Contribution Rates

ERCE Newsletter

Recommended Contribution Rates
The KRS Board of Trustees is required by law to determine the employer contribution rates for KERS and SPRS based on an annual actuarial valuation. The most recent actuarial valuations were performed by KRS' actuary, GRS Retirement Consulting, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2019.

At the December 5th meeting, the KRS Board of Trustees approved rates to recommend to the General Assembly for fiscal year 2020-2021.

The recommended employer contributions rates are:

KERS Nonhazardous   93.01%
      KERS Hazardous   38.71%
                        SPRS  156.97%

Please keep in mind that the General Assembly establishes the final rates in the biennial executive branch budget bill.  Employer contribution rates are subject to change depending on future actions of the General Assembly.

Questions? If you have questions, or need assistance, please call us at 1-888-696-8810.