Board of Carroll County Commissioners Voting Record January 14, 2021

Board of Carroll County Commissioners

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Voting Record for January 14, 2021

Click on an Agenda Item for a Link to the Meeting Media

Morning Session

1. Priority Carroll

2. Discussion/Decision State Directives - Updates on COVID 19

No Decision Required

3. Legislative Update

No Decision Required

4. Request Approval for Medicare Improvements for Patients Providers Act (MIPPA) Grant Submission And Acceptance of Award for 9/1/2020 – 8/31/2021

Motion to approve the Medicare Improvements for Patients & Providers Act (MIPPA) grant submission and acceptance of the award.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Richard Weaver, Vice-President SECONDER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner AYES: Rothstein, Weaver, Wantz, Frazier, Bouchat

5. Bid Approval ~ Carroll County Sports Complex Soccer Field Lighting

Motion to award this project for Carroll County Sports Complex Soccer Field Lighting to Eastern Sales & Engineering Company in the amount of $184,300.00.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Ed Rothstein, President AYES: Rothstein, Weaver, Wantz, Frazier, Bouchat

6. Request Approval of Zoning Maps For By-Request Comprehensive Rezoning Map Amendments

Motion To: adopt the Zoning Maps 7, 21, 46, 52, 53,57,61, 62, 68, 73, 77, and 78 implementing the By-Request Comprehensive Rezoning map amendments as listed in the Ordinance.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Eric Bouchat, Commissioner AYES: Rothstein, Weaver, Wantz, Frazier, Bouchat

Motion To: approve the amended Map 41 in changing text amendments from Ir to C2

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Stephen Wantz, Commissioner AYES: Rothstein, Weaver, Wantz, Frazier, Bouchat

7. FY22 Preliminary Recommended CIP & Bond Authorization

Motion To: approve the FY 22 bond authorization in the amount of $48,450,000

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Richard Weaver, Vice-President AYES: Rothstein, Weaver, Wantz, Frazier, Bouchat



Afternoon Session

1. Grant Application Form for Expansion of Existing Broadband Networks Funding Program

Motion to authorize the Department of Technology Services to submit application to the FY21 Expansion of Existing Broadband Networks Grant, authorize the use of county money for the match, and accept the awards.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Richard Weaver, Vice-President SECONDER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner AYES: Rothstein, Weaver, Wantz, Frazier, Bouchat

2. Solid Waste Enterprise Fund Financing Option – System Benefit Charge (SBC)

Decision Tabled