Question of the Week
Q: Are there tentative plans for seniors to have the option to take the ACT in the fall of 2024?
A: Yes. Tentative plans are in place for the ACT optional Fall 2024 State Administration for grade 12 students. The 2024-2025 school year ACT contract, which includes the specific details of the fall administration, is currently being negotiated. This includes obtaining the required signatures, addressing financial considerations, and agreeing to the terms of the contract. Until these necessary procedures are completed, it is important to consider the announced dates as tentative.
Limits are placed on the sale of the ACT college admissions exam for grade 11 and 12 students through the ACT District Testing program. ACT’s District Testing program is separate and unique from KDE’s state testing program and, at this time, may only be used to administer the ACT to grades 9 and 10 students. Districts and schools will see that the option to enroll grades 11 and 12 students has been eliminated from the district enrollment form for ACT college entrance exam testing, and districts and schools will continue to be responsible for all funding for their participation in the ACT District Testing program in the fall of 2024 and/or spring of 2025.
Please note: If the contract is finalized, OAA will make an announcement in an upcoming Monday DAC Email.
The fall 2024 Senior administration is an optional opportunity for all public-school grade 12 students. This is an optional opportunity for all of Kentucky’s Public high school seniors; therefore, it is not mandatory. However, it is the expectation that every district/school offers this ACT fall senior administration opportunity to its students.
Test Window 1 (Tentative)
The ACT Online Standard & ACT- Authorized Accommodations Testing Window
October 1-4 & 7-11
The ACT-Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Paper)
October 1-4 & 7-11
Test Window 2 (Tentative)
The ACT Online Standard & ACT- Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Online only)
October 15-18 & 21-25
The ACT-Authorized Accommodations Testing Window (Paper)
October 15-18 & 21-25
Please Note: ACT and OAA have worked to secure an Emergency Test Window 3. OAA will work with districts should a statewide emergency arise.
If you have any questions, please contact Christen Roseberry.
2024-2025 WIDA Screener Online Administration Reminder
The 2024-2025 administration of WIDA Screener Online will open in WIDA Assessment Management System (AMS) on Friday, June 28. Permissions for the new WIDA Screener administration will be assigned to existing users prior to this date. All Speaking and Writing responses from the 2023-2024 administration year must be scored by Thursday, June 27 before the 2023-24 administration changes to read only.
WIDA and DRC held a webinar on WIDA AMS and DRC Technical Enhancements for 2024-2025. Watch the recording in the WIDA Secure Portal to learn about improvements to Reporting Services, Test Monitoring and new features for Test Management.
For questions related to WIDA AMS, please contact DRC Customer Service or by phone (855) 787-9615.