July 2021 Newsletter

Louisville Skyline, Muhammad Ali

July 2021 Newsletter

The Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods (OSHN) has hit the ground running this summer, and we are excited to roll out several new projects aimed at improving capacity, outreach, prevention, and more.  As our programs and services continue to expand, so is our team.  If you’re passionate about addressing violence through a holistic, public-health approach and looking for an opportunity to truly make an impact on your community, then, please review OSHN's current openings. To learn more about the positions we have available in our office and across the city, visit the Louisville Metro job board to apply.

OSHN Highlight: The Youth Implementation Team

Our monthly OSHN spotlight aims to inform and educate the public about key initiatives and innovative programs that we partner with to enrich our community.


We are proud to announce that on July 10th the One Love Louisville Youth Implementation Team (YIT) was joined by Mayor Fischer to celebrate and wrap up their 2020-21 cohort!  Each year, a dozen or more members age 15-24 participate in bi-monthly meetings with leaders in local government while giving feedback on issues related to youth.  This includes planning the annual National Youth Violence Prevention Week which takes place every April, in addition to having the opportunity to draft press releases and resolutions, and sit in on panel discussions. This year's focus was geared toward Critical Race Theory, the Land Development Code project, mental health, and more.

It is our goal to not only provide development opportunities, but involve youth in the conversations and decisions affecting them - giving them a voice and seat at the table. The YIT is a great opportunity to learn valuable skills while making a difference for your community! If you’re interest in participating in this program, we begin taking applications for the next cohort in the fall.  Meetings may be held virtually or in-person on Saturdays.  *Please note that all applicants must be aged 15-24 and live in Jefferson County. To learn more, or to be put on a notification list when applications are available, please email javoughn.brown-lewis@louisvilleky.gov

Upcoming Events

Center for Neighborhoods Tonight

A Conversation: The Neighborhood Planning Process in Louisville - tonight, July 22nd

Tonight the Center for Neighborhoods in partnership with UofL Master of Urban Planning capstone students will outline and discuss the strategic planning process, equity analysis, and  and the vision for neighborhood planning with corresponding goals, strategies, and recommendations. These plans are often critical to secure funding and guide development, that can ultimately shape the future of a neighborhood. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm and will be followed by a community conversation.

Join by visiting the Center for Neighborhoods Facebook page tonight at 7:00pm.

Click below to visit their Facebook page.

Alley cleanup

Alley Cleanup This Saturday

The Ambassador Workgroup invites you to join them this Saturday, July 24 from 10am-12pm for an Alleyway Cleanup in the Parkland Neighborhood.  In order to ensure our efforts are sustained, we will also be distributing flyers to neighbors detailing how they can report illegal dumping. 

Volunteers of all ages are welcome to join!  Water, gloves, and bags will be provided, and all volunteers will receive a free Brightside t-shirt.  RSVP is required in order to ensure there are enough supplies.

The Ambassador Workgroup meets on the first Thursday of every month.  For more info about joining an upcoming Ambassador Workgroup meeting, or to volunteer for the alley cleanup, email joseph.newland@louisvilleky.gov

Ambassador Institute

Ambassador Institute to Resume IN-PERSON Trainings

Learn the tools needed to make a difference in your community! Our next Ambassador Institute will be held in-person on Saturday, August 21 from 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and we will meet at the Louisville Free Public Library's Main Branch at 301 York Street.

Participants will be trained in Mental Health 101Suicide PreventionCommunity OrganizingConflict Resolution, and the Public Health Approach to Violence. Trainers include experts from Home of the Innocents, the Kent School of Social Work, the Youth Violence Prevention Research Center, and more!  Lunch will be provided.

Registration is required.  Register below!

Register Here

Online Reading and Learning

With limited trainings and in-person gatherings, below are some interesting learning opportunities to continue to grow and develop our collective understanding of violence.

Community Safety Realized: The Prevention Institute

This month, the Prevention Institute released the framework, Community Safety Realized: Public Health Pathways to Preventing Violence, outlining their core elements to violence prevention.  Informed by the science and practice of public health and driven by the values of equity and justice- this report, describes community driven, multi-sector approaches to community safety. The dual purposes of this report are to expand the collective understanding of violence prevention, and to invite collaboration from multiple stakeholders in the community. While this report describes the pathways to violence, it also highlights sample strategies along the pathway to safety. While the majority of traditional public investments are used to address the aftermath of violence, Community Safety Realized highlights intervention and prevention strategies at the root level.  Read their recommendations here.

Alternative Dispatch Programs

When the budget was finalized last month, it included $5M for deflection and diversion programs - including a nurse triage program to be piloted in the 911 dispatch center.  This will be an expansion of the program that debuted in 2010 which filtered select, non-urgent calls to nurses for minor injuries.

Additionally, alternative dispatch programs have been on the rise over the last few years, and for good reason.  With only a fraction of 911 calls being for serious or violent crimes, health professionals, social workers, and mediators could be a more appropriate first responder option in some circumstances. This is particularly true with call involving substance use, homelessness, or mental health challenges.  Read an analysis here to learn more and see different Alternative Dispatch Programs finding success around the country.

