Welcome Back, LPS Community!
As we embark on a new academic year, I hope you are filled with excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead. Each new school year is a fresh start, a chance to set new goals and reach new heights. Our commitment to excellence remains unwavering, and together, we will continue to foster an environment where every student can thrive.
Our theme for this year is "Leading with Integrity." This mantra encapsulates our dedication to honesty, respect and responsibility in all that we do. As we begin a new tradition, I hope that you are looking forward to the opportunity to award a student with this year's LPS challenge coin in recognition of their leadership and integrity.
Your investment in the next generation of professionals inspires me and those around us. Let's embrace the challenges and opportunities this year presents with enthusiasm and a commitment to making a positive impact.
Here's to a fantastic school year filled with growth, learning and integrity.
Welcome back!
NEW LPS Consultant Support Offering for 2024-2025 School Year
I will be offering open office hours for LPS instructors and administrators throughout the school year. This will occur all day from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. ET on the 3rd Tuesday of every month virtually via the Microsoft Teams meeting link. Additional meeting information is included below.
These sessions are entirely optional and are meant to be a hop on and off as needed to provide guaranteed and protected time. Often questions accumulate and it sometimes becomes a challenge to capture them all in an email (which is still perfectly fine to do if that is your communication preference).
An LPS Office Hours Infographic also has been created that shows the year at a glance.
The room also will be open collaboration between LPS instructors at 5-6 p.m. ET, allowing a time, space and place to share ideas, resources, get feedback, etc.
I hope you will join me!
All LPS Teachers: Please Complete this Teacher Survey
Please complete this planning survey to inform planning for the 2024-2025 school year and the Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education conference.
If you need assistance coordinating opportunities for students, please don't hesitate to reach out. This could include visits to police academies, courthouses, guest speakers, etc.
The beginning of the school year is a great time to reach out and get on your industry partners' calendars!
Forward Planning for Professional Development Funds
The fall semester is a great time to ensure you're requesting funds for professional development needs.
Please consider the National Law & Public Safety Education Network (LAPSEN) conference. It is the only national professional development centered completely around secondary-level career and technical education Law and Public Safety (LPS) pathways.
The Association for Career and Technical Education Vision conference follows the LAPSEN conference. More information is below.
LAPSEN National Conference and pre-conference offered in conjunction with ACTE Vision
Fire and EMS Symposium
Additionally, the annual Fire and EMS Symposium hosted by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) gives fire science instructors access to an expanded network to grow programs, resources and partnerships.
Attendees are only responsible for lodging, meals and travel. The cost for registration is covered by the NFFF.
 2024 ACTE Vision Conference
The Association for Career and Technical Education's (ACTE's) CareerTech VISION is the must-attend event for career and technical education (CTE) professionals.
Scheduled for Dec. 4-7 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas, VISION offers comprehensive programming covering high-quality CTE in secondary and postsecondary environments, as well as emerging trends in the field to help career and technical educators thrive in their careers.
VISION provides attendees with a rich array of networking opportunities, an expo, hundreds of concurrent program sessions and numerous networking opportunities.
Travel information, the conference program and exhibitor floor map can be found on the ACTE Vision website.
 Students from Trimble and Scott County high schools participated in the Law Enforcement Services Career and Technical Education pathway.
Law Enforcement Students Take Advantage of Kentucky State Police (KSP) Inaugural Youth Academy
Gov. Andy Beshear and the Kentucky State Police launched an innovative program focused on recruiting the future generation of law enforcement officers. The Youth Academy Program will provide young Kentuckians with an opportunity to interact with state police troopers and officers while learning leadership skills, physical fitness requirements and law enforcement principles.
“By investing in our young Kentuckians at an early age, they are able to make smart career decisions and find an educational path that is best suited to meet their goals,” Gov. Beshear said. “This creative approach to recruitment will increase our sworn personnel numbers and build a new Kentucky home for future generations.”
The inaugural Youth Academy Program was held July 22-26 at Trooper Island Camp located on Dale Hollow Lake, which is funding the pilot project.
“The Kentucky State Police Youth Academy Program offers an unparalleled opportunity for young adults to explore the world of law enforcement,” said KSP Commissioner Phillip Burnett Jr. “We are thrilled to provide a platform where those interested can gain invaluable insights and essential skills for a career in public service.”
