Councilwoman Paula McCraney 601 W. Jefferson Street (502) 574-1107 Email Councilwoman McCraney
Visit the District 7 Website
Phone Numbers of Interest
Air Pollution: 574-6000
Animal Services: 363-6609 or 361-1318
Anonymous Tipline: 574-LMPD (5673)
Brightside: 574-2613
Jefferson County Clerk's Office: 574-5700
Legal Aid: 584-1254
Metro Call: 311 or 574-5000
Metro Parks: 456-8100
Metro Police: (Non Emergency) 574-7111 or 574-2111
Metro Safe: 572-3460 or 574-7111
MSD: 587-0603
PARC: 569-6222
Poison Control: 589-8222
Public Works: 574-5810
Solid Waste Management (SWMS): 574-3571
TARC: 585-1234
Veteran's Affairs: 595-4447
"Much as it sickens me to write this, I don't see how Kentucky will ever fully address its never-ending revenue shortfall without new taxes. On one hand, government waste of current revenue aggravates me, and on the other, civic demand that government constantly do more (just fill in the blank with your pet cause) without higher taxes confounds me. I don't know how most people can't see that we can't have more without paying more for it," says Steve Coomes, a restaurant veteran turned award-winning food, spirits and travel writer.
In Mr. Coomes' February 28, 2012 article, he mentions that Kent Taylor, Texas Roadhouse founder and CEO, made a compelling argument against a 3 percent tax hike on restaurant meals in most Kentucky communities. The 3 percent restaurant tax on top of the existing 6 percent sales tax would have been a 50% increase. With that increase, the average diner would have paid $54.50 for a $50 meal as opposed to $53 under the current tax (6% vs 9%). Mr. Taylor was making the case against the tax on behalf of the restaurant industry.
Upon reading Mr. Coomes' article, I was quickly reminded of the not-so-distant debate we had regarding the 4-5% proposed insurance premium tax increase (originally proposed at 7.5 - 10% above the current 5% rate). Many citizens argued against the tax because the simple mention of the word evokes anger and discontent. Some fought against the tax because it seemed to have been a knee-jerk reaction to an unwanted pension bill handed down from Frankfort. And some citizens decided against the tax hike because they felt it was disproportionately biased against us "east-enders" who are majority homeowners in Louisville. And then there were the advocates who petitioned for the tax increase because the alternative, as showcased often in the news and on social media, was to cut essential services, including police, fire, EMS, Meals on Wheels, and grandma's senior citizens day facility where she meets up with other seniors to play games, catch up on old times and yes, get a hot meal.
The most vocal adversaries to the tax increase proposal were the professionals who work in the insurance industry. They rightfully argued that the insurance industry was being unfairly targeted as the sole industry to bear the burden, and that their customers would look unfavorably upon them because of the tax increase. Of course, the insurance companies would be forced to pass the burden to the customer, along with a possible handling fee. So, the question becomes, is it fair to tax one industry rather than spread a single broader tax across the board?
Now that I, and 14 of my colleagues, voted down the tax increase on insurance premiums, what's next? Does the pension bill go away? NO. Does Bill Gates take pity upon us and pay the pension bill? That's a good thought, but the answer, again, is NO. Can the Kentucky Lottery Corporation use the next millions in lottery payout to settle the pension debt for Louisville Metro Government? I don't think so!
Then, what's next?
On April 25,2019, at 4:00 p.m., in the Metro Council chambers, Mayor Fischer will present his FY20 budget. Soon thereafter, the Metro Council Budget Committee, on which I serve, will host several budget hearings for Louisville Metro department heads/representatives to defend (present details of) their budget. There will also be dates set aside for the public to weigh in on the budget. These public hearings will take place in the chamber, too. I will post a full schedule of dates and times for all hearings in this e-Newsletter once the calendar is finalized.
In the meantime, my colleagues and I are examining which cuts to services, programs and initiatives will cause the least disruption throughout our beloved city. Make no mistake, $35 million in cuts to city services and programs will be brutal. However, I am confident in our ability to creatively suggest a number of great revenue generating options, that, if adopted by the administration, could shave off tax increases for many years to come. With a combination of new revenue streams and minor cuts to departmental programs and initiatives, Metro Council will vote a balanced budget on June 25.
Back to Mr. Coomes. He ends his article with the following declaration: "It's time for sacrifices no one will make. No one wants to sacrifice when it's time to make spending cuts at the government level. No one wants cuts in programs from which they benefit, so they complain, fight any logical changes and leave legislators no choice but to raise taxes." Mr. Coomes went on to say, "I don't like it, but clearly that's the American way. Instead of living with less, we find ways to generate more income---usually from borrowed funds ---or we settle on forced increased taxation. So if that's the way it's going to be, then just make it a single consumption tax across the board, one that affects every industry equally, not just one."
