Board of Carroll County Commissioners Voting Record for June 27, 2019

Board of Carroll County Commissioners

Voting Record for June 27, 2019

Click on an Agenda Item for a Link to the Meeting Media

1. Priority Carroll

2. Briefing/Discussion/Decision~County Funding of Dog Parks

Motion to modify the previous position and allow capital development of dog parks to be supported by community and county funding through the Self-Help program only.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ed Rothstein, Vice-President SECONDER: Eric Bouchat, Commissioner AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

3. Briefing/Discussion~Update ~ Public Works Design Manual for Roads and Storm Drains

No Decision Required

4.Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Request Approval for Extension of Term
Contract for Professional Land Surveying Services for FY20

Motion To: approves the extension of the term contract use for professional land surveying services for fiscal year 2020 or until a professional land surveyor is hired.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice-President AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

5.Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Request Approval for Use of Term Contract
For Structure Condition Inspection, Evaluation & Reporting of Carroll
County’s Minor Bridge Structures

Motion to approve using the term contract with the Wilson T. Ballard Company for the Structure Condition Inspection, Evaluation, and Reporting of Carroll County’s Minor Bridge Structures in the amount of $61,396.51.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner SECONDER: Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice-President AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

6.Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Request Approval for Transfer of Funds and Accept Operating Budget Resolution 0-19.10 For Londontown Boulevard Road Project

Motion to approve and accept Operating Budget Resolution 0-19.10.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice-President SECONDER: Ed Rothstein, Vice-President AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

7. Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Bid Approval ~ Change Order for Schoolhouse Road Pumping Station Project

Motion to approve a change order in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 to W.F. Delauter & Son, Inc. for the addition of a grinder pump and manhole to the Schoolhouse Road Pumping Station and Force Main project.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Ed Rothstein, Vice-President SECONDER: Eric Bouchat, Commissioner AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

8. Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Bid Approval ~ Roberts Mill Stormwater Retrofit and Bridge Superstructure

Motion to award the contract for the Roberts Mill storm water management retrofit and bridge superstructure to W.F. Delauter & Son, Inc. in the total amount of $3,121,434.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Stephen Wantz, President SECONDER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat


9. Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Impact Fees

Motion to keep the impact fee at zero for one year.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice-President SECONDER: Dennis Frazier, Commissioner AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

10. Briefing/Discussion/Decision~Request Approval for Public Safety Director to Execute FY2020 Annual Support and Maintenance Agreement with Carousel Industries who handles our 911 Telephone Equipment

Motion to authorize the Director of Public Safety to execute the proposed FY2020 agreement with Carousel Industries and approve payment of the resultant bill(s), as presented.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Stephen Wantz, President SECONDER: Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice-President AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

11. Administrative Session

Afternoon Session

12. Briefing/Discussion/Decision`Request Approval for Amendment to Existing Tuition Assistance Program Policy

Motion To: transfer $55,000 from FY20 Reserve for Contingency to fund this cohort program.

MOVER: Ed Rothstein, Vice-President
SECONDER: Richard Weaver, 2nd Vice-President
AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat

Motion To: direct Human Resources staff to create a program policy to accommodate the
Cohort Program and approve a direct cohort payment process between Carroll Community College and the county for the new A.A.S. Degree in Law Enforcement Cohort Program.

MOVER: Ed Rothstein, Vice-President
SECONDER: Eric Bouchat, Commissioner
AYES: Wantz, Rothstein, Weaver, Frazier, Bouchat