Applications for the Youth Academy Program are available to Kentuckians who are 16-17 years old.
Throughout the weeklong program, participants engage in a diverse array of activities and instruction, including:
- Exploration of core values and ethics fundamental to law enforcement;
- Team building exercises to cultivate collaboration and camaraderie;
- Hands-on demonstrations from the KSP Crime Lab to understand forensic techniques;
- Insight into commercial vehicle enforcement procedures and techniques; and
- Introduction to criminal investigations and crime scene analysis.
“This program aims not only to educate, but also to inspire and empower the next generation of law enforcement professionals,” added Trooper Island Camp Commander Jonathan Biven. “As an agency, we are always looking at innovative ways to improve recruitment and retention. While new to KSP, this type of program is a proven, effective project that has shown great success with law enforcement agencies across the country.”
According to the National COPS Office website, youth law enforcement academies are proven effective and play a significant role in recruiting new officers while providing training and understanding of critical topics.
KSP is committed to maintaining and strengthening its workforce to enhance public safety, maintain critical services and better reflect the diverse communities it serves. Troopers serve on the front lines daily by responding to calls for service and interacting directly with their communities to ensure safety and security for all. Individuals who are ready to serve mankind, safeguard lives and property, assist their fellow brothers and sisters in law enforcement and reduce crime are encouraged to apply to wear the sacred badge of honor.
The Beshear-Coleman administration believes every single Kentuckian has the right to feel safe in their community, workplaces and schools, and the governor has taken steps to increase public safety. In the last two years, his administration has secured a historic more than $18,000 pay increase for Kentucky State Police troopers and officers. Due to these increases and the tireless efforts from the KSP recruitment branch, more than 1,000 sworn personnel are now wearing the badge of honor, the highest number since 2017.
Gov. Beshear has also supported training for local law enforcement officers by raising the current training stipend to an all-time high, and the state supported the construction of a new training facility in Richmond.
Since taking office, Gov. Beshear has awarded nearly $10 million in grant funding to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in purchasing the tools and resources that will not only allow them to protect Kentucky communities, but will also ensure their safety as they stand on the front lines every day.
Last year, Gov. Beshear signed House Bill 380, which expanded the eligibility of potential peace officers to include individuals who are not yet 21 years of age but will reach this statutory requirement by the time certification is completed to help law enforcement agencies expand their workforce.
2024-2025 Pathway Best Practices, Industry Certifications and Course Deprecations
As the school year begins, it is important that all LPS teachers and administrators review the changes that take effect in the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school years that were originally introduced at the 2023 Summer KACTE conference.
A brief summary is below and the links to this information are in the far right panel of this newsletter.
- All stand-alone exam options for the Fire Science and Law Enforcement Services pathway deprecated on June 30, 2024. Their formal removal from the KDE CTE industry certification spreadsheet will occur on Sept. 1, the deadline for all 2023-2024 school year data to be entered into the Technical Education Database System.
- The new industry certification exam stack for both pathways have been published and effective since fall 2023.
- The Homeland Security and Corrections pathways phase out on June 30, 2025.
- A single course from both pathways have been integrated into the 2024-2025 Program of Studies for Law Enforcement Services.
- Pre-Law Studies pathway courses unutilized or minimally utilized have been removed for the 2024-2025 school year and the complete adoption of the new national pathway model will take effect in the 2025-2026 school year Program of Studies.
- The NOCTI Criminal Justice-Advanced exam will remain an industry certification option for the 2024-2025 school year. It will phase out on June 30, 2025.
- The National Association for Legal Support Professionals' Accredited Legal Professional (ALP) has been added to the 2024-2025 industry certification list for pre-law studies and will remain as the only exam option following the June 30, 2025 NOCTI Criminal Justice-Advanced exam phases out.
- This will allow teachers of pre-law pathways to offer and count this exam in 2024-2025 to gather preliminary student performance data to inform instructional needs during this transition period.
- The ALP is currently being revised and modified by the Law and Public Safety Education Network for secondary-level alignment and a more reasonable exam length and time allotment. The exam will be live this fall if you wish to offer it during the 2024-2025 school year.
Law and Public Safety (LPS) Teacher Leaders in Action at KACTE Conference
 Law and Public Safety (LPS) teachers attend the annual LPS KACTE Conference breakfast.
