October 2021 Newsletter
 October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and for the first time we have added domestic violence as a core topic in our upcoming Ambassador Training (registration below). This month's newsletter will focus on trainings, readings, and resources to educate about this preventable public health issue.
Upcoming Events
Unity in the Community: Block Party
The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods invites you to come celebrate all that makes Cecil and Greenwood a community to call home this Saturday, October 23rd from 1:00pm - 5:00pm.
This free event will include performances by The Real Young Prodigy's, free food, mental health resources, networking, and more! We are truly thrilled to be able to reconnect with friends, family and neighbors in the community! Job readiness and certification sign-ups will be provided by the Goodwill Industries.
Check out the Real Young Prodigy's latest single "CROWN"
In-person Ambassador Training
Learn the tools needed to make a difference in your community! Our next Ambassador Training will be held in-person on Saturday, December 11th from 9:00am - 2:00pm and we will meet at the Louisville Central Community Center at 1300 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd
Participants will be trained in Mental Health 101/Suicide Prevention, Community Organizing, Stop the Bleed, Conflict Resolution, Domestic Violence Awareness, and The Public Health Approach to Violence. Join over 500 participants who have completed the training since its inception in 2017. If you have ever wanted to learn how you can get involved in violence prevention, this is your chance!

The Community Justice Action Fund: Building Community
October 26th at 3pm ET CJAF will host a virtual panel discussion. CJAF will be joined by a dynamic group of panelists to discuss the important work happening to address the intersectionality of intimate partner violence and gun violence.
In the U.S., 4.5 million women report having been threatened with a gun by an intimate partner. The presence of a gun during an intimate partner dispute makes it 5 times more likely that the victim will be killed. It is clear that ending intimate partner violence is a crucial step in the fight to ending gun violence.
Registration is required and can be completed using the link below.

CLOUT’s Community Problems Assembly
On October 25th at 6:30pm CLOUT will virtually hold it's first major assembly and ask that all Justice Network Members be in attendance.
During this assembly, CLOUT will vote to select a new community problem priority for research and action in the coming year, hear updates from public officials who have made prior commitments on their issue campaigns and much more!
Online Reading and Learning
With limited trainings and in-person gatherings, below are some interesting learning opportunities to continue to grow and develop our collective understanding of violence.
 This report offers early lessons and recommendations from work the Annie E. Casey Foundation is supporting in Atlanta and Milwaukee to prevent gun violence. Residents in both cities are shaping and leading safety strategies with the support of local nonprofits and other public and private partners. These communities are part of a national movement to increase safety and heal trauma by examining root causes and addressing these issues from a public health and racial justice perspective. See full report here.
The Cost of Gun Violence: Louisville, KY
The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods (OSHN) released a new study conducted by the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (NICJR) estimating that each homicide in Louisville costs taxpayers more than $900,000 and each injury shooting costs $508,835 per suspect.
The report breaks down the cost of violence into six areas – crime scene response, hospital & rehabilitation, criminal justice, incarceration, victim support and lost tax revenue – and notes that when someone is shot in Louisville, as in jurisdictions throughout the county, there is an immediate and multifaceted response from an array of government agencies. Click here to read the full report
FREE Questions, Persuade, and Refer (Q.P.R.) Trainings
The Louisville Chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Louisville) and the Louisville Health Advisory Board (LHAB) have an ambitious goal of training 2,021 Louisville citizens in 2021. To do so, they are offering several Q.P.R. trainings before the end of the year. Question, Persuade, and Refer are three steps anyone can take to prevent suicide, and through a grant these trainings are currently available for FREE for Jefferson County residents. Trainings are currently being offered virtually, and you can register below to attend one of several available trainings before the end of the year. Register here.
Podcast by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Episode 313 (14 minutes) - Stopping Gun Violence Before It Starts: How Community-Based Violence Prevention Programs Keep People Safe.
This podcast explores community-based approaches for addressing gun violence. Additionally, they discuss the evidence for these programs and their growing need and popularity across the country.
This episode can be found on Apple Podcast, Spotify and YouTube.
Community Board
Take a look at some of the latest news, resources, and events in the community. Keep your community informed by sharing these with family, friends, and neighbors.
Report Domestic Violence
Kentucky’s domestic violence programs and shelters are OPEN 24/7 and are safe for survivors and their families to receive emergency shelter and supportive services. If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence and needs assistance, please reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, by calling 1-800-799-SAFE, or visiting KCADV.org.
Heine Brother's and the Center for Women and Families
In partnership with the Center for Women and Families (CWF), from now until the 31st of December Heine Brother's will donate $1 to CWF for each 12 oz. bag of Traveler's Blend coffee sold.
The proceeds will assist CWF in providing resources and support to individuals and families they serve for free.
For more information on other ways to donate click here. To order a 12 oz. bag of coffee click here.
#EverydayAdvocate GIVE Week
The Center for Women and Families serves thousands of families and individuals each year. Help them reach their goal of $100,000.
Your donations help to provide services including counseling, housing, meals and personal supplies to those experiencing intimate partner violence for FREE.
The #EverydayAdvocate 2021 Fundraising Campaign will span October 17th - October 23rd.
Click here to donate
New Day Ministries: L.O.V.E. Walk
October 30th from 1 pm - 4 pm New Day Ministries wants you to join them in the Chickasaw Community for a L.O.V.E. Walk. The walk will begin at New Covenant Baptist Church located at 1190 S. 4th Street.
