Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission Approve the 2019 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan


For Immediate Release

Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission Approve the 2019 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan

Westminster, MD, Friday, November 22, 2019 – The Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission (P&ZC) voted 5-0 this week to approve a resolution for the 2019 Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan. Planning staff worked extensively with the Carroll County Planning and Zoning Commission, municipal staff, municipal planning and zoning commissions, and Carroll County citizens throughout the planning process.

An interactive map featuring existing and planned bicycle and pedestrian routes will be posted to the county website soon. For the latest updates on implementation efforts and ways to participate, please subscribe to the planning mailing list via Carroll Connect on the county website.

This plan will ultimately be part of the county-wide Master Plan and will be brought before the Board of County Commissioners in conjunction with the county Transportation Plan, currently being drafted. Updates will be provided as the Transportation Plan progresses.

The approved plan may be viewed online at, as well as at the Carroll County Department of Planning. Printed copies can be obtained at the Carroll County Department of Planning, 225 N. Center Street, Room 106, Westminster. For additional information, contact the Department of Planning at (410) 386-5145.


Contact: Chris Winebrenner
