In This Issue of the OSEEL Newsletter
- Spotlight on Bridging Preschool to Kindergarten
- Transition Education Unit
- Division of IDEA Monitoring and Results
- Division of IDEA Implementation
- Gifted and Talented
- Extended School Services
- Early Learning Unit
- Division of State Schools - KSB and KSD
Spotlight on Bridging Preschool to Kindergarten
The Kentucky Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Early Learning (OSEEL) is guided by eight North Star Priorities to support students, families and educators. One of these, Bridging Preschool to Kindergarten, focuses on helping state-funded preschool students transition smoothly to kindergarten.
Preschool attendance is key to school readiness. It builds habits and skills that support long-term academic success. Research shows that strong early attendance improves 3rd-grade reading proficiency, a crucial milestone.
The team is working to help districts emphasize the importance of preschool attendance and engage families in fostering success from the start. This reflects OSEEL’s commitment to creating strong educational foundations for all students.
Transition Education Unit

KY Transition 360 Initiative
The KY Transition 360 For Educators Program has garnered significant interest across role groups, with many applications submitted for its inaugural cohort. This overwhelming response highlights the dedication of Kentucky educators to improving transition programming for students with disabilities.
Selected participants for the first cohort will be notified in late January, marking the beginning of an exciting journey toward enhancing the quality of transition services in schools.
In Tier 1 of the program, participants will engage in a self-paced, asynchronous learning experience designed to build expertise in supporting students with disabilities as they prepare for life after high school. Stay tuned for updates as the program progresses!
OSEEL and Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) Partnership
KDE's OSEEL Transition Education Unit and OCTE partnership continues to support all students in career and technical education (CTE).
Recent initiatives include a joint presentation at the Directors of Special Education Institute and a Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children conference session. "Supporting Students with Disabilities in Career and Technical Education Environments" provided educators with insights into CTE programming and its positive impact on student success and transition, highlighting exemplary programs that excel in student outcomes and program completions. "Enhancing Support for Students with Disabilities in Career and Technical Education" focused on helping students develop both technical and transferable skills to succeed in any path they choose. Both sessions aimed to demonstrate how CTE pathways can engage students with disabilities and foster a more inclusive learning environment.
 OSEEL and Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Collaboration
KDE's Transition Education Unit collaborates closely with the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). Recent projects include a joint presentation for educators and Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) providers at OVR’s Pre-ETS Summit and a joint session at the annual Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children conference in November. Both sessions explored current barriers and strategies for success to increase communication and collaboration between educators and OVR staff at the local level.
The Transition Education Unit and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation continue to explore how to improve collaboration to increase post-school success for students with disabilities.
Division of IDEA Monitoring and Results
OSEEL’s Monitoring Activities
Happy New Year! KDE's Division of IDEA Monitoring and Results (DIMR) staff would like to sincerely thank the directors of special education for their hard work and dedication during the 2024 monitoring activities. We look forward to continued collaboration in 2025 as we work together to improve outcomes for Kentucky students with disabilities.
DIMR will continue monitoring the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children facilities and the districts identified for Risk Focused Monitoring for the 2024-2025 school year.
Additionally, DIMR will begin monitoring districts for the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Indicator 4 and participation decisions for the Alternate Assessment Aligned with Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (AA-AAAS). Details regarding notification letters for these monitoring activities will be included in the weekly News You Can Use.
For more information on the monitoring selection and measurement criteria, please refer to the 2023 Monitoring Brief.
DIMR Virtual Open Office Hours
If you have general monitoring questions, please join DIMR’s open office hours through Microsoft Teams from 3-3:30 p.m. ET on the following dates:
Join the DIMR Office Hours or enter the Meeting ID: 288 710 720 853 and Passcode: XkVVuG.
DIMR Document Upload Reminders
Documents containing personally identifiable information (PII) must be uploaded to the KDE OSEEL DoSE Secure Server.
Please do not email any documents (to avoid lost documents or PII being shared).
For district-specific questions, please contact Jessica Jones, DIMR Individual Programming Branch Manager at (502) 564-4970, ext. 4144.
Division of IDEA Implementation Updates
Indicator 8 Parent Engagement Survey
This is a reminder that the annual Indicator 8 Parent Engagement survey Jan. 15. The survey is part of the State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). More information about Indicator 8 is available in the SPP/APR Indicator Support Guide.
The survey and parent letter are available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Somali, Swahili and Amish. The parent letter template and a printer-friendly version of the survey were sent via the DoSE and Preschool Coordinator Listservs. Additionally, they can be found in the DoSE OneStop under the Indicator 8 Annual Parent Survey tab. The survey window will close on June 30.
If you have questions regarding the Indicator 8 survey, please contact Marcie Bridges.
The Kentucky Fast Facts infographics are designed to summarize key information related to specific aspects of the data collection authorized by Section 618 of the IDEA. Kentucky's Fast Facts infographics can be found on the Special Education Data Visualization webpage. To access and compare your district's data, please visit the webpage.
Early Learning Unit
Age of Learning to Implement Kentucky’s Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Project
The Kentucky Department of Education is pleased to partner with Age of Learning to provide a new, no-cost, online educational experience for preschool-aged learners who may not be attending state-funded preschool programs across the Commonwealth.
Age of Learning will provide eligible preschoolers with tablets, mobile internet and a subscription to its online learning platform – My Reading Academy – to increase their kindergarten readiness. Age of Learning will contact school districts and other early childhood partners to find and enroll eligible students.
School districts are encouraged to work with Age of Learning to find and enroll eligible students in this home- or childcare-based learning opportunity. For more information, contact Kay Vines, senior customer success manager, Age of Learning.
New Data Collection Tool Being Developed by NCPMI, DaSy Center and ECTA to Address Exclusionary Discipline Practices
The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations (NCPMI), the Center for IDEA Early Childhood Data Systems (DaSy Center), and the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) are developing a new tool to help states, local early childhood programs and families better understand and reduce exclusionary discipline practices.
A webinar identifying state and local strategies for collecting and using data to eliminate the use of exclusionary practices, along with related resources, is available on the NCPMI website.
Division of State Schools: KSB and KSD
 KSB students created an ornament for the National Christmas Tree.
Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB)
KSB was selected to represent Kentucky in creating an ornament for the National Christmas Tree. The ornament, crafted by KSB students, represents the heart and culture of the Commonwealth. KSB's vision is to empower students who are blind and visually impaired to command their future.
Students incorporated primarily tactile elements in their ornaments to reflect how they experience art through touch. The National Christmas Tree's design integrates aspects from previous years, while striking a balance between tradition and innovation.
The students are proud to have contributed to this meaningful project and to see their work displayed on the National Christmas Tree.
Kentucky School for the Deaf (KSD)
 "Christmas Around the World" presentations by KSD students.
KSD extends a big "hats off" to our middle school Colonels for their amazing work on the "Christmas Around the World" presentations! Under the guidance of their teacher, Bethany VanBebber, KSD middle school students delivered an impressive presentation, showcasing Christmas traditions from various cultures. The students demonstrated remarkable creativity and dedication in their work.
We are incredibly proud of the students for their hard work and enthusiasm. Their passion for learning and sharing knowledge about global traditions truly shined through in the presentation. Great job, everyone! Keep up the great work!