Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA) Window 1 to Close
Test administration for Window 1 will close on Wednesday, Dec. 18. All scores must be entered into the Student Registration Database (SRD) by Friday, Dec. 20.
For questions, please contact Krista Mullins.
Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Qualification Quiz to Close
The TAR training qualification quiz will close on Friday, Dec. 20. Teachers administering the TAR must complete the quiz.
For further information or questions, please contact Krista Mullins.
AKSA Window 1 Makeup
The AKSA Window 1 makeup runs from Jan. 6-Mar. 21, 2025. A formal request for any makeup must be submitted using the AKSA Window 1 Makeup Request form no later than Friday, Jan. 31. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for KDE to review the requests and make a determination. All Attainment Tasks must be administered by Friday, Mar. 21, 2025. Scores must be entered into the Student Registration Database (SRD) by the close of business on Friday, Mar. 21, 2025.
For more information or any questions, please contact Krista Mullins.
Career Work Experience Certification (CWEC) and Employability Skills Attainment Record (ESAR) Quizzes to Close
The CWEC and ESAR qualification quizzes will close on Friday, Dec. 20. The Qualified ESAR Administrator must pass the qualification quiz before ESAR administration begins. Administration of the ESAR must be completed by May 23, 2025. Due to data reporting timelines, the deadline to enter all ESAR scores and CWEC completion status into the Career Ready Database (CRD) is May 30, 2025.
For questions, please email Sherri Craig or call at (502) 564-4286.