Councilwoman McCraney 601 W. Jefferson Street (502) 574-1107 Email Councilwoman McCraney
Visit the District 7 Website
Phone Numbers of Interest
Air Pollution: 574-6000
Animal Services: 363-6609 or 361-1318
Anonymous Tipline: 574-LMPD (5673)
Brightside: 574-2613
Jefferson County Clerk's Office: 574-5700
Legal Aid: 584-1254
Metro Call: 311 or 574-5000
Metro Parks: 456-8100
Metro Police: (Non Emergency) 574-7111 or 574-2111
Metro Safe: 572-3460 or 574-7111
MSD: 587-0603
PARC: 569-6222
Poison Control: 589-8222
Public Works: 574-5810
Solid Waste Management (SWMS): 574-3571
TARC: 585-1234
Veteran's Affairs: 595-4447
The picture to the right highlights the intersection of Westport and Goose Creek roads. I think you would agree that this intersection is one of the busiest (among the many) in District 7 that requires some attention.
In fact, District 7 is home to 33 signalized intersections which represents about 3.28% of all signals within Jefferson County. Most, however, are located along some of the busiest corridors within the county such as US-60 (Shelbyville Rd), KY-1447 (Westport Rd), US-42 and KY-22 (Brownsboro Rd), and KY-2050 (Herr Ln).
Well, I'm happy to report that relief may soon be on the way!
I am currently in talks with the Louisville Metro Public Works and Kentucky Department of Transportation to address the findings of a Westport Road Corridor Study and options to improve mainline traffic congestion.
The study analyzed existing and future mobility issues for the Westport Road corridor between I-264 and Chamberlain Lane. It examined daily traffic volumes, peak hour traffic volumes, travel speed averages, crash history, and bike, pedestrian and transit facilities along the route.
Between 2013 - 2017, the crash history revealed seven fatalities, 293 injuries, and 1,891 damaged properties. The crash types are mostly rear end (54%), and there were seven crashes involving pedestrians, including two fataities and four injuries.
Before anything is done, public meetings will be scheduled to gather feedback and present to you the conditions data and proposed alternative concepts. Of course, cost estimates and budgets must be considered, and final recommendations from the project team must be made. If I have at least ten cents worth of say in the matter, the project will advance to construction stage by or in the year 2020.
Can you name at least one person in the photo to the left?
Standing with me are 10 of my Metro Council colleagues, who, on July 17, were guest panelists at the business luncheon of the Louisville Independent Business Alliance (LIBA).The mission of LIBA is to preserve the unique community character of the Louisville Metro area by promoting locally-owned, independent businesses and to educate citizens on the value of purchasing locally.
The panelists covered a wide variety of subjects. We discussed the recent budget process, taxing districts, and the need to work with our state legislators to lobby for more revenue options for Jefferson County. These topics are of great concern to business owners.
Prior to the start of the panel discussion, Council members interacted with LIBA members and learned of the various businesses they own, or are in process of starting. LIBA members are bright, innovative and forward-thinking. They are the heartbeat of the Louisville community.
Interestingly, a study of Louisville-area businesses shows that for every $100 spent at a locally-owned, independent business, $55 is reinvested locally, whereas only $14 is reinvested when the same money is spent at a national chain. The results are even stronger for restaurants. Click here to download the Louisville study!
LIBA hosts periodic Buy Local events. The next event will be held this Saturday, and feature some of the finest businesses in South Louisville.
Read about the Buy Local Fair below...
Join LIBA at the South Points Buy Local Fair on Saturday, July 27, 4 pm - 8 pm, at the Iroquois Amphitheater – A fun day for the whole family, with the businesses that make South Louisville independent! #SouthPointsBLF
TODAY marks the 29th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act signed by President George H.W. Bush on July 26, 1990.
The bi-partisan supported Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) give civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities like those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. The ADA and ADAAA also assure equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities for access to businesses, employment, transportation, state and local government programs and services, and telecommunications.
About 57 million people in our country have a disability and over 33% of Kentucky’s adult population have some type of disability. It is estimated that 25% of our nation’s current 20-year-olds will experience a disability in their lifetime.
In honor of the 29th anniversary of this historic civil rights legislation, Louisville Metro Office for Aging & Disabled Citizens (OADC) and partner agencies challenge residents, organizations, government entities, and faith communities to recommit to the full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by signing the PLEDGE ON! to ADA. By signing this pledge, Louisvillians can celebrate and recognize the progress that has been made and reaffirm the principles of equality and inclusion by recommitting to the efforts of reaching full ADA compliance.
The ADA National Network is the “go to” resource for free, confidential information, guidance and training on the ADA and its implementation. Call toll-free 1-800-949-4232 or visit the website at Callers using the toll-free 800 number are connected to the regional ADA Center serving their state.