Yellow Ambulance

Free Suicide Prevention Trainings

FREE QPR trainings are still available for Jefferson County residents! Question, Persuade and Refer are three steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. Join the Louisville Health Advisory Board and the National Alliance on Mental Illness in reaching their goal of 1,500 new Jefferson County residents trained in the QPR model. Sign up for the free, monthly training here.

FREE QPR Trainings

Community Board

Take a look at some of the latest news, resources, and events in the community.  Keep your community informed by sharing these with family, friends, and neighbors.

National Night Out - LMPD's 1st and 2nd Division

The first Tuesday in August is National Night Out, an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships.  National Night Out aims to enhance the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community. Furthermore, it provides a great opportunity to bring police and neighbors together under positive circumstances.  This year, the 1st and 2nd division of LMPD will be at the West Broadway Kroger from 5:00-8:00pm on Tuesday, August 3.  There will be food, music, and giveaways, and no registration is required. 

National Night Out

Youth Pop-up Shop

Join the Louisville Youth Network and support young entrepreneurs on Friday, July 30, 2021 from 4:00-7:00pm at the Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning Complex for a Youth Pop Up Shop. The event will highlight local youth (ages 10 - 24) in Louisville to showcase their talents and increase awareness of their businesses.  For any questions, email Dr. Billie Castle. billie.castle@louisvilleky.gov. No registration is required to visit.

Friday, July 30 from 4pm-7pm | Norton Sports and Learning Complex: 3029 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.

Youth pop-up shop

Arts Heal - Submit Your Art Work for Public Display

Calling all Jefferson County artists!  ArtsHeal is looking for local artists to display their work on billboards along the Broadway corridor.  Submitted artwork must address the theme of “healing through the arts," and selected images will be printed on vinyl material and installed in various rectangular sizes this summer..  Images may also be shown on digital billboards. Artists will receive $500 for the use of their image. Applications are due for consideration by July 30, and priority will be given to BIPOC artists. Learn more and apply here.


Self-Esteem Inc Holding Fundraiser

Self Esteem Inc. is a non-profit providing mentorship to young women.  Their upcoming fundraiser, called the Marcus Garvey Day Festival, is at the African American Heritage Center Saturday, August 14 from 11am-5pm.  Speakers include Senator Gerald Neal, State Representative Reginald Meeks, Dr. Rev. Kevin Cosby, and more.  Tickets are donation-based and will help fund Self-Esteem Inc.  Register here.

Self Esteem Inc

News and Announcements

2021 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Conference to be Held in Louisville

Each year, the Coalition for Juvenile Justice holds a conference on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the youth legal system.  This year, the event will be held November 1-3 at The Omni Hotel here in Louisville.  These conferences give stakeholders from around the country an opportunity to share strategies and explore solutions related to disparities in juvenile justice. This year’s conference will bring together stakeholders at the local, state, and national levels, as well as the larger juvenile justice community to discuss multiple issues including:

  • What changes can be made at the system’s front end to reduce racial and ethnic disparities?
  • How can youth advocates, law enforcement, attorneys, the judiciary, and community leaders work together to combat the crisis?
  • What role does data collection play in eliminating disparities, and how can collection be improved?
  • What lessons have we learned from the pandemic and how can we use these lessons to address and end racial inequities in our education and youth legal systems?

See a drafted itinerary for the conference here.  Learn more or register for the conference here.

Mayor Highlights FY22 Budget Investments for City’s Youth

Mayor Greg Fischer today joined Metro Councilman Jecorey Arthur, Dr. Billie Castle with the Office of Youth Development, KentuckianaWorks Executive Director Michael Gritton, SummerWorks Program Director Chris Locke, and Brittany Brown with the Coalition Supporting Young Adults to highlight the fiscal year 2022 budget investments benefiting the city’s youth.

“It is critical that we provide more pathways to create and foster opportunity for our youth because we know every young person deserves the chance to cultivate their talents and reach their full potential,” said the Mayor. “My office and our Metro Council are fully committed and invested in not only educating underserved youth on their options but helping them reach their goals and fulfill their dreams, thus planting the seed and building the foundation for success.”

The approved FY22 budget focuses on a “whole-of-government” approach to becoming a safer, cleaner and healthier city. This includes investing in youth, especially underserved youth, with investments in post-secondary education and workforce development initiatives, as well as investments in organizations that provide much needed support systems for young people.

Acknowledging that education is the No. 1 disrupter of poverty, this year’s budget invests $3 million in Evolve502 Promise scholarships and doubles the budget for SummerWorks to $1 million. The budget also doubles the funding to support the city’s Office of Youth Development (OYD). The $1 million expansion will fund staffing for community outreach to meet the unique needs of youth between age 10 – 15, ensuring they and their support systems are connected to resources.

Read the full story here.

Calendar of Events

Stay Connected!

There is great work happening here in the Office for Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods, and most importantly, in our community. It is our goal to keep you engaged and co-leading our important work. Our vision for Louisville is a city of safe neighborhoods where everyone is supported, free of violence, and prepared for lifelong success. We can only achieve this together, so stay connected with our monthly newsletters, social media, and visit our website for more information and additional calls to action.

Past OSHN Newsletters can be viewed here.

We would love your feedback. If you have questions or concerns regarding our newsletter, or have a related event that you would like to communicate with our networks, contact Joe Newland.

Take care of each other.