District 7 eNewsletter 9.14.12

Councilman Ken Fleming, Ken.Fleming@LouisvilleKy.gov, 601 W. Jefferson Street, Louisville, KY 40202
Ken Fleming

Councilman Ken Fleming


McKenzie Combs

Legislative Assistant

To send me a message regarding an item in this enewsletter, or any matter, please email me directly at Ken.Fleming@louisvilleky.gov.
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Town Hall Meeting

October 9th Town Hall Meeting

Join me Tuesday, October 9 at 7:00pm for a District 7 Town Hall Meeting at St. Albert the Great (1395 Girard Drive).  This forum will provide you with the opportunity to hear about the latest projects and issues. More importantly, it will allow you the chance to ask questions, share your perspective and discuss topics important to you.
Representatives from the following agencies  will be there to answer questions: MSD, Public Works, Metro Police, IPL (Inspections, Permits and Licenses ) and the VA.


Metro Council
The Metro Council meeting began honoring three Louisvillians for their remarkable achievements.  First, Councilman David James honored LMPD Officers Fred Wilson and Daniel Goldberg for rescuing a young man who was kidnapped, bound and placed in the trunk of a car on a day when temperatures surpassed 100 degrees.   
Second, Councilman Kelly Downard honored Dr. Paul Coomes of the University of Louisville for his long standing economic forecasts that significantly aided Metro budget projects.
In other Council business a resolution was passed unanimously in support of the AT&T It Can Wait campaign. Each member of the Louisville Metro Council was given a copy of the pledge to sign. This is part of an effort to show our community that no message is so urgent that it's worth diverting attention from the road and risking lives in the process. It Can Wait! 


New Voter Registration Deadline Quickly Approaching

As the November 6th election approaches, so is the deadline to register.  If you are a new voter, have recently moved or had a name change you must submit a new registration card no later than the close of business on October 9th.  Click here to download the registration form, print it off, fill it out and return it to the Jefferson County Election Center.  You can drop it off or mail it to:
Election Center
Urban Government Center
810 Barret Ave., Room 103
Louisville, KY  40204
To vote you must be a United States citizen, 18 years or older and you may not be a convicted felon.  Click here for more information about eligibility and precinct locations.

Absentee Voting Starts September 24th

Registered voters who will miss the general election on November 6th may begin voting on September 24th at the election center (810 Barret Ave).  Jefferson County in-house voting will be held in Room 103 of the government center from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  There are also three Saturday options from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on October 20th, October 27th and November 3rd. If you would rather complete a mail-in ballot you can request one here.

You must qualify to vote early.  The following are some examples of eligible reasons to vote absentee:
  • You are outside the county on Election Day
  • You are a student who’s temporarily residing outside of the county in which you are registered to vote
  • You are a member of the Armed Forces, or a dependent, and will be out of the county
  • You or a spouse are having surgery that will require hospitalization
  • You are a precinct election officer serving in a precinct other than your own
  • You are in your last trimester of pregnancy

Crime Map!

Louisville Metro Police Dept Crime Report

You can map the most recent crime data available in your neighborhood.  Simply click here to view the data provided by Louisville Metro Police.  All you need to do is enter an address and zoom into the crime around that area.  The types of crimes are detailed below the map.  These crime reports do not include crimes handled by the suburban cities' police departments.


Shred Your Confidential Documents

The Lyndon Farmers’ Market is providing you with the opportunity to shred those old confidential documents crowding your filing cabinets. On September 27th A-Plus Paper Shredding will be at the market (7515 Westport Road) from 3:00-5:00 p.m.  The market is paying for the shredding, but is encouraging those who show up to make a monetary or non-perishable donation to Eastern Area Community Ministries. 
st mams


Tortoise and Hare 5K Run / Walk

Lace up your running or walking shoes for St. MAM’s Tortoise & Hare 5K on Saturday, September 22nd. Proceeds from this annual fundraiser will support St. Matthews Area Ministry’s charitable programs.  The race will begin at the Turtle Soup Festival held at Bethel-St. Paul Church (4004 Shelbyville Road) at 9:00a.m.  If you would like to participate, click here, for a registration form.
For those who may not know, St. MAM’s provides a means for government, schools, businesses and non-profits to effectively meet community needs.  Some of the services provided include an infant & toddler closet, a food pantry and help with utility bills.  They are located at 201 Biltmore Road in St. Matthews.

Brightside’s Fall Community-Wide Cleanup

You can make your area of Louisville a little brighter by organizing your family, friends, church, organization or school to participate in the Brightside Community-Wide Cleanup on Saturday, October 27th.  Groups choose their own location and Brightside supplies the needed bags and gloves to outfit your entire group. Brightside will also arrange for waste pickup.
Recycling Event