenda Item for a Link to the Meeting Media

Priority Carroll 2023

Priority Carroll

No Decision Required


Public Safety

Purchase & Install Fixed LPR Systems

Motion To: award the purchase of two (2) Leonardo (Elsag) LPR F4 systems to Selex ES, Inc. in the amount of $121,336.00.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael R. Guerin SECONDER: Thomas S Gordon AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin


Briefing on Potential Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Litigation

Motion To: join in the multi-state litigation against PFAS manufacturers to recovery likely future mitigation costs.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph A. Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas S Gordon AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin


Public Safety

Public Safety Server Infrastructure Replacement

Motion To: approve the Public Safety Server Infrastructure purchase to Disys Solutions Inc. in the amount of $410,202.92.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph A. Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas S Gordon AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin


Farm Museum

Farm Museum Fence Repairs

Motion To: approve Resolution O-23.09 to transfer $46,483.00 from Reserve for Contingencies (0310) to Farm Museum / Facilities (0191) to fund the purchase and installation of a new fence.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael R. Guerin SECONDER: Joseph A. Vigliotti AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin

Motion To: approve using the term contract with Long Fence for the installation, repairs, and materials in the amount of $41,483.00 and award the bid to White Pine Construction to complete the clearing in the amount of $5,000.00.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Michael R. Guerin SECONDER: Thomas S Gordon AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin


Approval of the Citizen Participation Plan and the Anti-Displacement and Relocation Plan

Motion To: approve the Citizen Participation Plan and the Anti-Displacement and Relocation Plan.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph A. Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas S Gordon AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin



Briefing on Carroll County Economic Development and Land Use Study

No Decision Required



Sun Valley II SWM Facility Retrofit 75-F-5-22/23

Motion To: award the contract for Sun Valley II SWM Facility Retrofit to Kibler Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $346,675.53.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Joseph A. Vigliotti SECONDER: Thomas S Gordon AYES: Rothstein, Kiler, Vigliotti, Gordon, Guerin


Overview of The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit – Information Only

No Decision Required