Using Data to Drive Decision-Making
Districts and schools across the state recently received Kentucky Summative Assessments (KSA) data, and most have completed the first round of academic and behavior universal screeners. This marks a critical time for MTSS teams to take a close look at the data to guide decisions that impact student outcomes. As teams consider multiple data points, they have the opportunity to make informed decisions and address immediate and ongoing needs. To ensure meaningful problem-solving discussions and informed planning teams are encouraged to utilize a structured data protocol.
This is a great time to review or complete a comprehensive data inventory and analysis whatever the stage of implementation. Effective data-based decision-making is key to successful MTSS implementation, no matter where the MTSS team is in the process. Teams are encouraged to continue to engage in open dialogue, remain student-centered and use the wealth of data to drive positive change in schools and districts.
Data System Key Features and Action Steps for Collaborative Teams
1. Data Literacy Skills: District and school leaders ensure team members have the knowledge and skills to select, interpret and use multiple sources of data in a systematic problem-solving process.
2. Multiple Data Sources: Teams utilize data at both the system and student level. Data sources could include:
- Needs assessment;
- Academic and behavior screenings;
- Formative assessment data;
- Progress monitoring data;
- Demographic data;
- Early warning indicators;
- Student/family/staff survey data; and/or
- Relevant community data.
3. Data Inventory: Review or take an inventory of all available data sources. Ensure the team has access to academic, social-emotional, behavior and attendance data. If missing key data, gather this information for further analysis.
4. Annual Assessment Calendar: Develop a calendar to include fidelity measures, universal screeners, diagnostic assessments and progress monitoring tools for academic skills, social-emotional and behavioral development.
Data Protocol: Engage in a consistent, valid and structured process for reviewing and analyzing data. Use a data analysis protocol to guide discussions, focusing on identifying patterns and trends. A clear protocol ensures that data review and analysis remain collaborative, focused and efficient.
5. Priorities for Intervention and Support: After reviewing the data, teams identify areas of strength and concern. They set priorities to ensure the system is addressing the most pressing needs for students and staff.
6. Progress Monitor: Part of the process involves establishing a system for ongoing monitoring of student progress throughout the year. Regularly revisit data to assess and make adjustments as needed. This continuous cycle of data review ensures that decisions remain preventive and proactive focused.
The Kentucky Department of Education
American Institute for Research
KyMTSS Support: Office Hours, Virtual Sessions and Technical Assistance
New MTSS District or School Coordinator Virtual Session (Repeat Session) Nov. 6 from 10 to 11 a.m. ET Teams Meeting Link
New MTSS District and School Coordinators are invited to join a virtual session designed to help navigate and maximize the resources of the KyMTSS website. This session will provide an exploration of the site’s layout, highlighting key resources and tools. The participants will have time to ask questions and engage with other new coordinators.
High School MTSS Virtual Session Nov. 20 from 11 to noon ET Teams Meeting Link
This session will highlight key resources to support MTSS implementation at the high school level. Participants will explore MTSS best practices and discuss logistical considerations to support implementing MTSS in high schools. Participants will hear from a few high school leaders engaged in MTSS at this level. Time will be provided to ask questions and collaborate.
KyMTSS Virtual Office Hours Nov. 13 from 10 to 11 a.m. ET; Nov. 20 from 2 to 3 p.m. ET Teams Meeting Link
The virtual office hours offer flexible support for school and district MTSS needs. Drop in anytime during the session to ask questions, seek guidance or discuss challenges.
KyMTSS Question and Answer Virtual Session Nov. 21 from 11 a.m. to noon ET Teams Meeting Link
During the session, frequently asked KyMTSS questions will be answered. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain practical insights to enhance MTSS implementation.
Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) Technical Assistance
The KDE offers technical assistance to districts and schools throughout the state. If you have any questions about KyMTSS implementation or need support, please contact KDE MTSS Coordinator, Melissa Wainwright, Ed.D.
Kentucky Regional Educational Cooperatives
The eight regional educational cooperatives offer MTSS professional learning and technical assistance. For more information regarding cooperative technical assistance, please contact the MTSS Point of Contact for your region.
KyMTSS Newsletter Archive
Did you miss the last KyMTSS Newsletter? You can access all previous editions of the newsletter on the KyMTSS Newsletter Archive webpage.