 LE Services instructor Mike Wentworth, right, presenting on using vrtual reality to teach de-escalation strategies. LE Services instructor Josh Cox, left, takes a turn using the system.
Thank you to all of the LPS instructors and industry partners who facilitated sessions at the 2024 Kentucky Association for Career and Technical Education (KACTE) summer conference. We had a phenomenal program as a result of your leadership.
Some of the sessions included were:
- VR Training: De-escalation Techniques for the Law Enforcement Classroom (featured in the photo above): Facilitator, Mike Wentworth, McCracken County High School
- Improving Engagement in FEMA Instruction: Facilitator, Tiua Chilton, Trimble County High School
- Facilitating a Serial Killer Project: Facilitator, Josh Cox, Corbin Area Technology Center
- NECI 9-1-1: Instruction, Certification, Resources, and Exam Opportunities: Facilitator, Chris Wood, executive director of NECI 9-1-1
- Leveraging your LPS Advisory Committees: Facilitator, Carolyn Nunn, Bullitt East High School.
KACTE 2025: July 28-31 (Monday-Thursday, Monday pre-conferences only)
KACTE 2026: July 20-23 (Monday-Thursday, Monday pre-conferences only)
NTI year 1 and 2 teachers will be registered by NTI staff. You will need to get your travel, mileage, lodging and meal reimbursements approved by your school and/or district based on your schools process and policies.
KACTE 2024: LPS State Consultant Update Session PowerPoint
Mark LaMaster Recognized as Kentucky Association of Career and Technical Education (KACTE) Teacher of the Year
Mark LaMaster, a fire science teacher at Fern Creek High School (Jefferson County), was named the KACTE Teacher of the Year. Under his direction and with strong support from his administration, the program has tripled in size over the past five years.
LaMaster’s main goal has been to make his program as realistic and genuine as possible for his students. He connects with leaders from fire departments across the community to acquire resources such as surplus personal protective equipment and firefighting tools and equipment. In order to increase student engagement and provides a safe and realistic way to teach firefighting concepts, he implemented a virtual reality training system specifically designed for firefighting in his classroom.
LaMaster also has developed a strong partnership with the community. His students make weekly visits to the Fern Creek Fire Station, go to fire training facilities and tour the local Emergency Management Agency and 911 call center. LaMaster works tirelessly to give his students the most real life experiences possible.
Congratulations, Mark!!
Street Law Resource Library New and Improved
Check out the new and improved Street Law Library of Instructional Resources.
- No more checkout process
- Simplified account creation
- Improved search functionality
- New filtering feature
- Heart your favorite resources
The same great Street Law resources you count on!
Supplies Overseas
Supplies Overseas offers field trips, community service opportunities and free supplies for current health science teachers. They can work with you too!
The KACTE Conference is a great time to give this place a look while you're already in Louisville.
Educators can walk in, grab a basket and shop. Teachers also can order items online and have it delivered or pick them up the same day you have an arranged field trip and/or community service day.
For more information, email education manager Chanda Fowler.
Updates for Fire Science Programs
Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) and KDE's Office of Career and Technical Education Release Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Agreement
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, students with Fire Science Program of Studies course codes successfully transcripted will be eligible to request approval for credit for prior learning credits upon enrolling in a KCTCS campus offering the Fire Science Degree Program.
Learn more about the CPL agreements by visiting the KCTCS High School Articulation homepage and the KDE Articulated Credit webpage. The approved agreement for Fire Science is published here for use in the 2024-2025 school year and beyond. The CTE2KCTCS digital form to be completed and submitted by the student can be found on the KDE LPS webpage.
These credits can be pursued with or without prior participation in dual credit coursework.
For more information about Fire Science CPL opportunities, email Erica Settelen or Casey Hall
Kentucky Fire Commission and OCTE announce Apprentice I and II Industry Certification Opportunities
The Kentucky Fire Commission has established two firefighter certification levels for students enrolled in Kentucky Department of Education-sponsored Fire Science programs.
Students will engage in hands-on and lecture training in an environment that allows them to work toward certification as a Kentucky Apprentice I Firefighter (100 hours of training) and as a Kentucky Apprentice II Firefighter (200 hours of training). These programs enable students to acquire knowledge and aptitude of fire service administration and firefighting tasks while still in high school, as these credentials can be issued younger than the age of 18. This allows students to meet postsecondary readiness measures and accrue necessary skills toward service as a career or volunteer firefighter.
