Quality Control (QC) Data Review Now Available
The Office of Assessment and Accountability (OAA) opened the Student Data Review and Rosters (SDRR) application for review of individual student data for ACCESS, Alternate ACCESS, Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA), Alternate Kentucky Summative Assessment (AKSA), Four-Year (2024) and Five-Year (2023) Cohort Graduation Rate, Postsecondary Readiness (PR) and PR Scores. This process affords schools and districts the opportunity to double-check for individual students tested and accountable for ACCESS/Alternate ACCESS, KSA, AKSA and PR reporting location for Cohort Graduation Rate, request nonparticipations, check students who met or did not meet the benchmark for academic readiness for Postsecondary Readiness and mark accommodations for Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or English Learner (EL) students before public reporting. Schools and districts should not share the preliminary data beyond the leadership level during the QC process. Remember all the data must be kept secure until public reporting. The data cannot be shared publicly or through email. Anyone reviewing the data will need to fill out the Nondisclosure Form and District Assessment Coordinators (DACs) should keep the forms on file in the district office.
*Please see the updated Nondisclosure Form Link above.
All tickets must be submitted by 5 p.m. ET, Wednesday, Aug. 14. This data review period is the last opportunity to request changes to individual student-level data prior to Public Release (Districts will get one more look at the data on Quality Control (QC) Day, however, only systemic issues can be reported at that time). OAA acknowledges that August is a hectic time for district staff with the reopening of schools. Early submission of changes allows ample time to resolve any problems a school or district might experience before the data review closes.
Districts will be able to scan and upload Medical Nonparticipation forms in SDRR for one or more content areas for KSA and AKSA. Districts can submit additional nonparticipations of: First year EL, Student Was Expelled without Services, Initially Fully English Proficient (IFEP), Redesignated Fully English Proficient (RFEP) and Roster Clean-up if needed. Districts will be able to request approval for demographic changes to the student data such as IEP, EL, and lunch status, etc. in SDRR, which will be approved by OAA, provided Infinite Campus (IC) also reflects the information (as of the first day of the 14-day spring summative testing for the district). If a student had an accommodation during testing for the assessments, not reflected in SDRR, then districts will be able to mark that as a “Yes” or “No” under the accommodations column even if there is a “Yes” or “No” in the IEP column.
The Roster Clean-up nonparticipation addresses situations where the student appears on the student listing in error. Districts must explain why the student was not deleted from the Spring roster, or why the student appears on the student listing in error in the text box when the nonparticipation is selected. OAA will approve Roster Clean-up tickets, provided Infinite Campus (IC) also reflects the information.
Data Spreadsheets
To assist in the identification of students requiring data review changes, spreadsheets are now available to download from the KDE applications login site. Choose the Student Data Detail (Excel and PDF) application to access the following student listing data. There will be one zip file named SD24_District Number_QC_DataReview_2024_District Name_20240807. DACs will only have access to the spreadsheets:
- Graduation Rate: Cohort-Four-Year and Five-Year- (Aggregate data)
- Student Data: Graduate, Postsecondary Readiness, Tests-KSA/AKSA content areas, and ACCESS Student Listings- (No aggregate data for PR, KSA/AKSA Tests and ACCESS at this time)
- The ACT: ACT Summary and Student Listings
Note: Both the SDRR and the Student Data Detail applications are accessible via the Application Login site. DACs will have district-level access to all schools for SDRR and Building Assessment Coordinators (BACs) will only have access to the school-level data associated in the district with the account in SDRR. Student performance level data of Novice, Apprentice, Proficient, Proficient, and Distinguished (NAPD) for KSA/AKSA is available at this time. NAPD data was released in PearsonAccessNext (PAN) on August 2.
For general information and assistance, download the student listings from Spring Rosters, review the information in the I Need Help button at the top of each internal page and the Accountability, Accountability Quiz and Cohort tools linked in the Announcements box on the home page in SDRR. If these tools don't answer the question, please contact the Division of Assessment and Accountability Support by phone at (502) 564-4394.
The Data Review period allows schools and districts a final opportunity to change student-level data prior to the public data release. Fall Reporting-Data Review PowerPoint and video have been recorded to assist districts and schools in this process on the SDRR web page.
Possible systemic data quality issues should be emailed as soon as possible to kdeassessment@education.ky.gov.
If district or school staff are unable to access the KDE web application site, check with the Web Apps Admin Point of Contact (WAAPOC) (district technology person), who may reach out to the KDE Help Desk for assistance. The KDE Help Desk can be reached at (502) 564-2002.
For Career and Dual Credit Data changes, please contact Sarah Robbins and Claude Christian in the Office of Career and Technical Education.