KYTC District 1 Traffic Impact Report for Thanksgiving Holiday Week of Dec. 19-25
District 1 includes Fulton, Hickman, Carlisle, Ballard, McCracken, Graves, Calloway, Marshall, Livingston, Crittenden, Lyon & Trigg counties
PADUCAH, KY (Dec. 18, 2021) -- KYTC District 1 anticipates ongoing construction activities at the following locations will impact traffic the week of Nov. 21-27, 2021. As far as possible, work zones along Interstates and parkways have been taken down for the Christmas holiday. Due to heavy holiday traffic, motorists should be alert for traffic backups at the major work zones that remain up.
I-24 Westbound from Kentucky into Illinois A contractor for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has a work zone along I-24 in Illinois from the Johnson-Massac County Line at the 24mm to the I-24 Ohio River Bridge at the 39mm. For westbound traffic, this work zone starts on the Kentucky side of the bridge with a merge point near the 1mm in Kentucky. There is a 55 mph speed limit for westbound traffic in Kentucky starting at the 7mm. All westbound traffic moves to the left-hand or passing lane at the work zone entry point. There is a 14 ft.-3 inch load width restriction in this IDOT work zone. The target completion date is November 15, 2022.
I-24 at 55 to 65mm for Concrete Rehab Project Westbound traffic has moved back to the newly reconstructed westbound lanes. There are two short westbound lane restrictions - one around the 65mm and one around the 56mm at the crossovers. Eastbound traffic is still one-lane while the contractor removes the centerline barrier wall. The wall has been removed to about the 62mm. Based on progress, eastbound traffic should be near-normal from the 60 to 65mm by about Thursday. Eastbound will continue to be one-lane from the 56 to 60mm through the holidays. All KY 139 Exit 56 ramps are open. The westbound 12 ft. load width restriction is removed. The eastbound 15ft max. load width remains up until the barrier wall is removed in early-January.
U.S. 60 in Livingston County U.S. 60 has an active work zone near the 12mm at the north edge of Smithland for construction of the New Cumberland River Bridge. Flaggers may be present to assist trucks delivering materials and equipment to the worksite. There is a 25 mph speed limit for westbound traffic and a 35 mph speed limit for eastbound traffic. As part of the bridge project, traffic has been shifted to the new alignment at the KY 70 intersection in the work zone. The target completion date for the new $63.6 million bridge is Spring of 2023.
U.S. 62 in Western McCracken County U.S. 62 has an active work zone with a strictly enforced 35 mph speed limit between KY 998/Olivet Church Rd and the traffic signal at McCracken Boulevard to extend the 4-lane section of U.S. 62/Blandville Road westward about 1 mile. NOTE: Traffic has shifted to the newly constructed westbound lanes to allow reconstruction of the eastbound lanes. Watch for changes in traffic flow resulting from this shift. There is an enhanced police presence. Target completion date is December 1, 2022.
U.S. 62 from 0.0 to 7.2mm in Northern Marshall County This Highway Safety Improvement Project (HSIP) runs from mile point 0.0 at the Marshall-McCracken County Line to mile point 7.2 at the KY 95 intersection in Calvert City. It includes construction of a center turn lane through Possum Trot, a left turn lane for U.S. 62 at KY 1523/Industrial Parkway, improvements to the U.S. 62/KY 95 intersection, as well as culvert and shoulder improvements. Be alert for one lane traffic with alternating flow at various points along the work zone. The target completion date on this safety project is July 31, 2022.
U.S. 641 in Southern Calloway County Construction of the New U.S. 641 from the Clarks River Bridge at the south edge of Murray to the KY-TN State Line at Hazel continues. Initial construction on this 6 mile section of new 4-lane will have no impact on existing U.S. 641 traffic during the 2021 construction season and minimal impact on side roads. Target completion date is summer of 2023.
U.S. 641 Through Downtown Benton in Marshall County This work zone along the one-way sections of Main Street and Poplar Street is nearing completion. The contractor plans to return in the spring for landscaping and minor finish work.
This traffic impact report is aimed at alerting motorists to work zones on mostly major routes. It does not include projects on rural secondary highways that have minimal cross-country traffic.
Work Zone Safety Tips
- Expect the unexpected
- Slow down.
- Don’t tailgate - Keep a safe distance between you and the car ahead of you
- Maintain a high awareness of construction workers and equipment
- Pay attention to signage and obey road crew flagger directions
- Stay alert and minimize distractions
- Keep up with the traffic flow
- Navigate traffic with or via the Waze APP on your smartphone
- You can follow us at or via the Gov Delivery link below
- Knowing where construction zones locations prior to the trip can minimize frustration and delays
- Be patient and stay calm
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