100+ Louisville residents in pursuit of their financial goals
Since launching Louisville's Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) on July 11, 2022, 100+ residents have received free, professional, one-on-one, financial counseling to empower them in pursuit of their goals. Focusing on four key areas of financial health: banking, credit, savings, and debt, counselors have been working with residents to address complex financial challenges.
The Louisville FEC is a public service initiative of Louisville Metro Government’s Office of Resilience and Community Services which is provided in partnership with the Louisville Urban League which offers professional, one-on-one financial counseling to Louisville residents. Nearly 20 community agencies are partnering with Louisville FEC to make referrals for their clients and may host a counselor on site.
Meet our Financial Empowerment Center counselors
Our awesome group of financial counselors are trained to tailor every session to the individual. They want to know more about you and your goals. Understanding your financial goals allows our counselors to customize what resources are provided and when they are given.
No financial challenge is too complicated to address. Everyone can use support and guidance on their finances from time to time and having a trusted and caring counselor can make a huge difference.
Sign up today!
Our FEC counselors want to help you achieve your financial goals and can help with: finding safe and affordable banking; establishing/increasing credit scores; managing and paying off debt; and building savings for emergencies and peace of mind.
Call (502) 585-4622 (Ext. 6) to request to meet virtually or in-person at the Louisville Urban League, or at one of our several partner locations.
Or submit an Appointment Request Form to schedule your first financial counseling appointment by clicking here: