Paraprofessional Position Reporting Changes Effective 7/1/2023


Kentucky Public Pensions Authority (KPPA) is preparing to implement the following required changes to employer reporting.

KPPA is making changes to allow employers to report Paraprofessional positions via Enter Report Details and Upload Detail File as a separate record. This is a required change which will ensure statutory compliance.  This modification will require your agency to add an additional position status and payment reason but does not add fields to the employer reporting file. Please see the updated Employer Contribution Record Layout for details related to these updates.

Beginning with the July 2023 monthly report, employees in a position of paraprofessional coach will need to be reported with a new position status of Paraprofessional with a payment reason of Paraprofessional.  To ensure proper reporting and avoid errors associated with this change, the following adjustments may be necessary in Retirement Maintenance before reporting your 7/2023 pay records:

  • Move all pay types for these paraprofessional coach positions to the new Paraprofessional Pays column of the Pays tab in Generate Report.
  • Salary for paraprofessional coach positions should be reported as a separate record from all other positions and should include a payment reason of Paraprofessional.
  • There should be no contract days or hours per day reported for these positions.
  • The rate of pay should be recorded in the Rate of Pay field as either yearly or hourly.
  • The Estimated Additional Creditable Compensation field should no longer include the anticipated yearly amount for this position status. Instead, the Estimated Additional Creditable Compensation field should only include the guaranteed amount the employee is expected to be paid for additional pays which are not considered to be a Bonus or paraprofessional coach pay. An example of what should be included in this field might be a stipend which was not determined by our office to be a Bonus.
  • For those who are Paraprofessional Coach Only, you will need to report an end date for the current Intermittent position status of 6/30/2023 on the 6/2023 record with an employment end reason of Change in Position Status. The new begin date in Retirement Maintenance should be 7/1/2023 (or later), changed after the 6/2023 report has been submitted.
  • For those who are dually employed as a paraprofessional coach while also working a regular full time, part time or intermittent (substitute) position, the begin date should remain as it is currently listed in Retirement Maintenance.

As always, our staff are dedicated to assisting you at every step in this process.  If you have any questions, please contact your ERCE Representative at 1-888-696-8810.