Signing of the ADA on July 26, 1990
ANNOUNCEMENT, ANNOUNCEMENT, ANNOUNCEMENT: I am proud to announce that at our Metro Council meeting last evening, the Metro Council members, led by the hard work of Councilman Brandon Coan (District 8), in conjunction with disability advocates, unanimously passed an ordinance creating the Louisville Metro Commission for Persons with Disabilities. "All people should be able to live freely and move safely through our community, and I hope the Commission will improve equitable access to every opportunity our city has to offer," stated Councilman Coan.
July 27, 2019
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Westport Village
1315 Herr Ln Louisville, KY 40222
Village-Wide Tent Sale
Shops throughout Westport Village will be offering great sales in one common Village location on July 27th, between Tunies and Bend & Zen. The talented group of musicians in Funkasaurus will perform during the Tent Sale from 3-5pm, playing pop songs with a funky twist.
Don’t miss the great deals! GO SHOP 'TIL YOU DROP!
August 8, 2019
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Westport Village
1215 Herr Lane Louisville, KY 40222
Load the Bus --- Featuring School of Rock Louisville Teens!
Help us load the bus on August 8th from 6-8pm in Westport Village with school supplies, while enjoying free live music performed by School of Rock Louisville teens!
All donated school supplies will be collected by UniKids – Recycle School Supplies, an organization that donates school supplies to low-income children in developing countries.
Students from St. Albert the Great School will be on-site to help collect donations.
St. Matthews Area Ministries needs your help in stocking the shelves.
Donations may be dropped off Monday – Friday between 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. The entrance to the facility is under the carport on the backside of Beechwood Baptist Church, 201 Biltmore Road, next to the playground.
Suggested items needed: Early Essentials for Infants & Toddlers – baby wash, baby wipes, lotion, diaper cream, diapers (all sizes) and pull-ups; Personal Hygiene & Nonfood Items – body soap, denture cleaner, depends, household cleaning products, paper towels, shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste and toothbrushes.
For more information on St. Matthews Area Ministries and how to get involved, please click here.
On Tuesday, August 6th, LMPD 5th Division will hold its National Night Out Celebration.
National Night Out is celebrated annually on the first Tuesday in August. It is America's Night Out Against Crime. The celebration will be at the Peterson Dumesnil House, 301 S. Peterson Ave., from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM.
This is a FREE family-friendly event, that is a fun way for children to interact with first responders and learn more about what the police, firefighters and EMS do.
FOOD, FUN & DEMONSTRATIONS. The entire community is encouraged to attend!
KLC Deputy Executive Director J.D. Chaney (pictured on panel at far left) joined a panel Monday night on “Kentucky Tonight” to discuss infrastructure needs in the state. Guests on the KET program spent an hour addressing the funding crisis Kentucky currently faces and a proposal to modernize the state’s Road Fund. Chaney emphasized that a key to the problem is updating the funding formula that provides revenue for municipal road improvements and maintenance, a top legislative priority for cities.
Chaney stressed that city officials are quick to agree that infrastructure demands attention, however the key is finding the funding in revenue-limited city budgets. “Our expenditures for city governments over the past ten years have gone up about 20 percent while the state and federal participation on the maintenance of city streets and the funds that are available have decreased 21 percent,” remarked Chaney.
A proposal to update the state’s road funding formula would allocate a fairer share of gas tax income to cities. Currently, it is largely divided using a formula known as the “formula of fifths” that was established in 1948. The recommendation would equally split new money above $825 million between cities and counties.
Chaney pointed out that cities, which are the economic engines of the state, have more requirements and expenses for roads and bridges. City streets are usually wider, have underground utilities, curbs, gutters, storm water drains and traffic sensors.
Improving the state’s infrastructure, especially in cities, is vital to economic development. Companies list sound infrastructure and quality roads as a top requirement when reviewing possible locations for new businesses.
Ensuring the state and its booming cities can meet that need is the reason a coalition, including the Kentucky League of Cities, supports a wide range of modernization initiatives. Among the reforms is a change in the state’s gas tax. Since 2013, 27 other states have increased their motor fuel tax, including neighboring Indiana, Ohio and Tennessee. Kentucky has remained flat.
Chaney warned that cities are faced with few options. While a gas tax is paid by consumers and can include people from outside a municipality, other available options to fund the cost are borne solely by people who work or live in the community. “Cities are sitting in a unique position where they are constitutionally limited on the amount of revenue they can raise,” he said. A gas tax allows tourists and visitors to help foot the bill.
The panel also discussed water and wastewater issues in the state, which involve dozens of cities. There are 243 municipal water systems in Kentucky — many require replacement or repair. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates the state is facing $8.2 billion in expenses for drinking water improvements. The Kentucky League of Cities is working with legislators on ways to address the concern.
This article is excerpted from the July 19, 2019 KLC Limit, an e-Newsletter published by the Kentucky League of Cities for legislative updates to its members.
Surveys are due
July 31, 2019.
Has your city completed the City Census?
Will your city be counted?
