(FRANKFORT, KY) – The Kentucky Department of Education's (KDE) State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children (SAPEC) will meet on Jan. 17 at 9 a.m. ET.
The council’s purpose is to support the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's (IDEA's) requirement that states establish advisory panels to advise and assist KDE on special education and related services for children with disabilities. The SAPEC members represent various agencies, individuals with disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, service providers and administrators.
In accordance with 34 CFR §300.169, the advisory panel must:
- Advise the state education association (SEA) of unmet needs within the state in the education of children with disabilities;
- Comment publicly on any rules or regulations proposed by the state regarding the education of children with disabilities;
- Advise the SEA in developing evaluations and reporting on data to the secretary under section 618 of the Act;
- Advise the SEA in developing corrective action plans to address findings identified in federal monitoring reports under Part B of the act; and
- Advise the SEA in developing and implementing policies relating to the coordination of services for children with disabilities.
The meeting will be held virtually through Microsoft Teams. A livestream of the meeting will be available on the KDE Media Portal.
A full agenda follows:
State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children Jan. 17, 9 a.m. ET Virtually through Microsoft Teams Watch Live on the KDE Media Portal
I. Welcome
- Tonika East, Ed.D., State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children Chair
II. Review Meeting Norms and Duties
- Misty Green, Systems Consultant IT, Office of Special Education and Early Learning
III. Roll Call of Members
- Tonika East, Ed.D., SAPEC Chair
IV. Membership Update
- Melody Cooper, Policy Advisor, Office of Special Education and Early Learning
V. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes
- Tonika East, Ed.D., SAPEC Chair
VI. Public Comment
- Tonika East, Ed.D., SAPEC Chair
VII. Office of Special Education and Early Learning Update
- Differentiated Monitoring System Kentucky’s Annual Determination Personnel Updates
- Gretta Hylton, Associate Commissioner, Office of Special Education and Early Learning
VIII. Transition Education Unit
- Jason Wheatley, Ed.D., Program Administrator Office of Special Education and Early Learning
- Allison Johnson, Ed.D., Assistant Program Administrator Office of Special Education and Early Learning
IX. Child Find
- Veronica Sullivan, Director, Division of IDEA Implementation and Preschool Office of Special Education and Early Learning
X. State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP)
- Amanda Waldroup, Assistant Director, Division of IDEA Implementation and Preschool, Office of Special Education and Early Learning
XI. Due Process Update
- Carol Ann Morrison, Director, Division of IDEA Monitoring and Results Office of Special Education and Early Learning
XII. Proposed Baseline and New Targets for the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Indicator 7
- Lauren Thieneman, Kentucky Post Secondary Transition Specialist, Division of IDEA Monitoring and Results, Office of Special Education and Early Learning
XIII. Committee Meetings (Up to 20 minutes for each committee meeting)
- Transition
- Parent Involvement
- Supervision and Legislative
- Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
- Communication
- Stakeholder Engagement/Ad Hoc
XIV. 2025 Meeting Schedule
- Tonika East, Ed.D., SAPEC Chair
XV. Final Remarks and Exit Slip Reminder
- Tonika East, Ed.D., SAPEC Chair
XVI. Adjournment
Next Meeting: TBD