Landbank & URC Meeting Notice
Louisville Metro Government sent this bulletin at 02/08/2024 01:15 PM ESTTHE WEBEX LINK IN THE PREVIOUS NOTICE IS INCORRECT. THE CORRECT LINK IS LISTED BELOW.
The Louisville and Jefferson County Landbank Authority, Inc. and Urban Renewal and Community Development Agency will hold their monthly meetings on Monday, February 12, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
The VAPStat Joint Meetings is open to the public and those interested in participating can attend the meeting in the Auditorium of the Old Jail Building, at 514 West Liberty Street, or remotely pursuant to KRS 61.826.
The public may access the meeting remotely as follows:
Attend via Video Teleconference:
Event number (access code): 2315 717 8794
Required password for registration: Land (5263)
Questions can be submitted using the Q&A chat box at the bottom left-hand corner of the event.
Attend via phone only:
Event number (access code): 2315 717 8794
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Required password for registration: Land (5263)
The public can also view the meeting live on the Cabinet for Economic Development's Facebook page.
The Final Agenda for the Monday, February 12, 2024, VAPStat Joint Meeting at 3:00 PM is available on the Louisville Metro Government Agenda & Meeting Portal website by clicking the link below:
Office of Housing & Community Development
444 South Fifth Street, 5th Floor
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
(502) 574-4200 – main line