L.O.V.E. stands for Love Overcomes Violence and its Effects. Together we can be an agent of change and support. Check out the other opportunities New Day Ministries has to offer by visiting their website https://ndky.org/
Register for the event here. For additional information, contact newdayky1961@gmail.com
'West of Ninth' & Beecher Terrace Exhibit on Display at the Frazier History Museum
In partnership with “West of Ninth” bloggers Walt and Shae Smith, the West of Ninth: Race, Reckoning, & Reconciliation exhibit uses the blog as a catalyst to explore the historic roots of Louisville’s Ninth Street divide; delving into issues of race, segregation and redlining in the city. The exhibit features artifacts excavated in Corn Island archaeology’s exploration of historic Black neighborhood Beecher Terrace, as well as other objects related to Black history in Louisville including and the ongoing protests, alongside selections from the “West of Ninth” blog and Beecher Terrace documentary. The exhibit is now on display at the Frazier History Museum.
Trauma Resilient Community: Let's Heal Together
TRC is offering free AF-CBT and RTT counseling services to South and West Louisville residents.
What is AF-CBT? Alternatives for Families - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (AF-CBT) is a trauma-informed treatment to manage grief, anger, anxiety, and stress. Learn how to solve problems effectively and address family conflicts.
What is RTT? Racial Trauma Therapy is an evidence-based intervention providing trauma-informed therapy to those who have experienced race-based trauma and stress.
For more information contact Nannette Dix at 502-612-0450.
Free At-Home COVID-19 Test
Residents of some Louisville areas can now order FREE rapid, at-home COVID-19 testing kits while supplies last. It’s part of a program called Say Yes! COVID Test sponsored by the Louisville department of Public Health.
Individuals living in these zip codes (pictured right) can get the test kits one of several ways:
-Ordering them at www.covidhometestlouisville.org
-Calling the Lou Health Helpline at 502-912-8598
-Or picking them up via several partners that are listed on the website
News and Announcements
Mayor Fischer Introduces Inspector General Choice
In Dec. 2020, Mayor Fischer signed an ordinance formally establishing the Civilian Review & Accountability Board to add a new layer of independent review to LMPD disciplinary matters, and on October 19th, Fischer introduced Edward W. Harness to the Board as his choice to be the city’s first Inspector General.
Since 2015, Harness has served as the Executive Director of the Albuquerque (N.M.) Civilian Police Oversight Agency, which he helped establish to investigate all civilian complaints, and reviews and monitors all internal affairs investigations for the Albuquerque Police Department. He’s an attorney who also served 12 years as a police officer in Milwaukee, where he’d also provided oversight of law enforcement as a volunteer police commissioner.
Louisville’s Inspector General (IG) will lead a new office and have the authority to investigate allegations of certain improper interactions between any members of the LMPD with any member of the public. Duties of the IG’s Office also include examining patterns and practices within LMPD; reviewing policies, procedures and operations; and providing recommendations on improving operations to the Mayor’s Office and Metro Council.
The new Civilian Review & Accountability Board will guide the work of the IG, adding a new layer of independent review to LMPD matters. The Board and Office of IG are part of Louisville Metro Government’s efforts to reimagine public safety and build trust between police and the community.
Click here to read more.
Pilot Project will Deflect some 911 Calls to a Non-police Response
On October 13th, Mayor Fischer joined partners from the University of Louisville, Seven Counties Services and Spalding University to announce plans for a pilot program which will deflect some 911 calls to a non-police response “focused on problem-solving, de-escalation and referral to appropriate community services.” The pilot, recommended in a report from the UofL ’s Commonwealth Institute of Kentucky (CIK), will initially be limited to crisis intervention 911 calls from LMPD’s Fourth Division. It involves establishing:
- A Behavioral Health Hub, with health crisis interventionists integrated in the MetroSafe 911 call center. Call takers would direct certain crisis intervention calls to a trained interventionist, who would help further triage the crisis to determine whether it could be de-escalated over the phone, if the person in crisis would benefit from a mobile response, or if the scenario called for an LMPD response due to safety concerns.
- A mobile response unit consisting of trained crisis interventionists to “rapidly respond, effectively screen and assist persons in crisis in accessing the appropriate level of care.”
- A 24-hour “community respite center,” a fully staffed safe place where individuals can stay for up to 24 hours when connected by the mobile response team.
Click here to read more.
Mayor Fischer Signs Resolution to Study Reparations
On October 14th, Mayor Fischer signed a resolution approved by Metro Council supporting the congressional proposal, known as U.S. House Bill 40, which calls on to form a national commission to study and determine how slavery and discrimination have affected African Americans and to recommend appropriate remedies, including reparations. Last year, the Mayor’s first act as President of the U.S. Conference of Mayors was to support a resolution supporting H.R. 40.
The Mayor was joined by Interim Chief Equity Officer Michael Meeks and Councilman Jecorey Arthur, D-4 for the signing. The mayor said the resolution was just one of the steps in the right direction to correct historical wrongs. Click to read the full article.
Stay Connected!
There is great work happening here in the Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods, and most importantly, in our community. It is our goal to keep you engaged and co-leading our important work. Our vision for Louisville is a city of safe neighborhoods where everyone is supported, free of violence, and prepared for lifelong success. We can only achieve this together, so stay connected with our monthly newsletters, social media, and visit our website for more information and additional calls to action.
Past OSHN Newsletters can be viewed here.
We would love your feedback. If you have questions or concerns regarding our newsletter, or have a related event that you would like to communicate with our networks, contact Joe Newland
Take care of each other. #BeThe1