All apprentice I or II hours earned will carryover and count toward the earning of the higher-level certification with the Kentucky Fire Commission, Basic I (115 hour) and Basic II (300 hour) certifications. The Basic I and II certifications – even if all hours are earned – cannot be issued until the student is at least 18 years old.
These certifications are only available to students enrolled in a KDE-sponsored Fire Science pathway.
- Apprentices I and II are exclusive to approved CTE Fire Science Programs.
- Hours earned toward certification need to be logged in KyFires. Certification will be issued after students satisfy all training hours and instructors have submitted them for approval for certification in the KyFires portal.
- A copy of the student's certification should be provided to them, retained in the student's home high school cumulative folder and entered into the Technical Education Database System upon earning.
- For more information, email Mary Adams, KCTCS training records specialist.
NOCTI-Criminal Justice-Advanced
- If you have selected the NOCTI-Criminal Justice-Advanced for your students' industry certification exam, please ensure you're administering the correct version.
The ONLY approved version is Assessment Blueprint Code 1890 for it to count for career readiness.
- If your building assessment coordinator cannot see this option to order in the NOCTI online client services center, please contact Randi VanHemert.
- This assessment is approved for law enforcement services or pre-law pathways only.
YouScience Exams Serves as the Assessment Vendor for Some of the Law Enforcement Services Pathway Stack Exam Options
Stop the Bleed for Law Enforcement Services and Fire Science
Upcoming LPS Instructor Training Dates offered by LAPSEN
NECI Instructor Certification Course Online,
Fall Semester
- October NECI Instructor Certification Course Online
- Dates: Mondays Oct. 7, 14, 21 and 28 – 6-8:30 p.m. ET
This course is required for anyone planning on being an instructor of the dispatch course. You must have completed Basic 9-1-1 certification or have a waiver before the course starts. Visit the Dispatch Instructor Certification webpage to learn more about this course.
You can offer your students national 911 dispatch certification and certify students while getting certified yourself. You can get basic 911 certification through NECI online prior to the instructor course.
Instructor online course dates will be announced in the coming months for the 2024-2025 school year.
Learn more about LAPSEN industry-recognized student credentials on the LAPSEN website.
Register for the 911 dispatch certification training session online.
Online or Ongoing Training
Certified Protection Officer Certification
This course is required for anyone planning on being an instructor of the Certified Protection Officer (CPO) course. It is possible to waive this course if you have experience in the field. There is also a “test out” option. You can learn more about this self-directed learning course on the website.
Do you need the certified protection officer certification to teach? LAPSEN offers an online test prep course. This is the quickest and most convenient path to certification.
In this online, self paced course, participants learn the critical content needed to prepare for the CPO exam. There is a course instructor you can reach out to while taking the course. Visit the LAPSEN CPO Test Prep webpage to learn more.
More information regarding LASPEN industry recognized student credentials can be found on the LAPSEN website.
Winter 2025
February NECI Instructor Certification Course Online
Dates: TBA
This course is required for anyone planning on being an instructor of the dispatch course. You must have completed Basic 9-1-1 certification or have a waiver before the course starts. More information about this course can be found on the Dispatch Instructor Certification webpage.
Visit the LAPSEN website for registration information.
Spring 2025
April NECI Instructor Certification Course Online
Dates: TBA
This course is required for anyone planning on being an instructor of the dispatch course. You must have completed Basic 9-1-1 certification or have a waiver before the course starts. More information about this course can be found on the Dispatch Instructor Certification webpage.
Registration information on the LAPSEN website.
Certified Protection Officer Instructor (CPOI) Recertification
Date: TBA
The International Foundation of Protection Officers (IFPO) mandates all instructors to undergo recertification every two years. LAPSEN will be providing two sessions to fulfill this requirement.
You can choose either Tuesday, May 14, at 6 p.m., or Thursday, May 23, at 4 p.m.. These are 3-hour online sessions jointly hosted by LAPSEN and IFPO, serving as professional development. The class will cover an industry update, a discussion among instructors regarding effective classroom practices and a brief Canvas assignment.
Registration information is available on the LAPSEN recertification webpage.