Mr. Coomes' thought-provoking article should be reason enough to pause and ask ourselves how can we contribute to the solution of a city-wide budget crisis. What are our priorities, where would we cut if given the opportunity, and should we embrace a fair and equitable tax increase once it's determined that our local government is lean and mean and can't be cut anymore.
Is taxation inevitable? Perhaps. But, not until we, your Councilmen/women, have looked underneath every rock and explored all revenue options available and those which require state legislative action or a voter referendum. We owe you, our constituents, the very best in us and our abilities, and you deserve nothing less.
Stay tuned...
 Your opinion matters a great deal to us, and you will have an opportunity to share yours by completing a budget survey that is being created and will be inserted in next week's e-Newsletter. When you see it, we hope you'll take the time to answer the questions and submit before the designated deadline.
 Jefferson County Public and Catholic schools will be on Spring Break April 1-5. Louisville Metro Parks is offering various camps to keep your loved ones busy and engaged. Visit for more details. Also, contact the Louisville Zoo and the Science Center for information on their family-friendly activities and camps during Spring Break. Enjoy your time away from school and with family and friends, and be safe!
I attended the Woman's Club painting workshop on March 25. It was fun to hang out with like-minded women who were novice artists aspiring to paint a classic picture of an Iris flower. Well, for my work of art, it's a beautiful piece only a mother could love. It may not look anything like the Iris picture the instructor gave us, but... it's mine - I used my imagination (and limited artistic talent) to create what appears to be a very "unique" version of an Iris flower. I think that's why it's called Art.
Derby Celebration and Club Birthday Monday, April 22 at 10:30 a.m. St. Matthews Community Center, 310 Ten Pin Ln.
Come Celebrate Derby, the Woman's Club of St. Matthews' birthday, and the General Federation of Women's Clubs anniversary. A luncheon is planned with festive activities. Reservations and luncheon fees are required. Please Contact Diane Buddell at 895-7305 for more information.
 Kentucky Shakespeare announces the 2019 Shakespeare in the Parks tour. The 6-actor, 90-minute production of Macbeth will make its debut performance in District 7 on Saturday, April 6, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. in the Carrie Gaulbert Cox Park, 3730 River Road. (Rain Space is Saint Leonard Parish & School, 440 Zorn Avenue.)
This performance is sponsored by Councilwoman Paula McCraney (D7) and Councilman Bill Hollander (D9).
Bring your own lawn chairs, blankets, and picnics for this free, family-friendly community event.
Here are some other dates and locations in or near D7:
- Saturday, May 11, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Matthews Community Park, Ten Pin Lane, 40207. Rain space St. Matthews Community Center, 310 Ten Pin Lane.
- Sunday, May 19, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at Story Avenue Park, 1519 Story Avenue. Rain space TBD.
For more information and future dates, please visit
To learn more about applications, please visit:
This annual program helps prevent low income residents of Louisville from being disconnected from utility services. It runs through April 30th, or until available funds have been expended, whichever comes first. To schedule appointments by phone call 502-991-8391 or go online at The toll-free service is currently open and is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
According to the EPA, household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide. The agency's annual Fix a Leak Week reminds us to check for leaks around our homes. Just because you don't see a leak, doesn't mean you don't have one. Watch Louisville Water Company’s video for tips on how to detect drips so you don't waste water or money, click the photo or here to view the video.
4 Common Household Leaks You Should Check at least yearly:
- Shower Leak.
- Faucet Leak.
- Water Heater Leak.
- Toilet Leak.
Leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures and fittings are a significant source of water waste for water utilities and the residential customer. Research has shown that the typical home loses 2,000 to 20,000 gallons (7.6 m3 to 76 m3) of water per year due to leaks. Most water conservation literature informs customers the value of fixing the leak can be calculated by multiplying the water volume of the leak -times the per-unit cost of the water, as charged by the water utility.
Think Before You Post on Facebook!
Spring Break is coming up and sharing your trip on a social media site like Facebook is fun, but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. Many burglars troll Facebook to see who is out of town during vacation seasons so they can plot their next heist. No one wants to come home to a burglarized home after a fun family vacation. Below are a few tips on how to safely manage your Facebook without risking the security of your belongings at home:
- Don't post upcoming travel plans.
- Don't post status updates while you are still on vacation.
- Don't post pictures while you are on vacation.
- Don't tag other vacationers while they're still on vacation.
In observance of Lent, many people enjoy the company of others and freshly fried fish on Fridays. Here are a few locations in District 7 where you can enjoy fish during Lent:
- St. Albert the Great, 1395 Girard Dr., 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Fridays, March 22 through April 12 (no fish fry April 5)
- Holy Trinity Church, 501 Cherrywood Rd., 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Fridays, March 22 through April 12 (no fish fry March 29 & April 5)