The Kentucky League of Cities has served as the strongest voice for cities for 90 years. Its efforts consist of strong grassroots lobbying and powerful data and information of what is happening throughout the state’s 416 cities.
To help KLC develop policy, respond to legislative research requests and assist other cities, a 2019 KLC City Census was created. This is a major, comprehensive survey designed to gather basic structural and organizational information of cities. The last time KLC collected this amount of data from cities was in 2012.
Although the survey contains many questions about procurement, tax collection, commissions and authorities, and service provision, almost all of the questions should be easy to answer by a mayor, city manager/administrator, city clerk or city attorney.
The survey may be completed either online or on paper. Only one survey should be completed by each city. The online version of the survey can be accessed here. Paper copies of the survey were mailed to cities on June 28. You may also fax, scan or email a copy of the survey.
All those who take a few minutes to complete and return this survey by the deadline of Wednesday, July 31, 2019, will be entered into a drawing for one of three $100 Visa gift cards.
Please contact Joseph Coleman at 1-800-876-4552, if you have any questions about the KLC City Census.
SAVE THE DATE! A Women’s Equality Day event, presented by the Metro Louisville Office for Women, the League of Women Voters, and the Frazier History Museum includes inspiring speakers and presentations. More details to come!
AUGUST 24, 2019
The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex. Initially introduced to Congress in 1878, several attempts to pass a women's suffrage amendment failed until 1919, when suffragists pressed President Woodrow Wilson to call a special congressional session. On May 21, 1919, the proposed amendment passed the House of Representatives, followed by the Senate on June 4, 1919; it was then submitted to the states for ratification. Suffragists mobilized to lobby state legislatures to approve the amendment. On August 18, 1920, the Tennessee legislature approved the amendment, becoming the last of the necessary 36 states to secure ratification. U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby made the adoption of the Nineteenth Amendment official on August 26, 1920, the culmination of a decades-long movement for women's suffrage at both state and national levels.
There's a clear number one in the three Rs of waste reduction - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. While they are all important to sustainability, REDUCE is first because it eliminates waste at the source. Plastic grocery bags are a good example. They could be REUSED and even eventually RECYCLED back at the store. But shoppers can refuse the bag in the first place and thereby reduce a source of eventual waste. Take reusable grocery bags to the store instead.
Reducing the amount of trash we generate brings down the costs of trash collections, transportation, and disposal, and reduces pollution, the need to extract raw materials for new products, and even threats to public health. Continue to reuse and recycle, but try to reduce first.
* Choose reusable products instead of single-use (especially plastics!)
* Be aware of packaging - buy in bulk or shop at farmers markets to avoid packaged produce
* Take your own drink travel mug when buying coffee
* Keep a water bottle with you so you can avoid buying bottled water
Following the "three R's" has several advantages, including cutting greenhouse gas emissions, conserving energy and resources and reducing the need for landfills and incineration. Recycling also protects U.S. manufacturing jobs, according to the EPA.
Last week was dangerously hot, but this week we got a little relief. However, before summer ends, we will surely experience another heat wave. So, take precautions and be safe during extreme weather conditions. Stay cool!
1. Stay Inside and limit outdoor time. It’s best to keep pets inside with the air conditioner set to a comfortable temperature.
2. Make sure they have access to fresh, cool water and a shady area away from the sun. Dog houses are not always adequate because they can block air flow. Hanging a tarp between two trees is a better option because it does not block air flow. (A haircut can also help your pet cool off in excessive heat. Some dogs have an undercoat which keeps them cool, so check with your veterinarian or groomer first.)
3. Do not leave pets alone in a parked vehicle. The temperature inside the vehicle can reach triple digits in a matter of minutes, even if the windows are left cracked and could result in heatstroke or death.
4. Avoid walking dogs during the hottest part of the day. Take shorter walks in the mornings or evenings to prevent a pet from overheating.
5. Try to avoid pavement, asphalt and sidewalks which could burn your dog’s paws. If you place your hand on the sidewalk for 15 seconds and it’s too hot for you, then it’s too hot for your pet.
6. Heatstroke can be fatal so it’s important to know the symptoms in pets. Signs include heavy panting or difficulty breathing, glazed eyes, rapid heartbeat, lethargy, drooling, vomiting, excessive thirst and seizures. Get to a veterinarian immediately if a pet displays these symptoms. Visit the ASPCA's website for more hot weather safety tips for pets.
To report an animal within Jefferson County with no protection from the heat or access to fresh water, contact LMAS animal control at 473-PETS.
Contact 911 immediately to report an animal left alone inside a vehicle.
Tittle-Tattle - To engage in gossip or idle talk; to talk unproductively and at length.
Used in a Sentence: She would never listen to tittle-tattle about one of her friends.
"You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start to be great".
-Zig Zigler
Add a teaspoon of baking soda when you boil eggs and the shell will come off easily.
Interesting.....A walnut. Really?