Paula McCraney
District 7
601 W. Jefferson Street Louisville, KY 40202
Office: (502) 574-1107
Email Councilwoman McCraney
Visit the District 7 Website
Phone Numbers of Interest
Air Pollution: 574-6000
Animal Services: 363-6609 or 361-1318
Anonymous Tipline: 574-LMPD (5673)
Brightside: 574-2613
Jefferson County Clerk's Office: 574-5700
Legal Aid: 584-1254
Metro Call: 311 or 574-5000
Metro Parks: 456-8100
Metro Police: (Non Emergency) 574-7111 or 574-2111
Metro Safe: 572-3460 or 574-7111
MSD: 587-0603
PARC: 569-6222
Poison Control: 589-8222
Public Works: 574-5810
Solid Waste Management (SWMS): 574-3571
TARC: 585-1234
Veteran's Affairs: 595-4447
Last Sunday afternoon, while relaxing at home and talking on the telephone to a childhood friend, I heard my husband snicker. I didn't pay him much attention, until suddenly, he let out a gleeful chuckle. I looked up at the television to see what was amusing him, but all I noticed was a black and white screen. He let out another laugh, and yet another. His laughter was contagious.
Curious, I asked my husband what was so funny. What came out of his mouth was quite surprising. He said, "Shirley Temple." Was he drinking a Shirley Temple with a splash of bourbon in it, I wondered. No, he was actually watching a Shirley Temple classic. I was instantly intrigued.
I said goodbye to my girlfriend and began watching the movie with my husband. I started laughing and singing along with Shirley Temple as she sang, "The good ship lollipop." My husband kept saying to me, "watch this;" "look at what happens next;" "wait 'til you see this." He was enjoying every bit of the moment. I had not seen this movie before, or at least I didn't recall having seen it. But, my husband...well, he'd obviously seen it several times.
I watched the movie, and I watched my husband. Both were equally entertaining. I witnessed my husband create beautiful space within his heart and then share it outwardly with me. He was enjoying two simple things - recalling a childhood memory, and sharing space, time and laughter with his spouse. Extraordinary.
The movie, Bright Eyes, centers around a cute and lovable Shirley Temple, who is caught up in a nasty custody battle after her mother tragically dies while crossing the street and getting hit by a car. I couldn't believe that the same movie that made me laugh out loud, also made me shed a tear. I was completely drawn into the moment, and appreciated my husband for the experience. This simple afternoon was filled with love and laughter - on screen, and on my sofa in the den.
That Sunday afternoon, witnessing my husband - a man's man, allow a movie to take him away from the stressors of the world, and take me along with him, reminded me of just how precious life is. No matter how tough you are, how busy your day becomes or how hard it seems to deal with the cards you're dealt, you must take time to enjoy the simple things in life.
As is true with all car crashes, each incident is unique. For every bus driver found at fault, a passenger car driver is also found in the wrong. Whenever drivers are behind a wheel-carrying 40 students or traveling solo through morning rush hour- it’s imperative to fight impatient urges and exercise extreme caution.
Passenger vehicles should always be prepared to use their brakes when driving near school buses. Yellow flashing lights are the universal symbol for a bus preparing to stop, while red flashing lights and an extended stop sign means stop.
In general, when driving on a two-lane street or undivided roadways, all cars must stop. If a barrier separates the two directions, only cars traveling in the same direction must stop; however, all cars should proceed with caution as children can be unpredictable. While some states have stricter stop requirements than others, all 50 have severe penalties for violators from hefty fines to multiple points on licenses and even license suspension for repeat offenders. More importantly, however, obeying these basic laws can help save not only children’s lives, but your own.
 50th Annual NSRA Street Rod Nationals
- Location: Kentucky Exposition Center
- Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
- Address: 937 Phillips Ln.
- Louisville, Kentucky
Over 10,000 street rods, customs, muscle cars and street machines will be on hand at the Kentucky Expo Center this summer as the National Street Rod Association® presents its 50th Annual Street Rod Nationals. The dates for the city’s largest vintage car show will be August 1, 2, 3, 4, 2019.
This will be the 25th time the NSRA Street Rod Nationals has been held in Louisville and an all time high number of participants and spectators are expected this year. Almost all of the Kentucky Expo Center will be utilized for the event as well as many of the buildings, which will house over 350 manufacturer and dealer displays and other attractions.
The Transit Authority of River City (TARC) recently launched its new Mobility App (available now in the app store) to provide residents and visitors the ability to plan multi-modal trips around Louisville with ease and convenience. The app utilizes various modes of transportation (TARC, Uber, Lyft, Bird Scooters, Louvelo Bike Share, etc.) to direct people from point A to point B all in one place. Customers aren't responsible for locating and scheduling each transportation option individually because TARC's platform seamlessly combines these options using real-time data. To learn more, visit TARC's web site.
New Metro311 online reporting system and mobile app is available NOW!
On June 19, Metro311 launched a whole new online reporting system and mobile app that will make it easier to report issues online or on your phone. The new Metro311 will also let you see issues that have already been reported on a map, and will improve how you track progress of your issue along the way. Information about the app, including instructions for downloading to your phone, will be available on the Metro311 website.
New Metro311 Service Request Information
Submit a Service Request in the new system.
Only service requests for the past 30 days will be accessible in the new system. If you need information on an older request, please call Metro 311 for status.
Anything submitted in the old reporting system (prior to June 19, 2019) will not show in the new system. It is still being processed however. Please call Metro311 for status.
To receive email notifications of the status of your service request you must have an account and you must have included your email address when you created your account. You can create a new account and report a new issue with Metro 311 by following this link.
Not all issues you put a service request in for require you to login. Some issues may be submitted anonymously, such as reporting a pothole and property maintenance cases, for instance. But having an account will allow you to track the progress and status of the request.
The outlined or highlighted area on the map indicates the area which is serviced by Louisville Metro Government. If you do not see a category which corresponds to your issue, please call Metro 311 at 311.