Educator LETRS Spotlight
With registration now open for Cohort 3 of the Kentucky Reading Academies LETRS Professional Learning, the Division of Early Literacy is highlighting educators who are currently participating to share the impact the program has had on their teaching and students’ learning.
Andrea Green, 5th Grade ELA Teacher at Woodland Elementary School in Hardin County Schools, participated in the LETRS for Educators professional learning opportunity.
"LETRS has significantly impacted my teaching by providing me with a deeper understanding of the science behind reading and literacy instruction. It has transformed my perspective on teaching literacy by equipping me with evidence-based strategies to support my students who are still developing their reading and spelling skills. As an upper elementary teacher experiencing LETRS, I have gained valuable insights to phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension."
- Andrea Green, 5th Grade ELA Teacher
Welcome Back!
The Division of Early Literacy (DEL) wants to welcome you and your students back to the classroom for the 2024-2025 school year. We recognize the complexities of teaching are vast and that you teach through many challenges each day. We value your dedication and want to thank you for your commitment to meeting students’ needs.
If your district is implementing a new High-Quality Instructional Resource (HQIR) this year, the DEL team is cheering you on as you tackle early implementation. While getting to know your new resource may be time-consuming and feel overwhelming at first, know that your efforts do not go unseen and are a matter of equity for students and teachers. The DEL team encourages you to lean into curriculum-based professional learning, professional learning focused on evidenced-based structured literacy practices and how students learn to read, as well as on-going guidance to support implementation of your HQIR. The team of regional directors are available to answer your questions through monthly office hours or email. Details about office hours and email addresses are located in the right margin.
Missed the Inaugural Kentucky Reads to Succeed Summer Conference?
 Watch this highlight reel where keynote speaker Emily Hanford, well-known for her work as an education journalist and the host of the Sold a Story podcast, is seen sharing her story. Interim Commissioner of Education, Robin Fields Kinney, KDE Chief Academic Officer, Micki Ray, and others can also be seen talking to the crowd of nearly 1,500 K-12 public educators and administrators who attended in Lexington on June 20, 2024, along with clips from several sessions showing participants engaged in learning more about evidence-based literacy practices for meeting the diverse needs of student readers.
The Office of Teaching and Learning Division of Early Literacy would like to thank those who participated in the day, making it a success. The early literacy work being done by educators in Kentucky is something to celebrate! Keep an eye out for information about summer conference 2025 and other professional learning opportunities by visiting the Kentucky Reading Academies webpage.
Accelerated Intervention in Reading Required for Students in Grade 4 Beginning in 2024-2025
Per the Read to Succeed Act amendments to KRS 158.305, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, if a student does not score in the proficient performance level or higher in reading on the state annually required grade three assessment, the local school district shall provide accelerated intervention that includes evidence-based reading instruction and intensive instructional services, progress monitoring measures and supports to students in grade 4. Written notification of the interventions and supports must be provided to the parent or legal guardian of the student. The Read at Home Plan Family Guide has been updated to reflect this addition and to support the families of grade 4 students receiving accelerated intervention. For more information about the Reading Improvement Plan, visit Early Literacy Resources.
Early Literacy Newsletter Archive
Did you miss last week's Early Literacy Newsletter? You can access all previous editions of the newsletter on the Early Literacy webpage.