District 10 E-News

district 10 e-news councilman pat mulvihill
Councilman Pat Mulvihill


Pat Mulvihill


City Hall
601 West Jefferson St
(502) 574-1110

In this issue . . .

Naloxone Training

On January 26, a Naloxone (Narcan) training was held at Eastern Parkway Baptist Church.  Naloxone is a drug that can counter act a heroin or other opiate overdose.  This training was well attended and offered moving stories and valuable information.  For more information about Naloxone and overdose response, click here


Thanks to Gail Linville (pictured below with Councilman Mulvihill), President of the St. Joseph's Neighborhood for their assistance in making this training possible. 

PM with Gail Linville

Neighborhood Place Workshops

Neighborhood Place Logo

Neighborhood Place is a partnership of Louisville Metro Government (including Community Services and Public Health and Wellness), Jefferson County Public Schools, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and Seven Counties -- provides one-stop centers which bring together health care, education, employment and social services at eight locations across the community.

Neighborhood Place locations in Louisville are offering a variety of workshops in February.   Topics include:

  • Healthy Food & Nutrition
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Colon Cancer Screening and Overview
  • Legal Aid Society Office Hours
  • Project Warm
  • Southwest Provides CONNECT
  • Start Fresh Workshop
  • Healthy Journey for Two
  • CHAMPS Data Daze
  • Nutrition Information Services
  • Foster Parent Recruitment
  • Date to Care Cooking Matters

For information on locations, times and reservation requirements, please click here.

To find a Neighborhood Place in your neighborhood, please call Metro Call at 311.

Volunteers of America HIV Services

VOA Event Photo

I was very pleased to attend the grand opening of the Volunteers of America HIV Services Center on Goss Avenue.  Pictured above left to right is Jennifer Hancock, President of Volunteers of America Mid States; Chris Conliffe, VOA Board Member and Councilman Pat Mulvihill.

VOA offers two unique programs at the Goss Avenue location.  The S.T.O.P. (Stop the Spread of HIV Through Outreach and Prevention) program provides educational information and safer sex supplies to prevent the spread of HIV. This unique, in-the-field approach includes case management services and one-on-one interaction with clients to lower their risk for the virus. S.T.O.P. also provides pre-test and post-test counseling and referrals to HIV-related and non-HIV related resources, including alcohol and drug assessments.

 HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS) program provides emergency financial assistance to individuals with HIV/AIDS who are at risk of becoming homeless or losing their utility services. In addition to housing and utilities assistance, HOPWA also provides a variety of resources to clients to help them achieve long-term housing stability. Resources provided to clients include PNC Bank financial management classes, legal assistance, career opportunities and nutritional supplement options.

Distinguished Citizens of District 10

It was an honor to present a proclamation on behalf of Louisville Metro Council to some outstanding citizens of District 10, Darrel and Nancy Shelton.  

Darrell and Nancy Shelton saw a need in the life of Amy Bagshaw and her son Colby Russ, who has Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I.  Despite the excellent care provided to Colby by his mother, their living accommodations were a hindrance to Colby and his medical needs.  The Sheltons along with community businesses and volunteers purchased a home and customized it specifically for Colby.  What an amazing act of kindness!    

Councilman Mulvihill with Colby Russ, Amy Bagshaw, Nancy and Darrell Shelton (left to right).  

Mulvihill and the Sheltons Image

Illegal Dumping Ordinance

Impound car picture

Over the course of 2015, eighteen vehicles were towed to Louisville Metro’s impound lot because they were used in the act of illegal dumping.  More than $23,000 in fines were issued.  All of this activity is directly related to an ordinance passed by the Louisville Metro Council.

The ordinance, passed in 2012, makes illegal dumping costly for anyone caught in the act in person or on camera.  It allows Metro to impound the vehicle used in the illegal act of dumping.

In addition to these impoundments, Solid Waste Officers issued 84 other citations in 2015 for illegal dumping – down significantly from prior years.

Passed in January of 2012, the legislation allows for LMPD Officers, Code Enforcement Officers and any other city officials authorized to enforce any provision of the Louisville Metro Code the ability to enforce the new section of the Code.  The legislation also allows Metro to use photographs of individuals illegally dumping to prosecute and impound the vehicle as long as the license plate and vehicle are clearly visible.

The ordinance reads that Metro Louisville will hold the vehicle for six months up to 12 months.  Fines can range from $250 to $5000 and clean up fees are a minimum of $250.

Prior to releasing any vehicle that has been impounded, all outstanding citations, towing, handling and storage charges shall be paid in full. 

Coffee with a Cop - 4th District

Coffee with a Cop Logo

External Agency Funding to Begin Soon

Louisville Metro External Agency Funds are Louisville Metro General Funded grants awarded to non-profit organizations offering programs or services that advance the long-range vision and goals established by Louisville/Jefferson County Metro Government.

Louisville Metro Government strives to award funding to agencies making a measurable positive impact in the community that are good stewards of taxpayer dollars. External Agency Funding applications will be accepted starting late next week. For more details go to  louisvilleky.gov.

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Louisville Nature Center Logo

Join us at The Louisville Nature Center on Saturday, February 13 from 9am-4pm for the 2016 The Great Backyard Bird Count.  Throughout the day you and your family can enjoy bird activities in the education building, spend time in the forest, and watch birds feed in our bird blind.   Learn about bird identification strategies and get assistance with reporting your sightings online.


For more information, click here.  

Zoo Walking Club

Zoo Walking Image

Walk your way to better health and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Zoo at the same time!

The Zoo Walkers’ loop at the Louisville Zoo is a hard-surface walk through the animal exhibits that combines flat areas and hills with the sights and sounds of the Zoo for a challenging twist on the traditional “weekend stroll.” Directional signs keep walkers on track and provide special health tips along the way.

March 1 – November 30, 2016
(Daily, Monday – Sunday)
Enter the Zoo from 8:00 – 9:15 a.m. (You must exit Zoo by 9:30 a.m.)

June and July “Twilight Hours”
Thursday, Friday and Saturday*
Enter Zoo from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (You must exit Zoo by 8 p.m.)
*There are no Twilight Hours on Saturday, June 4, because of the Zoo’s annual Zoofari! special event.

To become a member of this free program just call Norton Healthcare at (502) 629-1234.

Click here for more information on this program

Chat With Pat

********Join Councilman Pat Mulvihill at Nord's Bakery located at 2118 S. Preston St 40217 on Saturday March 5, 2016 from 9 AM to 10 AM for some good coffee and great conversation. We hope you are able to come with your good ideas or concerns and if you are unable to attend this "CHAT WITH PAT", we hope you will join us at the next one.***************  

nord's map

Welcome to District 10 - Uniquely Authentic and

 Conveniently Located in the Heart of Our City

The neighborhoods of Audubon Ridge, Bashford Manor, Belmar, Breckinridge Orchard, Buechel, Buechel Terrace, Camp Zachary Taylor, Chevy Chase, Fincastle, George Rogers Clark Park,                    Germantown-Paristown, Kensington, Oak Hill, Petersburg Estates and Schnitzelburg along with the suburban cities of Audubon Park, Parkway Village, Watterson Park and West Buechel make up the district which is also the home of the Louisville Zoo, Joe Creason Park, the Louisville Tennis Center,   the Louisville Nature Center, George Rogers Clark Park, Buechel Park, Emerson Park and the Cyril Allgeier Community Center.